A great method so far - page 21


No matter how i try your method.. i will loose money because it always went opposite directions.... i think Hemadeus is facing the exact problem


benjii I do not take kindly to private messages like

"listen here tramp brain, i want a chat with you, watch...."

I have been completely honest with and about the system. If you are unhappy about any specific point in my review...highlight it/copy it. Post it and I will discuss it and if proven wrong I will -remove it.

But don't send me any private messages.

look, you try to make yourselves look good by running a method down and hoping that you stop my sales, when in fact you must be looking for a method yourself as you purchased mine. if your so good at trading why go searching the internet for a method, yours dont work im sure, thats why you purchased mine. lol

I am sure you said before you are not the seller! or you were playing the little kid crying why does everyone think i'm the seller

You talk sh!t so why would you expect people to like what you are about?? Most people come to free forums cause they are looking for free information, to grow and learn....then some d!ck comes along selling his holy grail for a piss poor amount of 25gbp....You are a marketer not a trader....you crawl around forums fishing for newbies, and may i just say over the years i have been around your site is the most poorly presented, your youtube video looks like a down syndrome, dyslexic, one eyed, id!ot put it together, it explains nothing!!!!


Your words don't hurt me pal, i am making a good living trading the way i do, as for you, well, take a look at your hurtful words, lets hope you never come across a dyslexic, downs syndrome (not down), one eyed idiot, i think you could be a very cruel little boy couldnt you?


In fact clever boy, my youtube vid is not meant to explain the system, its meant to show that profit is being made by my system, if i was to explain my system in the youtube vid, then it would be pointless putting the low price on my blog, wouldnt it mr know all.

The likes of you are probably selling methods yourselves for hundreds of pounds and that is why you poison everyones minds about mine, I will be posting evidence here on friday in the form of a complete report just to prove all my profits are genuin.

Then you can go suck on your lollipos.

Your words don't hurt me pal, i am making a good living trading the way i do, as for you, well, take a look at your hurtful words, lets hope you never come across a dyslexic, downs syndrome (not down), one eyed idiot, i think you could be a very cruel little boy couldnt you?

No f!@k wit you try and make money selling systems not selling currency pairs...Your gig is old and have seen it all to many times... And Oh you can take it to the bank and cash that sh!t, that i can be a cruel little boy, You demented ring worm ....

I thought spamming was against the rules here? Guess i must be mistaken for some other forum with better standards which would not have let this c0ckhead get past post 3...WAKE UP MODERATORS WE HAVE A CLASSIC SPAMMER HERE!!!!!!!


Go and fcuk yourself dogs mouth

In fact clever boy, my youtube vid is not meant to explain the system, its meant to show that profit is being made by my system, if i was to explain my system in the youtube vid, then it would be pointless putting the low price on my blog, wouldnt it mr know all. The likes of you are probably selling methods yourselves for hundreds of pounds and that is why you poison everyones minds about mine, I will be posting evidence here on friday in the form of a complete report just to prove all my profits are genuin. Then you can go suck on your lollipos.

Buddy i made it quite clear in another post that if i was going to sell my system i use, it would be for way more.....Yes of course you are not going to show how you do it on the video, it still is very poor you must be new to marketing aye, but hey keep hanging in there you will get better at your lies and b@llsh!t and one day my little retarded, welsh, inbreed, cocka spaniel friend you can be up the with the worst of the spammers......Tell me if your system makes you sooooo much money and is really truely the holy grail then why come to one of the smaller forums and try and make 25gbp.....really wake up!!! Anyway back to do some real trading and stop playing with marketers


P.S Dude do you kids have food??? cause if they don't i will buy your system just so they have some food on the table

Go and fcuk yourself dogs mouth



You know as well as i do, you want my system as you stated above, you are pissed off i have a system for 25 quid, how much is yours 500 quid, and i bet yours works too but which one are they buying?????????????

I think you should drop your price hahahaha I don't think you like competition do you