适用于MetaTrader 5的新技术指标 - 41

Leave a comment if you would like me to write an EA to trade these trendlines... if enough interest, will write an EA. Automatic Trendlines, updated automatically. To Set up 3 different (or mroe) Trendlines on chart, simply load the indicator as many times and name it differntly.. the example in the picture below is indicator 1 (loaded 1st time): Name: Long, StartBar: 50, BarCount: 500, Color: Pink indicator 2 (loaded 2nd time): Name: Short, StartBar: 20, BarCount: 200, Color: Green indicator 3

FRB Trader - Our mission is to provide the best support to customers through conted and tools so that they can achieve the expected results
FRB Strength - Indicator shows the current strength of the asset between buyers and sellers. - It can only be used by brokerage houses that report data on trading volumes, such as B3. In the forex market it is not possible to use.

FRB Times and Trades Free
- Times and Trades, também chamado de Time and Sales ou histórico de negócios, é uma ferramenta essencial para quem opera através do Tape Reading (Fluxo). - O Metatrader 5 não informa os dados das corretoras, sendo assim, impossível diferenciar quem enviou a ordem. - Os dados só podem ser usados por corretoras que informam os dados dos volumes de negociação, como a B3. No mercado forex não é possível usar. VERSÃO PRO : https://www.mql5.com/pt/market/product/93726

- Times and Trades, também chamado de Time and Sales ou histórico de negócios, é uma ferramenta essencial para quem opera através do Tape Reading (Fluxo). - O Metatrader 5 não informa os dados das corretoras, sendo assim, impossível diferenciar quem enviou a ordem. - Os dados só podem ser usados por corretoras que informam os dados dos volumes de negociação, como a B3. No mercado forex não é possível usar.

Pivot Point Supertrend (corresponds to Pivot Point Super Trend indicator from Trading View) Pivot Point Period: Pivot point defined as highest high and highest low... input 2 = defining highest high and highest low with 2 bars on each side which are lower (for highest high) and are higher (for lowest low calculation) ATR Length : the ATR calculation is based on 10 periods ATR Factor: ATR multiplied by 3

The idea behind this indicator is to find all currency pairs that are over-bought or over-sold according to the RSI indicator at one go.
The RSI uses the default period of 14 (this can be changed in the settings) and scans all symbols to find the RSI level you will have specified. Once currency pairs that meet the specification are found, the indicator will open those charts for you incase those charts aren't open and proceed to write the full list of currencies on the experts tab.

FRB Trader - Our mission is to provide the best support to customers through conted and tools so that they can achieve the expected results
FRB Support and Resistance
- Indicator places lines on the chart to show Support and Resistance regions. - You can choose the timeframe you want to calculate, as well as the colors of the lines. - Algorithm calculates the points where the strengths of the asset are considered and are extremely important for decision making.

Sniper Zones are our best kept secret for trading the forex markets profitably and extremely simple ! After years of profitable trading we are launching it to the public !
After thousands of hours of testing, we have developed an indicator that simplifies trading to the point where anyone can become a profitable trader. There exists certain zones and areas in the market that are used by institutions to move price and cause retail traders to lose their money ! We have done the hardwork and mad

To get access to MT4 version please click here . This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Supertrend" by " KivancOzbilgic ". The screenshot shows similar results from tradingview and Metatrader when tested on ICMarkets on both platforms. This is a light-load processing and non-repaint indicator. You can message in private chat for further changes you need. Here is the source code of a simple Expert Advisor operating based on signals from Supertrend . #include <Trade\Trade.mqh> CTrade tra

1. Draw a line on the chart (Trend, support, resistance, whatever you like) and give it a name (e.g. MY EURUSD line) 2. Load the Indicator and input the Line Name the same name in Indicator INPUT so system knows the name of your line (= MY EURUSD line) 3. Get Alerts when Price breaks the line and closes Works on All Time frames and charts LEAVE A COMMENT AND IF THERE IS ENOUGH INTEREST I WILL WRITE AN EA WHICH W

Mean Reversal Heikin Ashi Indicator calculates special trade reversal points based on Heikin Ashi candlesticks patterns. This indicator can be used on all symbols, even in Forex or B3 Brazillian Markets. You can configure just the position of each arrow. Then, after include the indicator on the graphic, pay attention on each arrow that indicates a long or short trade.

