Can somebody give me a EA that makes money? - page 15


Be patient.

I'm just guessing here but I still think that when Bluto's satisfied that his stuff is ready for public disclosure that he would somehow make it available. I've read between the lines on what he has said so far about it and he never mentions that he would NOT make it available.

At a cost?......Perhaps.......and why not? If it is as good as some say; why not pay a reasonable cost? sure does seem that some copies may have gotten past the point he originally intended anyway. It would make sense to me that he would want to control any distribution rather than have "black-market" copies floating around.

Further....I would rather have an original copy with full support and upgrades rather than a "black market" copy anyway.

Let's wait and see what he decides after his test period. I, for one am interested in hearing how this unfolds. I am sure others are as well. I am also sure that Bluto is tired of everyone trying to bust down the door for a copy. Let's respect the man and his efforts.

IMHO........of course......

Your new yet. Stick around long enuff and you'll realize that your wasting your breath.

The mutts of this forum as well as society in general can't wait to be fed what they think will be the meal to end the seemingly eternal hunger that tugs at their innards. They howl at the top of their lungs about a new E.A. or system while following closely on the heels of the owner, nearly tripping him up mind you, until he has no choice but to either throw them a scrap or two to keep them at bay and make a break while he can or simply get tired of their incessant whimpering & constantly having to scolding them and understandably decides abandon them at the local shelter for another un-suspecting owner to feel pity for them at first glance only to eventually feel overwhelmed bring him to the point of disgust and causing him to follow suit and leave them out in a field miles from the city hoping they can find a good home with some farm folks. Little does he or most know, this hunger cannot be curbed. It is one of spirit and not one of stomach. So these said hounds will continue roam the streets, looking for a morsel to keep them up-right until they fade out from old age or get picked-up by the pound and put out of their misery.......

Puppies to it, its "cute"

Adult Canines do it, it's sick.

Your new yet. Stick around long enuff and you'll realize that your wasting your breath.

The mutts of this forum as well as society in general can't wait to be fed what they think will be the meal to end the seemingly eternal hunger that tugs at their innards. They howl at the top of their lungs about a new E.A. or system while following closely on the heels of the owner, nearly tripping him up mind you, until he has no choice but to either throw them a scrap or two to keep them at bay and make a break while he can or simply get tired of their incessant whimpering & constantly having to scolding them and understandably decides abandon them at the local shelter for another un-suspecting owner to feel pity for them at first glance only to eventually feel overwhelmed bring him to the point of disgust and causing him to follow suit and leave them out in a field miles from the city hoping they can find a good home with some farm folks. Little does he or most know, this hunger cannot be curbed. It is one of spirit and not one of stomach. So these said hounds will continue roam the streets, looking for a morsel to keep them up-right until they fade out from old age or get picked-up by the pound and put out of their misery.......

Puppies to it, its "cute"

Adult Canines do it, it's sick.

Sorry, what is your point?... I missed it somewhere....nevermind, better not explain more.

Your new yet. Stick around long enuff and you'll realize that your wasting your breath.

The mutts of this forum as well as society in general can't wait to be fed what they think will be the meal to end the seemingly eternal hunger that tugs at their innards. They howl at the top of their lungs about a new E.A. or system while following closely on the heels of the owner, nearly tripping him up mind you, until he has no choice but to either throw them a scrap or two to keep them at bay and make a break while he can or simply get tired of their incessant whimpering & constantly having to scolding them and understandably decides abandon them at the local shelter for another un-suspecting owner to feel pity for them at first glance only to eventually feel overwhelmed bring him to the point of disgust and causing him to follow suit and leave them out in a field miles from the city hoping they can find a good home with some farm folks. Little does he or most know, this hunger cannot be curbed. It is one of spirit and not one of stomach. So these said hounds will continue roam the streets, looking for a morsel to keep them up-right until they fade out from old age or get picked-up by the pound and put out of their misery.......

Puppies to it, its "cute"

Adult Canines do it, it's sick.

Who are you bro? the local fx mystic and armchair pshychologist? damn, talk about run on sentences too. chill out and drink a cold one bro. your too hopped up. and you talk too much. everywher I go I see your posts blah blah blah blah.


It's a good job the newbs in this forum already know it all.

It's a good job the newbs in this forum already know it all.

lol. That is true Craig. They continue to teach the veterans through their "unique" educating methods.

Your new yet. Stick around long enuff and you'll realize that your wasting your breath.

