Can somebody give me a EA that makes money? - page 6



from afternoon until this night far so good

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Dont get me wrong, nobody on this site OWES anybody anything else but I'm amazed, that this cornholio comes along and whines a little and gets a fantastic EA dropped in his lap.

Meanwhile, many of us contributed generously to not only that particular thread but of our considerable trader experience to many here and not even get a "thankyou" for it.

A couple people at this forum whom were frequent posters for months until they got help from me and then pissed of into the wind.

I'm beginning to think that the selfish bastards in life who just sit back on welfare/etc have it made and good guys do indeed come last.

This forum well and truly sucks and nobody will be getting my indicators or advice from now on.


ehhrm who the heck are you dude? one post? you must be afraid to show who you really are coz we dont have idea who you are. only one guy made this ea with no help from you or any other. you are crazy. quit being complaining. you did nothing and get nothihg. what a retard.

Cornholio Fahrquhar:
I dont really think all of that was necessary now, do you? Don't talk down to people. If you need to be a jerk, go somewhere else. For your information I've probably help saved 20 or more lives so far just this year. Have more respect for public servants. Maybe you will if your house catches on fire some day or you have a heart attack.

Look at the pot calling the kettle black. You're in here callin people dickheads and I'm the one out of line? Laughable. I've never resorted to begging someone else to save me from myself and I never intentionally waited on others to get me out of a position in which I placed myself. You need help, dude. Psycho-therapy usually clears these kinda things up. Problem is there is no quick fix to this either, so you may be floatin down Shit's Creek w/o a paddle. Only time will tell.

I respect the fact that you save lives for a living and applaud you in doing so. I don't, however, respect a newbie coming into a forum and his first post is a desperate cry for help when, had he done his due diligence, he wouldn't be in this precarious position. I'll be cliche for a minute and state something I'm sure we've all heard time and again:

"If it was that easy, don't you think EVERYBODY would be doing it?"

It's plenty of folks in here who would love to do nothing more than aid you in the search of a system that suits your personality, however with the kind of personality characteristics you've displayed, no system will complement you.

No different than a homeless American adult. All their limbs intact, senses in working order in the land of freedom and opportunity, but they don't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. They blame society, or their parents for spanking them too much or not enough, they blame their cousin for stealin their great idea, etc. They may have been dealt a bad hand, but until you're dead and gone, you always have a chance to improve your life. There is NO excuse for it UNLESS the country in which you live is a 3rd world country, and even then it's possible to change something or die trying.

It all depends on your perspective a.k.a. outlook on life b.k.a. psychology. If you believe you live in a world of abundance, then you're right. If you believe you live in a world of lack and struggle, then you're right.

According to society, I should be a statistic. Young, African-American male that grew up in a lower class neighborhood complete with violence and drug activity. It wasn't out of the ordinary to hear gunshot throughout the night, in fact was quite the opposite. City schools had the highest drop-out rate and lowest test scores in the state and perhaps the nation. City was in an economic downward spiral when I was growing up. Mom always told me what I couldn't do or what I wouldn't be. One would think I'd be dead, in jail, or walkin the edge about to succumb to either side. But I'm not and I never will. The fact that I made it past the age of 21 is an achievement to be recognized to some. No children, no criminal record, never hurt anyone or anything for material gain. Odds were against me. But something deep with-in me has driven me to this point and this is just the beginning.

I do my best to aid humanity self-actualizing but some times, I think it's a lost cause. Energy better spent on teaching and reaching the youth. "Grown folk aint tryna hear nuthin." I pray that you catch that bug and turn your mind around. That's all I can do.

Think hard once and soft twice. Nuff said.


25% modelling quality? come on...

There is one thing I LOVE even though its evil. I LOVE teasing people.

there you go! another teaser!

I wrote this system few days ago. I'm not sharing it with anyone right now. But I do think about selling it...

I need 10k depo to start using it.

Looking at your statement, I notice a 25% modelling quality of the backtesting. First of all, backtesting itself has very liitle predictability strenght over the actual performance of an EA. Secondly, very good results with 90% modelling quality may be worth looking at. But 25%? Come on ...Let me know if you manage to sell that.

hey mr. cornholio some of these dudes are idiots. fireman are good guys. you are a good guy and dserving a good ea. I can get you Delta9 ea/ind system. check you PM man.

Wonder if bluto would appreciate you pre-releasing his e.a.......and to such an individual at that. Now I understand why people don't want to develop and give publicly. I was a newb at one time and couldn't figure this out for the life of me, but now it all makes sense.

Good luck to all those individuals thinking their entitled to what others have sweated, cried, and bled over.

Truly nauseating.

You need help, dude. Psycho-therapy usually clears these kinda things up.

Psycho-therapy is bullshit. Just thought I'd throw that in.

hey mr. cornholio some of these dudes are idiots. fireman are good guys. you are a good guy and dserving a good ea. I can get you Delta9 ea/ind system. check you PM man.

I agree with the other comments - I hope you had explicit approval from bluto to give this to Cornholio...

...from what little I know of the man, he does guard his stuff carefully and rightly so - it would be a shame for him to stop posting altogether because of improper distribution.

Not dumping on you shibeng - if bluto gave his okay, then all is cool - hope you can understand our concern regarding loosing bluto as a contributor.

hey mr. cornholio some of these dudes are idiots. fireman are good guys. you are a good guy and dserving a good ea. I can get you Delta9 ea/ind system. check you PM man.

Seeing as how it is not YOUR EA, and that Bluto is kinda picky about who he gives his EAs out to, you are in no position to be giving it away. Talk about betraying his trust. But if that's not a problem for you, I'll take a copy too. And did I mention: I'm a fireman too! **wink, wink**


Why want to buy a ea with hypothetic a result while the managed

accounts are much more reassuring and without surprises?

Ask me


i have received enormous feedback regarding 10% return monthly. I have emailed the details for those who gave the email to my inbox PM. For those who have not given their email, please PM me.