Multi-Timeframe Moving Average Indicator Provides you a simple edge. How? Let me explain.. Have you ever tried using Moving Average Strategy to trade but you find those entries too late? Have you ever tried to trade with moving averages on 1 Timeframe chart (example 4h) and when i try to lower the timeframe, moving averages change position? If you answered Yes to Both questions , This indicator is the solution for you! 1- You can visualize lower timeframes moving averages on higher timeframes ex

This indicator shows: The market spread Current candle time left to be closed and the pips of market movement from the beginning of the day play sound when candle is going to be closed This is an extremely useful tool for watching the spread rise and fall, allowing you to enter the market at just the right time. This indicator will help you stay out of the market when the spread begins to rise and help you get into the market as the spread begins to fall again.
very useful for day trading and s

Multiple Wicks forming at OverSold & OverBought levels create Buying and Selling Pressure. This indicator tries to capture the essence of the buy and sell pressure created by those wicks. Wick pressure shows that the trend is Exhausted. Order block should display when buying or selling pressure wick. When price go inside buy order block and up to outside order block, trader should consider a buy order. If price go inside buy order block and down to outside order block, trader should consider a s

With dynamic Moving average, you can estimate the price movement, predict the next trend of price and have a better decision. Parameters setup: Period start <= Period Stop Period start >= 1
Maximum lines is 100 You can customize Moving average method: Simple averaging, Exponential averaging, Smoothed averaging, Linear-weighted averaging and price to apply: PRICE_CLOSE: Close price
PRICE_OPEN: Open price
PRICE_HIGH: The maximum price for the period
PRICE_LOW: The minimum price for the period

The Scalping Project EA follows a scalping breakout strategy. It trades the breakouts from relative highs and lows. For the entry stop orders are used for the fastest possible execution. Profits can be secured by the adjustable trailing stop. Since the strategy works with small average profits it is highly suggested to trade with a low spread and commission broker. Trading costs are crucial here! The backtests shown in the screenshots were done with the default settings. There might be better or

ONLY 3 COPIES OUT OF 10 LEFT AT $299! After that, the price will be raised to $349. IMPORTANT! Contact me immediately after the purchase to get instructions and a bonus! Advanced Fibo levels is a trading robot for the trading on forex. This is a Fibonacci system that designed to trade for most popular Fibonacci strategy that's completely automated. Warning:
I only sell EA's through MQL5.com. If someone contacts you saying it is me trying to sell you something, they are a Scammer. Block and repo

Fit line supports to extrapolation next movement of market, support for buy/sell decision. Indicator using spline algorithm to extrapolation. You can change number of spline with parameter "PointsNumber" and number of extrapolation point with "ExtrapolateBars". Eextrapolation points will be save into csv format, with prefix in parameter "PointsPrefix", and store in folder File of Data Folder.

General See where zones of interest exist with quantile MA channels. It plots three lines on the main chart: two outer lines and a mid line.
Most of all commonly used moving averages are between the upper and the lower band, if the input parameters are chosen properly.
This means that if the channel is relatively small, other market participants that rely on moving averages may act if the price action is near the midli

ICT, SMC, SMART MONEY CONCEPTS, SMART MONEY, Smart Money Concept, Support and Resistance, Trend Analysis, Price Action, Market Structure, Order Blocks, BOS/CHoCH, Breaker Blocks , Momentum Shift, Supply&Demand Zone/Order Blocks , Strong Imbalance, HH/LL/HL/LH, Fair Value Gap, FVG, Premium & Discount Zones, Fibonacci Retracement, OTE, Buy Side Liquidity, Sell Side Liquidity, BSL/SSL Taken, Equal Highs & Lows, MTF Dashboard, Multiple Time Frame, BigBar, HTF OB, HTF Market Structure

