A great method so far - page 24


hahahaha keep moaning aussie, just topped 2400 now, keep trading bud lol

I think you should take a leaf outa my book loser.

Geez...been a member here for a long time and this is my first post. Would be nice if ya'll show each other a bit of respect. It's easy to sit behind a monitor and shout obscene crap at each other...wonder how it would go face to face? Anyway, one of the buyers showed me the system and although the presentation sucks, some trading rules are absent not much wrong with the basics. Been doing it for a long time with a bit of a difference. I think this is more for experienced traders that understand MM...Noobs should trade for a month on demo, otherwise they might just lose their shirts. Benjii, why dont you start a skype chat or something to that effect and call trades with some explaining. Not suggesting you do it free of course. Just a suggestion Cheers

Hi Moneymax,

See my beef is not about if the system works or not, it is about stupid f@!kers like Benjii that lie and treat people like they are idiots...If you read start of the thread you will note that idiot (Benjii) was making out like he came across this system that he bought for just 25 GBP, like he just wants to share this great system....But then as it turns out he is the seller.....That s!hit infuriates me.....I am all for people marketing but only if it is done in the right way.....When it is done through bullsh!t lies, i can not n will not respect that....

I could respect if he had said on his first post "i came up with this system which i think is the closest thing one can get to the holy grail, and because of the time and effort i have put in i am charging a small fee", I can respect that! But in the way that idiot done it demands obscene shouting....Maybe others would do it in a more political manner, but not me.....

Anyway good to see we were able to get you out and make your first post

As for face to face and how it would go down, i promise it would go down with one of us getting knocked down cause it just pisses me off that much


Hi Moneymax, Anyway good to see we were able to get you out and make your first post As for face to face and how it would go down, i promise it would go down with one of us getting knocked down cause it just pisses me off that much Peace

Point Taken...

Thanks Mate...don't post much...too busy trying to get ahead of this &*&*&&*(&^* market ....

...and as soon as yu 2 meet..let me know...i could market a fight club session

Peace out



skype sounds good to me, anyone fancy making some money now, oh and aussie if you purchased my system then you would know my address big fighting man you.


I will download skype now if anyone is interested

hahahaha keep moaning aussie, just topped 2400 now, keep trading bud lol I think you should take a leaf outa my book loser.

Like i said good for you are a great marketer....But your still not a trader, got to the point where you couldn't cut it, you didn't have the capacity to learn and quit, and had to find another way......All the best to you salesman you're boring me now

And for any traders out there the last few posts by Benjii should make it evident that he is just intrested in make money selling systems once this system drys up he will find another product to sell, he does not care about your trading and you making money He only cares about his monetary gain!

Like i said good for you are a great marketer....But your still not a trader, got to the point where you couldn't cut it, you didn't have the capacity to learn and quit, and had to find another way......All the best to you salesman you're boring me now And for any traders out there the last few posts by Benjii should make it evident that he is just intrested in make money selling systems once this system drys up he will find another product to sell, he does not care about your trading and you making money He only cares about his monetary gain!


skype sounds good to me, anyone fancy making some money now, oh and aussie if you purchased my system then you would know my address big fighting man you.

hahahahahaha why would i even want your address? I have your system already and didn't give a single penny to you, it is not a great system but then you get what you pay for i suppose hey maybe i should just spread it around the net for free just to be a real prick


then that goes to show what your type is, you purchase systems and circulate it for free, typical tramps capers.


Okay mate i have had my say...its all a little boring and i know others would appreciate if we stopped so its old and boring catch you around...I am sure i'll come across you spamming something else one day so till then.
