Can somebody give me a EA that makes money? - page 25

Mart, I have just been taken for such a trip by a programmer whom I have taught just about everything he knows about trading FX live!! The EA was probably 2 - 3 steps away from being finalised when he started his nonsense and finally he sold my EA with all my development on eBay for $2,550.00

This EA was supposed to have been FREE for the people trading my method, but this idiot has spoiled it for everyone. You are right in saying that we do not want to share anything anymore for this reason, but hey, so what if he makes some money!! Let him, for he will be without any money soon and I will still be trading - he is a born loser.

So guys and gals, don't be too stressed out!! C'est la vie!! and what a vie we live.

that's awful Valeo.. i'm sorry to hear that.

Cornholio Fahrquhar:
hey I couldnt resist telling you guyz about this last week man. I hope all you martingalers didnt get 2 many margin calls with those big trends. heh. as for me, well it was a horn of plenty kind of week, a celebration, a week at the holiday inn, delta gave me 1321 pips this week on 50 minilots. do that math on that. I made more cash this week than almost my annual salary of bumming around and sponging off mom and dad. loool, so anyway those yen mofos really treated me to ulitimate shweeeeetness. Im buying a jet ski on wed. so anyway thats the way the cookie crumbles for you dewdz., hahaha happy drawdowns!!!!!

Lets see a statement. Or a picture of your new jetski. Or a screenshot of your account summary, doesn't have to be the whole thing, P&L and balance would be fine.


LOL what ever happened to cornhole and his atm machine is he in bankruptcy court hahhah FOOL


I will always stress that there is not 1 EA that can make $ all the time.

Professional money managers use portfolio theory, specifically asset allocation to beat the general market.

To use portfolio theory in our approach we must look at using multiple EA's that work in different markets. Markets are fractals, at any moment in time 1 Currency pair is trending in one time frame and can be ranging in another time frame or vice versa or both! That is just one Currency.

To correctly make money a trader must diversify the types of EA's they use across optimized time frames and currencies.

So you will need:

An EA that makes more money in trending markets than it loses ranging

An EA that makes more money in counter-trend markets than it loses in trending

An EA that makes more money in ranging markets than it loses trending

An EA that makes money on breakouts

If you have an EA of each type above that is at least slightly profitable on 1 currency, then it can be set on several currencies on various time frames depending on optimization obviously without having to use very large lots or martingale mm strategies.

This will diversify the risk and allow for sustainable growth without massive drawdowns based on a single market action.


MINACHI indicator


i am new here..may i know the system of minachi?can somebody send a minachi indicator to me?i interest with this minachi system but i dont know much about this system .can somebody guide me for this?please! really thanks..hope heard from all fo you soon!!!

hi,all i am new here..may i know the system of minachi?can somebody send a minachi indicator to me?i interest with this minachi system but i dont know much about this system .can somebody guide me for this?please! really thanks..hope heard from all fo you soon!!!


The forum have only three posts with the minachi word including yours.

Are you sure is the correct name?


minachi=tranding turtle


The forum have only three posts with the minachi word including yours.

Are you sure is the correct name?


thanks for your respon .as i know they also call it trading turtle..but i still cant understanding it when we shall buy or also got calculation about this i just hope somebody have this indicator to mention whic area should us buy or sell..

hi,linuxser.. thanks for your respon .as i know they also call it trading turtle..but i still cant understanding it when we shall buy or also got calculation about this i just hope somebody have this indicator to mention whic area should us buy or sell..

Some links about turtle trading if it what you need:

Some links about turtle trading if it what you need:

hello, linuxser,

you use what indicator for now?might to share? hahaha..just joke..

now i damn down.i lose many bucks already..i really need some help from friend..i try many indicator but still no many profit..all only can trust about 50 sad..hope can help me..