** All Symbols x All Timeframes scan just by pressing scanner button ** *** Contact me to send you instruction and add you in "Trend Reversal group" for sharing or seeing experiences with other users. Introduction: Trendlines are the most famous technical analysis in trading . Trendlines continually form on the charts of markets across all the different timeframes providing huge opportunities for traders to jump in and profit on the action. In the other hand, The trendline reversal str

MT4 版本 | Trend Monitor VZ指標 | Owl Smart Levels 指標 | Owl Smart Levels策略 | FAQ 艾略特波浪理论是对金融市场过程的解释,它依赖于价格图表上波浪的视觉模型。 Valable ZigZag指标显示市场的波浪结构,可用于做出交易决策。 Valable ZigZag指标更稳定,不像经典的ZigZag指标那样经常改变方向,误导交易者。 这是通过在指标波的构造中使用分形来实现的. Telegram 聊天: @it_trader_chat 新的 Expert Advisor Prop Master - 在您的交易终端中进行测试 https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/115375
Valable ZigZag主要是一个趋势指标。 它设定了交易者应该交易的主要方向,但它也可以作为进入市场的指标。 例如。
在H4时间帧图表上安装指标,最后一波的方向将显示趋势的方向。 选择趋势交易方向后,切换到H1时间框架,并在针对所选趋势的最后一个峰值的细分处进入市场(见图2)。

MT4 version | Owl Smart Levels Indicator | Owl Smart Levels策略 | FAQ
Fractals Indicator 是作者 Bill Williams 交易策略的要素之一。 它用於在價格圖表上搜索價格反轉點,從而搜索支撐位和阻力位。 Full Fractals Indicator 是改進的 Fractals,幾乎所有交易終端的工具包中都有。 唯一的區別是,為了構建分形,我們在主蠟燭的左側使用了 5 根蠟燭,在主蠟燭的右側使用了 2 根蠟燭(參見圖 1)。 除了基本構造之外,Full Fractals 還尋找價格已停止一段時間的水平。 Telegram 聊天: @it_trader_chat 新的 Expert Advisor Prop Master - 在您的交易终端中进行测试 https://www.mql5.com/zh/market/product/115375 Full Fractals Indicator 表示什麼。 分形在價格圖表上顯示為關鍵蠟燭上的向上和向下箭頭。 基於這

MT4版本 | FAQ Owl Smart Levels Indicator 是一個完整的交易系統,包含 Bill Williams 的高級分形、構建正確的市場波浪結構的 Valable ZigZag 以及標記準確入場水平的斐波那契水平等流行的市場分析工具 進入市場和地方獲利。 策略的详细说明 指示灯使用说明 顾问-贸易猫头鹰助手助理 私人用户聊天 ->购买后写信给我,我会将您添加到私人聊天中,您可以在那里下载所有奖金 力量在於簡單!
Owl Smart Levels 交易系統非常易於使用,因此適合專業人士和剛開始研究市場並為自己選擇交易策略的人。 策略和指標中沒有隱藏的秘密公式和計算方法,所有策略指標都是公開的。 Owl Smart Levels 允許您快速查看進入交易的信號,突出顯示下訂單的水平並向您發送有關已出現信號的通知。 優點很明顯: 清楚地顯示主要和更高時間框架的趨勢方向。 指示儀器信號的出現。 標記開單、止損設置和固定利潤的水平。 沒有多餘的,只有必要的結構! ZigZag 表示全球趨勢的方向,因此也表示貿易方向。 市場反轉點的短線清楚地表明在什麼水平上構建斐波那

