Can somebody give me a EA that makes money? - page 3


I am in the exact same boat as you. I bought a couple off of ebay that were scams and one in particular blew out almost all of my life savings.


Unfortunately I am at work during the European session so I can not manually trade. I spent $500 for an ea and that is the one that failed me. I also spent $200 on another one but got a refund against the seller's wishes. I would not even consider buying any more ea's as I will publically state that most who are selling ea's on ebay are scam artists. I test ea's for a hobby and that is all. I have not traded live for a long time now and probably will not in the near future.

pooper scoopers:
Brunite, I agree with you but I do have a problem with people who post on here there results (which are good), ask for advice on settings, but refuse to reveal the ea. I have no problem with someone developing an ea and making lots of money with it and keeping it to themselves... By the way, my whole life savings was not much, just a little I saved up from scooping up dog shit. I am nowhere near as much in the hole as the fireman.

Fair enough!

I can respect that.

Good luck with your continued Forex journey.


I laughed but it was the kind of laugh like during your family re-union, you're alcoholic uncle does something like trip and fall on top of the table full of food or try to fight a sibling for something that happened decades ago but can't stand up. We all laugh but inside we shed a tear of pity and sympathy.

I agree. That was a tad brutal but nonetheless true. I have learned that it is no free lunch. I have learned that there must be sacrafice in the initial stages such as social life, time, energy, and maybe a little money (unless you know what your doing ).

I have also learned that there are plenty of working strategies in all these forums but none and I repeat NONE predict the future. Indicators are nothing more that lagging reformatted versions of actual price. They are not what make you successful as a trader. They only aid you in doing so. The Holy Grail?


Until you believe, understand, and accept that reality, you will continue to come up short in your trading and most other areas of your life. You'll become the 99.8% that wander aimlessly through their short time on Earth wondering what they did deserve the lack that they experienced throughout their days.

I am 22 and so fortunate to understand this at this age. I do my best to convey this to the masses, but more often than not it falls on deaf ears. But if it wasn't for those seemingly hearing impaired, I make profit trading.

Git 'er done.

Hey I dont need sympathy buddy what I need is an EA that can make me a bit of coin.

Wow! Imagine that indeed! The hardship!!! And you a big tough fireman too!!!

I just hope none of the people that live in your town are unlucky enough to have a fire at 3am and have to rely on you dragging your lazy ass out of bed.

I think you've pretty much got the idea anyway. With your attitude and lack of discipline forex really isn't the place for you.

Stick to putting out fires but only between the hours of 9am and 5pm unless of course even that schedule doesn't fit your hectic life style.

Good luck with your search for the 'Holy Grail'...I believe I last saw it over on Ebay!


I do beleive the man asked for help not your insults

if you have nothing that can aid him or you do not have any advice

them i suggest you keep you mouth shut

people come to forums like these to seek help.

Cornholio Fahrquhar:
Hey I dont need sympathy buddy what I need is an EA that can make me a bit of coin.

you can have manh here. just look around ~~~~~

Cornholio Fahrquhar:
Hey I dont need sympathy buddy what I need is an EA that can make me a bit of coin.

You need somethin, but its not an E.A. I'll respect the board and not say it but I'd be suprise if you hadn't already gotten it wit the kind of attitude you display. Stick to rescuin cats from tree's because forex aint for you.


Cornholio Fahrquhar:
Hey I dont need sympathy buddy what I need is an EA that can make me a bit of coin.

EMMMmm... still i do not know how to help you out Cornholio Fahrquhar. I did PM you with invitation but still you prefer EA...huhhh!

Than you should ask yourself, until when is your limit before you reliase that EA wont work as what you dream of it? Do you willing to wait until all your money gone to zero? Do you trust so much on the EA machine to trade your last bit of your money or do you want me to show you how to make winning pips 90% winning ratio & spend only 5 to minutes a day of your time?

At first i am quite skeptikal to reveal my information, but I believe there were people here that really need help.. specially small trader like myself.

Currently i am having a yahoo conference class, preferable communication is with microphone. whom interested.. you can email me at or add me to yahoo chat.

Good luck


May be you should post the ea's you bought on ebay

Hey Guys,

Why dont you all post the names of the EA that you bought on ebay or otherwise that did not work. May be the rest of us will stay away from such. I guess it is one way you can feel money well spent!

You need somethin, but its not an E.A. I'll respect the board and not say it but I'd be suprise if you hadn't already gotten it wit the kind of attitude you display. Stick to rescuin cats from tree's because forex aint for you. Sad.......

I dont really think all of that was necessary now, do you? Don't talk down to people. If you need to be a jerk, go somewhere else. For your information I've probably help saved 20 or more lives so far just this year. Have more respect for public servants. Maybe you will if your house catches on fire some day or you have a heart attack.