A great method so far - page 35


Juvenile to say the least.


and what would a no trader be doing in a forex investor show, ah yes i get it now, very clever you, grab my trading entry point for the big one, hahahahahahahahahahaha but you know about that dont you hooya, so tell the members in here when to enter and what currency, do something usefull for them.

or should i pm them all? nah you might say its a fix hahahaha sorry guys.


What was I doing there? meeting people who advertise on my site.

why PM them all...why not just give it to them? Is it because you don't know how to trade and don't understand risk and the people on here with slightly more experience than you would say exactly as I have done.

I can find countless examples of failed trades today if you like?

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ausie pride and hooya sell methods themselves, my method is being used with great success and im now doing it over skype, many many happy customers..

You have no proof to back you claims up D!ckhead You are a desperate old man....Back you're claims up with some proof that i sell anything dumb a$$!!! You ain't got shit ya fckn spastic retard.....

For any new guys to forex forget this guy! I have nothing to gain from that statement except the joy in exposing a lying salesman that try's to make out he knows about Forex, so he can suck in new traders with his poor excuse for a system. He doesn't even know what a pip is, don't fall for his lies and don't give him a cent!


you are the spastic cunt face, fuck off bum boy


what is a pip? forex master hahahahaha

you are the spastic cunt face, fuck off bum boy

Well don't you have your nickers in a real knot darling

what is a pip? forex master hahahahaha

I could try and explain what a pip is to you, buuuuut i don't teach special ED classes and wouldn't want to overload that tiny little brain of yours, its just to complex for you! Better if you stick to finger painting sweetheart


blogspot site gone so either expect it to be renamed or to be sold via posting on forums by posing as a "signal provider" who will only sell to a few interested parties-'please contact me' via a PM type thing.

Personally, I think he should take some time, learn the markets a little and re-write the system and if he can honestly say and prove his methods work he will sell heaps of trading systems.

what is a pip? forex master hahahahaha

your system is crap is this your system i could get it for free trust me

but why do i get crap things like that even it's free i do have my own system and it's OK and making money

you should get busy feeding your kids with any thing else

bye and stop BLA BLA BLA

hooya take a break bro