欢迎使用 RSI Colored Candles,这是一个创新的指标,旨在通过将相对强弱指数(RSI)直接集成到您的价格图表中,来提升您的交易体验。与传统的 RSI 指标不同,RSI Colored Candles 使用四种颜色方案来表示 RSI 水平,直接显示在您的蜡烛图上,为您提供一目了然的有价值见解。 特点和优势: 节省空间设计: 告别杂乱的指标窗口!RSI Colored Candles 通过消除独立的 RSI 窗口的需求,节省宝贵的图表空间,为您提供更清晰和更简洁的交易体验。 超买和超卖区域的可视化表示: 在您的价格图表上轻松识别超买(由红色蜡烛表示)和超卖(由蓝色蜡烛表示)状态。这种视觉表示赋予您做出更好的交易决策并利用潜在的反转机会的能力。 增强的入场信号: 将颜色编码的蜡烛用作交易信号,蓝色蜡烛表示买入机会,红色蜡烛表示卖出机会。这种简单直接的方法简化了您的交易过程,并根据 RSI 条件提供清晰的入场点。 与供需区域的集成: 将 RSI Colored Candles 与供需分析相结合,进一步增强您的交易策略。通过在关键的供需区域识别 RSI 极端值,您可以最大程度地提

KPL Swing 指标是一个简单的趋势跟随机械交易系统,它自动化入场和出场。该系统使用硬止损和跟踪止损以退出盈利交易。没有目标,因为没有人知道价格可以移动多远(或低)。跟踪止损锁定收益并从交易中去除情绪。 由 Amibroker 指标转换,并进行了修改。 KPL Swing 指标是一个简单的趋势跟随机械交易系统,它自动化入场和出场。该系统使用硬止损和跟踪止损以退出盈利交易。没有目标,因为没有人知道价格可以移动多远(或低)。跟踪止损锁定收益并从交易中去除情绪。 由 Amibroker 指标转换,并进行了修改。 KPL Swing 指标是一个简单的趋势跟随机械交易系统,它自动化入场和出场。该系统使用硬止损和跟踪止损以退出盈利交易。没有目标,因为没有人知道价格可以移动多远(或低)。跟踪止损锁定收益并从交易中去除情绪。 由 Amibroker 指标转换,并进行了修改。 完美结合 KPL Chart Uptrend & Downtrend

你的樂隊 (使用機器學習系統中使用的公式)
UR Bands 是通過包含市場波動的公式得出的指標,原則上與機器學習系統中使用的指標相似。 這種市場狀況的數學表示提供了對價格趨勢和動態的精確分析,同時考慮了金融市場的固有波動性。 通過將波動率作為一個變量,該指標提供了更準確和可靠的市場狀況表示,使交易者和投資者能夠做出明智的決定並有效地管理風險。 此外,使用基於波動率的公式使該指標對市場變化具有高度反應性,為潛在交易或投資提供早期信號。
使用 UR 手環的優勢:
視覺上令人愉悅且易於理解的圖錶帶 適應各種資產和時間框架 樂隊總是顯示趨勢的頂部和底部 趨勢或反轉交易系統的重要補充和獨立指標 有一個特殊的電報聊天,您可以在其中了解最新的工具更新,如果您覺得缺少什麼,也可以發送請求!
為什麼選擇 UR 樂隊?
提高準確性:將市場波動納入指標公式可以更精確地分析市場狀況。 更好的風險評估:通過考慮波動性,該指標可以幫助交易者和投資者更準確地評估市場風險。 早期信號:使用基於波動率的公式使該指標對市場變化具有高度反應性,為潛在交易或投資提供早期信號。 數據驅動的決策:該指標提供了更

Display your Local Time on your charts
Now available for MT5 with new features! Display your local time instead of (or along with) MT5 server time.
Display crosshair to highlight current candle time.
Automatically adjusts based on chart zoom (zooming in or out).
Displays on every timeframe (M1 - Month, including all MT5 timeframes), and auto-adjusts as chart timeframe is changed.
Handles special ½ hour time zones , such as India.
Renders fast (no lag) as you scroll charts.