The mutts of this forum as well as society in general can't wait to be fed what they think will be the meal to end the seemingly eternal hunger that tugs at their innards. They howl at the top of their lungs about a new E.A. or system while following closely on the heels of the owner, nearly tripping him up mind you, until he has no choice but to either throw them a scrap or two to keep them at bay and make a break while he can or simply get tired of their incessant whimpering & constantly having to scolding them and understandably decides abandon them at the local shelter for another un-suspecting owner to feel pity for them at first glance only to eventually feel overwhelmed bring him to the point of disgust and causing him to follow suit and leave them out in a field miles from the city hoping they can find a good home with some farm folks. Little does he or most know, this hunger cannot be curbed. It is one of spirit and not one of stomach. So these said hounds will continue roam the streets, looking for a morsel to keep them up-right until they fade out from old age or get picked-up by the pound and put out of their misery.......

Puppies to it, its "cute"

Adult Canines do it, it's sick.

New here.....yes.

New to trading and dealing with people.....not quite.

I just bugs me to no end when those who want to be spoon-fed cause the cook to leave the kitchen when the rest of the crowd is willing to help cook the meal or pay for it.


Exactly the reason I have deleted most of my threads and discussions of my systems on this and other forums and now just play a lurking role and try to help where and how I can, mostly through PM.

There is however a huge amount of talent on this forum and if you read a few select forums every day you can pick up and contribute to an amazing amount of very useful information.

Also do not discount ryanklefas because of a good/wierd sense of humour, this lad can write good code and is generally a helpful person.

Give the fireman a break, he had a the balls to ask, beg, whatever you want to call it? If you don't like what he's doing or despise his manner, don't shoot him down in flames, either just go away or point him at a thread that may help him to help himself.

After all, that is all that he is asking for really?

Thanks for the smiles and some of the humorous comments on this thread, but I fear that it has now gotten to a stage whereby there is no longer any useful information being posted here and I shall take leave of it.



Exactly the reason I have deleted most of my threads and discussions of my systems on this and other forums and now just play a lurking role and try to help where and how I can, mostly through PM.

There is however a huge amount of talent on this forum and if you read a few select forums every day you can pick up and contribute to an amazing amount of very useful information.

Also do not discount ryanklefas because of a good/wierd sense of humour, this lad can write good code and is generally a helpful person.

Give the fireman a break, he had a the balls to ask, beg, whatever you want to call it? If you don't like what he's doing or despise his manner, don't shoot him down in flames, either just go away or point him at a thread that may help him to help himself.

After all, that is all that he is asking for really?

Thanks for the smiles and some of the humorous comments on this thread, but I fear that it has now gotten to a stage whereby there is no longer any useful information being posted here and I shall take leave of it.




I actually could have added you to my list as well. I recall seeing that you felt someone plagerized one of your systems a while back and you got fed up.

I have no problem with the fireman. He asked for a specific type of "help". Many here do likewise. He just got lucky and had someone send him a copy of an EA that many would like to get a hold of.

I don't think he drove anyone from the forum.

I was referring to those that know little but take every opportunity to shoot down and question those that have real experience and knowledge. Annoying pests tend to drive people of good intent away.

Thanks for your comments!


My sentiments exactly, I was agreeing with you. I had a few threads that I asked to be deleted because I got hounded so badly.

Mostly people are rude and want to know what is taking so long and when it's going to be finished.

Then they hound you for a free version and insist on the mq4 file?

Then it doesn't perform exactly as they expect and they demand to know why?

The final straw for me was when a youngster asked me to give him an EA and some money to trade it because he was poor? Well so was I and I worked my way out of it, so I suggested that he did the same and when he had $250 he could email me and I would give him the best EA I had at the time.

Well the reply and the language in the reply would have made Satan cringe. Ungrateful little prick.

So Brunite, yes, I agree with you 110%.

Exactly the reason I have deleted most of my threads and discussions of my systems on this and other forums and now just play a lurking role and try to help where and how I can, mostly through PM.

There is however a huge amount of talent on this forum and if you read a few select forums every day you can pick up and contribute to an amazing amount of very useful information.

Also do not discount ryanklefas because of a good/wierd sense of humour, this lad can write good code and is generally a helpful person.

Give the fireman a break, he had a the balls to ask, beg, whatever you want to call it? If you don't like what he's doing or despise his manner, don't shoot him down in flames, either just go away or point him at a thread that may help him to help himself.

After all, that is all that he is asking for really?

Thanks for the smiles and some of the humorous comments on this thread, but I fear that it has now gotten to a stage whereby there is no longer any useful information being posted here and I shall take leave of it.



Exact reason I didn't respond to Cornholio's post. Nuff said......