Interesting and Humour - page 3799

Andrew Petras:

It is about the presidents, whether they are on the same team.

I think a more serious approach is needed, rather than analysing circumstantial evidence.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

It seems to me that a more serious approach is needed, rather than a circumstantial analysis.

When it comes to 'social bombardment' - government actions aimed at increasing tensions in certain groups/strata of the population - it is difficult to call it 'circumstantial'.

Example: they obliged people to install water meters, otherwise + to the tariff. In essence: they forced customers to go to the market with their own scales. At the same time - no justified increase in tariffs twice a year, which excludes any savings (because there is also verification of planned). But the funniest thing - the real profit from this comes only from the manufacturer of meters.

But someone lobbied, right?

Or even simpler. The sabotaged May Decrees.

And if you take a broader view. There is always an occupation after a war. The USSR lost the Cold War. We have what we have.


But there is some good news.

Who has noticed that since 2016 the eagle on 10-ruble coins has raised its wings and returned the symbols of power?

Andrew Petras:

When it comes to 'social bombardment' - government actions aimed at increasing tensions in certain groups/strata of the population - it is difficult to call it 'circumstantial'.

Example: they obliged people to install water meters, otherwise + to the tariff. In essence: they forced customers to go to the market with their own scales. At the same time - no justified increase in tariffs twice a year, which excludes all savings (because there is also verification of planned). But the funniest thing - the real profit from this comes only from the manufacturer of meters.

But someone lobbied, right?

Or even simpler. The sabotaged May Decrees.

And if you take a broader view. There is always an occupation after the war. The Soviet Union lost the Cold War. We got what we got.

I do not know how it is with anyone else, but we have another trick with these meters. In addition to the meter there are some common house expenses, they are divided for all. Not everyone has meters, in the entrance hall in two flats there are no counters, one person is registered there, and the whole collective farm lives. So you pay on the meter for yours and for those guys.

Andrew Petras:

But there is good news.

Who noticed that since 2016 the eagle on 10-ruble coins has raised its wings and returned the symbols of power?

We are arguing here - we want to go back to the sovok, we don't want to go back to the sovok, and so on. But this is nonsense, no one is going back to sovok, a return to the values and lifestyle of pre-revolutionary Russia is underway.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

I don't know about anyone else, but we have another funny thing with these meters. In addition to the meter, there are some common house expenses, they are divided among all. Not everyone has meters, two flats in the entrance hall do not have meters, one person is registered there, and the whole collective farms live there. So you pay on the meter for yours and for those guys.

My sister in Irkutsk was faced with this situation. She applied to the housing and utilities department, and they got the law enforcement agencies involved, but the "dormitory" was closed down pretty quickly.

Andrew Petras:

But there is some good news.

Who noticed that since 2016 the eagle on 10-ruble coins raised its wings and returned the symbols of power?

Well, then, everything will be fine now ))) But will it be?

Well, in the meantime we have what we have:

According to statistics from Rosstat in the Russian Federation at the beginning of 2017:

-About 5 million citizens receive a wage equal to the minimum wage;

-about 4.1 million unemployed (maximum benefit is 4,900 roubles);

-about 13 million disabled people (according to 2015 data), who either live on benefits or receive low wages;

about 30 million non-working pensioners (the average pension in Russia is about 13 thousand).

Total comes out to 52.1 million (for a total population of 146.5 million).

It is safe to say that the majority of the above mentioned citizens live around the poverty line.

There are also some"poverty"statistics . According to Rosstat, there are 22.7 million Russians below the poverty line(for 2016) -
that is about every sixth citizen, or 15.7% of the country's total population.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

We are arguing about whether we want to go back to the sovok, we don't want to go back to the sovok, and so on. But this is nonsense, no one is going back to sovok, we are going back to the values and lifestyle of pre-revolutionary Russia.

Maybe so.

It's not really about what we want or don't want. What do we want or don't want to leave of the Soviet Union?

Aleksey Levashov:
Well, then everything will be fine now )). But will it be?


Andrew Petras:

... There is always an occupation after a war.

I wish I had your confidence that the war is over.

Andrew Petras:

But there is some good news.

Who has noticed that since 2016 the eagle on 10-ruble coins has raised its wings and returned the symbols of power?

Well now the economy is going to take off. Unequivocally. Ah, let's get on with it!