FRB Agression Opposite Candle
This indicator shows when the candle has opposite direction to the aggression balance of the same period. Not intended to be used in the Forex market. Only use markets that have volume and aggression information, such as B3 (Brazil)
Settings Color - Define the color that will be shown for the candle ( Color 1 - When the candle is positive and the balance of aggression is negative / Color 2 - When the candle is negative and the balance of aggression is positive )

FRB Trader - Time Indicator that shows the server's time of operation.
You can edit the font color and size of the timetable.
Font color
Font size
Background color
To move the Timetable, just click on it and move the mouse to where you want to leave it. After placing the Time where you want it, click again or press "ESC" and the time will stay where you left it.

FRB Candle Time
Indicator showing the time left for the next candle You can edit font color and size. Very important indicator for Traders. To move time, just click on it and move the mouse to where you want to leave it. After positioning the time where you want it, click again or press "ESC" and the time will stay where you left it.
Settings font color Font size Background color

After working during many months, with the help of Neural Networks, we have perfected the ultimate tool you are going to need for identifying key price levels (Supports and Resistances) and Supply and Demand zones. Perfectly suitable to trigger your trades, set up your future actions, decide your Take Profit and Stop Loss levels, and confirm the market direction. Price will always move between those levels, bouncing or breaking; from one zone to another, all the remaining movements are just mark

Previous Period High Low . This indicator shows the previous Day, Week, Month and Years High and Low. It's great for price action strategies. : Provides clear and visible breaks in structure. : Easy to see breakout levels. : Easy to see gaps between previous high, low levels after breakouts have occurred. The indicator works on every time frame. Multiple periods can be selected and be seen on the same chart. Every line can be customized to Your liking. Color, style and thickness. Enjoy!

Macd Sar! is a gcd indicator combined with the parabolic sar indicator! It has the strategy of breaks, where the gray line crosses above the pink lines, and exchange of parabolic sar points, it is marking purchase for sale is vice versa, works for all seasons! It is good for scalping, and to do lengths suitable for forex markets and synthetic indices! Good profit! World Investor.

Super Treend! It is an indicator whose strategy is based on line breaks giving a signal for sale or purchase, How well it looks when you are marking a sale, it puts a red dot on you, when you make a purchase, it marks a green dot, Accompanying with blue lines that sets the trend for sale, and the aqua line that sets the shopping trend for you, works for all seasons works for forex markets and synthetic indices! Good profit! World Investor.

Range Move It is an indicator that clearly shows you the supports, resistances and trend lines. to each candle that is running, said changing, the lines are changing accommodating the trend to have a better entrance! the indicator is for forex markets for synthetic index markets ! and for crypto too! It is used in all temporalities! Good profit! World Investor.

Channel Oscillator It is an oscillator indicator, which goes from strategy marking the high points, and the low points where it is accompanied by a band that marks those points, where it marks you with a signal of a block in the upper band when it is for sale, and it marks you with a block in the bearish band when it is bought. works for forex markets and synthetic indices It also works for crypto markets ideal for scalping, good profit World Investor.

The Double Stochastic RSI Indicator is a momentum indicator which is based on the Stochastic Oscillator and the Relative Strength Index (RSI). It is used help traders identify overbought and oversold markets as well as its potential reversal signals. This indicator is an oscillator type of technical indicator which plots a line that oscillates within the range of zero to 100. It also has markers at levels 20 and 80 represented by a dashed line. The area below 20 represents the oversold area, wh

Macd diverge! It is a macd indicator where it goes with the divergence indicator and arrows that mark the sale and purchase of the pair! It is very easy to use and at first glance you can see that you don't have to do a lot of analysis since the divergence marks the sail too! It can be used in all seasons! It is used for scalping! works for forex markets for crypto and synthetic index markets too! Good profit! World Investor.

filling It is an oscillator indicator, where it clearly marks sale and purchase, It has two colors, red and blue. red marks you buy, and blue marks you for sale, ideal for scalping and lengths! works for forex markets works for synthetic index markets ideal for volatility and jumps! It also works for crash and boom! walk in all temporalities! Good profit! World Investor.

macd rsi It is a macd indicator added to the rsi to capture perfect entries in the average crossovers! As seen in the indicator, it has 2 lines, one of gold color and the other violet line, where the cross of the violet with the gold downwards is a sell signal when it crosses the violet up from the gold it is a buy signal! very good to make shorts works for forex markets and synthetic indices It is used in any temporality! Good profit! World Investor.

