Can somebody give me a EA that makes money?


Pretty pleeeeez? Here's the deal. Ok, Ive bought 20 or so EA's off EBay and other sites and all have been scam jobs. Those costed me about roughly $7K. Plus, I lost about another $10K or so because they were all crap and the author was either a liar or didn't respond to emails. Next, I bought about 3 or 4 methods for about another $2K. Crap or too complicated. One said I need to get up at 3:00 AM to trade London pound. Imagine that. Next I cant write EA's cause I'm a fireman not a programmer and I dont want to program. Code is yuck. I don't understand it anyway. I just want to make some damn money. Can somebody give me an EA that makes money? Even if it's just 27 cents a week profit I dont care although more would be nice. And no big drawdowns because I only have $1,027.46 left to trade out of my life savings.

H E L P.....S O S......M A Y D A Y.......A R R R R G G G G.......

Cornholio Fahrquhar:
Pretty pleeeeez? Here's the deal. Ok, Ive bought 20 or so EA's off EBay and other sites and all have been scam jobs. Those costed me about roughly $7K. Plus, I lost about another $10K or so because they were all crap and the author was either a liar or didn't respond to emails. Next, I bought about 3 or 4 methods for about another $2K. Crap or too complicated. One said I need to get up at 3:00 AM to trade London pound. Imagine that. Next I cant write EA's cause I'm a fireman not a programmer and I dont want to program. Code is yuck. I don't understand it anyway. I just want to make some damn money. Can somebody give me an EA that makes money? Even if it's just 27 cents a week profit I dont care although more would be nice. And no big drawdowns because I only have $1,027.46 left to trade out of my life savings. H E L P.....S O S......M A Y D A Y.......A R R R R G G G G.......

We're all here for the same reason, we all want to make money. If you hang out here long enough, you will learn a lot. There are a lot of helpful people in this forum. Hang in there, and stop spending your life's savings on EA's. I'm not an expert programmer either, but you can teach yourself if you want to. Lots of peaple here to help yo on your way.

Cornholio Fahrquhar:
One said I need to get up at 3:00 AM to trade London pound. Imagine that....

Wow! Imagine that indeed! The hardship!!! And you a big tough fireman too!!!

I just hope none of the people that live in your town are unlucky enough to have a fire at 3am and have to rely on you dragging your lazy ass out of bed.

I think you've pretty much got the idea anyway. With your attitude and lack of discipline forex really isn't the place for you.

Stick to putting out fires but only between the hours of 9am and 5pm unless of course even that schedule doesn't fit your hectic life style.

Good luck with your search for the 'Holy Grail'...I believe I last saw it over on Ebay!



please PM me for anyone wants guaranteed 10% profit a month


Dear: Cornholio Fahrquhar

I to had the same situation with you before, since i am a working person and had not have the previlage to be infront of the computer all day to gain pips.

Anyway, i surely had a way to your problem and its 90% winning situation which is far good enought compare than any scam from ebay ( i too had been scam with alot of ebay unresponsible people).

I am teaching & promotiong this method in my place for a small fees, therefore i can't revealed this method here, and for people whom had found, i salute your helping effort to help each other. If you interested, join my yahoo chat... STill NO FEES for your all, and all i ask is to gain some affliated commision from you if you happen to agree upon my terms.

Senario of my method..

1) just spend 5- 10 min a day

2) gaining ratio 90% and above daily

3) very simple even a child 9 year old could easily follow

4) No fees, but your constribution to me is from affliated commision from the broker to me.

5) my method is base own my years of research... not indicator..imagen time invested to get the right position for this method.

If you agreed, you could email me at, OR chat with me directly at yahoo messenger, My yahoo id is" ( preferable communication)

Upon chating from me in yahoo messenger, just send a message

" Im from forex-tsd for kaarem trading" for me to identify you.

Honestly, you wont be disappointed and i have plently more where it comes from.





You are one big meanie!

But I totally agree FOREX needs dedication

I've already learned MQL4 language (at some point) so I write my EAs instead of buying them. I recommend that to everyone.

pooper scoopers:
There are a couple of people here who do have successful systems but are pricks and will not share them

I love this statement, as if those who have successful systems owe you a favor?

pooper scoopers:
There are a couple of people here who do have successful systems but are pricks and will not share them

There is one thing I LOVE even though its evil. I LOVE teasing people.

there you go! another teaser!

I wrote this system few days ago. I'm not sharing it with anyone right now. But I do think about selling it...

I need 10k depo to start using it.

teaser2.rar  156 kb
teaser2.gif  6 kb
There is one thing I LOVE even though its evil. I LOVE teasing people.

there you go! another teaser!

I wrote this system few days ago. I'm not sharing it with anyone right now. But I do think about selling it...

I need 10k depo to start using it.

LOL, great work, keep it up!


Look this My EA

I get $ 400 in 1 month from deposit $ 500. if you interesting to get my EA contact me imedietly (live Chat and Email)


bluto and them have taken the time to learn how to trade... you need to learn how to trade before thinking your gonna turn on your computer and make money, before you start bashing people ""POOPERSCOOPER"" and learn something. manual trading is the only way to go if you want to be succesfull then start working on an EA if possible.. complaining cause people make money and you dont because you got scammed over and over and cant trade is your fault not anyone elses... find a new hobby