The concept of Harmonic Patterns was established by H.M. Gartley in 1932. Harmonic Patterns create by 4 peak (ABCD) or 5 peak (XABCD). In traditional, we have BAT pattern, Gartley pattern, butterfly pattern, crab pattern, deep crab pattern, shark pattern. Each pattern has its own set of fibonacci. In this indicator, we add more extended pattern named ZUP pattern. So we have total 37 pattern as follow This indicator detects all above patterns, takes fibonacci projections as seriously as you do,

Extreme indicator! is an oscillator that works with candle volume levels, where it consists of red and green colors, where you measure the sale and purchase! where it also comes with a line crossing format where it reconfirms the purchase or sale on this occasion, works for forex markets and for the synthetic index markets ! It works for all seasons! Good profit! World Investor.

Color range ! It is an indicator that indicates the volume of the candle giving you input or output depending on the color you touch on the candle! It works perfect for making H1 or H4 lengths! It also works for scalping but ideal for long! works at any time works for forex markets for synthetic index markets !!! also for crypto. Good profit!!!!!! World Investor.

extend ! is an oscillator indicator, Where you measure bullish and bearish trends ideal for scalping and lengths! The strategy consists of the crossing of lines, where it has 2 types of lines, one blue and one green! where the blue line crosses over the green line gives entry signal, where the green line crosses below the blue line gives a sell signal! It works for all seasons! Good profit! World Investor.

Swing Line! It is an indicator that easily captures a trend channel, be it bullish or bearish! being able to easily hunt the rebounds, long and short, as well as rebound support and resistance of the channel! The indicator is suitable for any temporality! very good for scalping and long! works for forex markets and synthetic indices also crypto! good profit World Investor .

Trendline! trend line indicator, support and resistance, ideal for hunting long and short! where it uses 2 lines, the red and the blue, the red one marks rebounds for sales, the blue one marks you rebounds for purchase And not only that, but it also marks you, the uptrend and downtrend. works for any season works for forex markets and synthetic indices! also crypto. Good profit! World Investor.

Stellar volume. is an oscillator, indicating the high ranges and the low ranges. marking the ceiling and floor of each trend on the oscillator, where the violet line crosses the gray line gives a purchase entry, where the violet line crosses the red line downwards gives a sell signal, very easy to use and very simple, works for forex markets and synthetic indices! and for any temporality to operate. Good profit! World Investor.

Ma Distance Parabolic! is a moving average indicator with parabolic sar ! ideal for hunting trends where there are two ideal points showing input there are 2 points where there are blue points that mark the rise and the other green point where it marks the drop The indicator gives you the entry signal when it gives the second point the position is taken. suitable for forex and synthetic indices, also crypto! Good profit! World Investor.

Zigzag Oscillator. it is an indicator programmed to hunt each point of the zigzag of the candle! as in the foreground of zigzag this oscillator takes you to simple measurements, to catch every bounce from floor to ceiling! Ideal for scalping and intraday. works for any season! for all forex pairs! for all pairs of synthetic indices ideal for volatility 75 and other jumps! Good profit! World Investor.

Oscillator Moving ! is an oscillator where it has 3 input points where is the orange line, the red line and the blue line where the orange line touches the ceiling of the blue line, it gives a buy entry signal. where the red line crosses the blue line gives a sell signal! very clear to see and very simple to use! It can be used at any time! can be used in Forex markets. In the synthetic and crypto index markets! good profit World Investor.

High Low Expert! It is an indicator where it marks the high and lows in the short and long term works like demand and supply and support and resistance too Ideal for scalping in M1, it also works for longs in H1 or H4! works for all temporalities, works for forex markets and for the synthetic index markets ! ideal for volatility pairs and jumps It also goes in crypto! good profit World Investor.

Bear Bull! It is an indicator that marks with Heikin Ashi candles but modified, the sales and purchases long and short trend! with 2 colors green marks the purchase, purple marks the sale, works for any type of temporality, works for forex markets and synthetic indices! ideal for any pair, it also works for crypto pairs, Good profit! World Investor - World Inversor -

Crash Scalper sign! is a programmed flag %100 for the crash , where it has the scalping function in M1 where it sends you input signals with the blue arrow and exit signs with the arrow board, Its principle is scalping from 2 to long candlestick trends, the exit arrow will always mark you, sending you a signal message, It also has a message for email and cell phone message where it sends you the signals! It works for all seasons! Good profit! World Investor.

Boom Scalper! is a programmed flag %100 for the Boom index, can be used on the boom 1000, 500 and 300 works for scalping M1 and longs at any time frame always sending you the signal with a purchase message and the sign where it is sold, It has the system to send email as a signal and message as signal In case you are not on your desktop PC so you do not miss any signal! Good profit! World Investor.

This indicator can identify more than 60 candlestick patterns on the chart, including their bullish and bearish variants. Just choose the pattern you want in the settings.
Available Patterns 2 Crows Gravestone Doji On Neck 3 Black Crows Hammer Piercing 3 Inside Hanging Man Rick Shawman 3 Line Strike Harami Rising and Falling Three Method 3 Outside Harami Cross Separating Lines 3 Stars in South High Wave Shooting Star 3 White Soldiers Hikkake Short Line Abandoned Baby Hikkake Modified Spinning T

Este Indicador esta basado en el rebote de un soporte o resistencia fuerte con un indicador que tiene interno de fuerza de movimiento. Tiene la opción de ver el soporte y resistencia actual y ver la fuerza que tiene dicho soporte o resistencia.(Activando el parámetro Ver_Sop_Res ) Parámetros: Sop o Res, Fuerza Mayor a...: Con este parámetro podrás ajustar la fuerza del soporte o resistencia, con la cual el indicador evaluara si es una señal bajista o alcista. Velas Historial: Con este parámetro

Recommended broker to use the indicator: https://tinyurl.com/5ftaha7c Indicator developed by Diogo Sawitzki Cansi to show possible trade points. Do not repaint. The results displayed in the past are exactly what happened. We also use it to hold trades longer and not get out on false reversal signals which are actually just a profit taking of trades and no one is trying to reverse the direction of the trend. Indicator Parameters: PERIOD: Period for analyzing the buying or selling force to fin

Индикатор показывает отклонения корреляции трех валютных пар, после резкой волатильности пар возвращает их к состоянию сбалансированости Выбор периода отклонения даст возможность наблюдать за более длительными отклонениями Цветные линии хорошо помогают распознать на какой валютной паре произошло отклонение цены, можно наблюдать как резко уходят цены по всем парам, и возвращаются к своему среднему значению

The DR IDR Range Indicator PRO plots ADR, ODR and RDR ranges for a given amount of days in the past. A key feature that appears is that it calculates the success rate of the ranges for the shown days. This indicator is perfect for backtest since it shows ranges for all of the calculated days, not just the most recent sessions. In the PRO version you can now: use fully customizable advanced statistics to base your trades on get an edge via calculating statistics on up to 3 different day period

For MT4 version please click here . - This is the exact conversion from TradingView source: "Squeeze Momentum Indicator" By "LazyBear". - This is a non-repaint and light processing load indicator. - Buffers and inputs are available for use in EAs and optimization purposes. - You can message in private chat for further changes you need.
Thanks for downloading...

UR Vortex MT5
The Probabilistic UR Vortex Formula: An Accurate System for Predictive Market Analysis using Volatility and Standard Deviation Calculations. The UR Vortex MT5 indicator is a technical analysis tool that uses volatility and standard deviation calculations to predict potential tops and bottoms in a market. It measures the strength of a trend by calculating the distance between the current price and a moving average, and then standardizing this distance by dividing it by the average t

For MT4 version please click here . - This is the exact conversion from TradingView source: "Hurst Cycle Channel Clone Oscillator" By "LazyBear". - The screenshot shows similar results from tradingview and Metatrader when tested on ICMarkets on both platforms. - All input options are available. - This is a non-repaint and light processing load indicator. - Buffers are available for use in EAs and optimization purposes. - You can message in private chat for further changes you need.

Volatility Crusher Indicator is a Non-Lag MT5 indicator which detect trades on any time frame. The indicator has alerts to buy and sell once a trade has been detected. It will also send pop-up signal to your mobile phone and you can trade anywhere you are with your phone while its generating signals for you on PC connected to VPS. Its recommended on m5 to h4 time frame on any pair on Deriv MT5 Broker. Pairs recommended: Volatility Index 10, Volatility Index 25, Volatility Index 100 Volatility I

** All Symbols x All Timeframes scan just by pressing scanner button ** *** Contact me to send you instruction and add you in "M W Scanner group" for sharing or seeing experiences with other users. Introduction: Double Top(M) and Double Bottom(W) is a very repetitive common type of price reversal patterns. Double Top resembles M pattern and indicates bearish reversal whereas Double Bottom resembles W pattern and indicates a bullish reversal that they have high win rate. The M W Scanne

All 11 indicators quickly turn off and turn on quickly!
Set of indicators:
2 indicators "TREND" :
- fast = line 4 colors - slow = dots 4 colors
The coloring of the indicators depends on the direction of the trend and the RSI indicator: 1) uptrend and RSI<50% 2) uptrend and RSI>50%
3) downtrend RSI<50%
4) downtrend RSI > 50% Set indicator periods for each timeframe: M5 M10 M15 M30 H1 H2 H4 H6 H12 D1 W1 MN
Do not enter trades if at least 1 of the indicators is horizontal. For a trade,


UR伽瑪 (由機器學習系統中的類似計算提供支持)
UR Gamma 是一種尖端的金融分析工具,它對經典的 WaveTrend 指標進行了全新改進。 通過結合先進的數字信號處理技術,UR Gamma 解決了傳統 WaveTrend 算法的一些局限性,並提供了一種更準確、穩健和動態的方法來識別和衡量價格行為的趨勢。
使用 UR Gamma 的優勢:
簡約設置 所有數據都在後台計算 - 用戶只有 1 個輸出 - 清晰整潔。 表明疲憊的背景水平 適應各種資產。 有一個特殊的電報聊天,您可以在其中了解最新的工具更新,如果您覺得缺少什麼,也可以發送請求!
為什麼選擇 UR Gamma?
目標是讓概率分佈在 -1 和 1 之間振盪,中間點為 0。 為實現這一目標,使用機器學習中稱為激活函數的技術來轉換數據。 一個這樣的函數是雙曲正切函數,它經常用於神經網絡,因為它保持 -1 和 1 之間的值。通過對輸入數據進行一階導數並使用二次均值對其進行歸一化,tanh 函數有效地重新分配輸入 信號進入 -1 到 1 的所需範圍。
UR Gamma 是交易者和投資者的強大工具,為他們提供對市場趨勢

Pivot Classic, Woodie, Camarilla, Fibonacci and Demark Floor/Classic Pivot points, or simply pivots, are useful for identifying potential support/resistance levels, trading ranges, trend reversals, and market sentiment by examining an asset's high, low, and closing values. The Floor/Classic Pivot Points can be calculated as follows. Pivot Point (P) = (High + Low + Close)/3 S1 = P * 2 - High S2 = P - (High - Low) S3 = Low – 2*(High - P) R1 = P * 2 - Low R2 = P + (High - Low) R3 = High + 2*(P - Lo

This indicator can be considered as a trading system. It offers a different view to see the currency pair: full timeless indicator, can be used for manual trading or for automatized trading with some expert advisor. When the price reaches a threshold a new block is created according to the set mode. The indicator beside the Renko bars, shows also 3 moving averages.
Features renko mode median renko custom median renko 3 moving averages wicks datetime indicator for each block custom notification

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