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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

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想要在市场 赚钱 吗?
如何介绍 用于流通销售的产品

适用于MetaTrader 5的新技术指标 - 22

icon 技术指标的信号外汇和股票市场的开仓交易和平仓交易起着至关重要的作用。指标的本质就是一种交易品种的数学转换,旨在预测未来的价格变化。 测试技术指标可以更有利于预测市场行为并从中获利。
Higher Timeframe Chart Overlay will display higher timeframe candles, including the number of candles high/low you specify. You no longer need to switch timeframes to check the candles. Everything can be shown in one chart. MT4 Version :  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/115680 Almost everything can be change as you want. You can change/set: - Choose different colors for the body and top/bottom wicks. - Panel's height and width. - The width of the body and wicks - Change background an
Higher Timeframe Candles MT5
Suvashish Halder
4 (2)
Higher Timeframe Chart Overlay will display higher timeframe candles, including the number of candles high/low you specify. You no longer need to switch timeframes to check the candles. Everything can be shown in one chart. Get Full Version -  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/115682 Please feel free Contact me if you have any questions   regarding    this tool. 
BS Time Band是一个很好的波段交易指示器,这个指标可以单独使用,但是最好是配合 StartPoint 一起使用效果更好,适用于任何时间框架,非常适合喜欢做波段交易的朋友。它能很好的体现出一个波段的完整信息,你可以很快的从这个指示器上寻找到最佳的预警区域,然后配合 StartPoint 找到最佳的buy位置和最佳的sell位置,也能很好根据指示器去坚守自己的持仓定订单。指标不含有未来函数,不会重新绘制,不仅能够应用到自己的手动交易过程中,还能完全可以写入到自己的EA中。(如果你感觉到这个指标能够帮助你进行更准确的交易,请帮忙给个好评,希望我的作品能够帮助更多有需要的人) =================参考使用方法=================== 此指标可以适用于任何交易品种。 做波段建议参数 timeFame:M5 如果配合 StartPoint 建议 StartPoint 的参数为(240,60)
Shiv Raj Kumawat
WHY IS OUR FXACCCURATE LS MT5 THE PROFITABLE ? PROTECT YOUR CAPITAL WITH RISK MANAGEMENT Gives entry, stop and target levels from time to time. It finds Trading opportunities by analyzing what the price is doing during established trends. POWERFUL INDICATOR FOR A RELIABLE STRATEGIES We have made these indicators with a lot of years of hard work. It is made at a very advanced level. Established trends provide dozens of trading opportunities, but most trend indicators completely ignore them! The
Ricardo De Andrade Nakano
2 (1)
"介绍NakaTrend:您在MetaTrader 5中的终极趋势检测器! 准备彻底改变您的交易体验了吗?来看看NakaTrend,您在精确和轻松识别趋势变化方面的首选指标。 有了NakaTrend,您将不会错过任何利用市场变化的机会。当出现看涨趋势时,NakaTrend会用绿色美元符号来表示,提示您进入买单。当趋势转为看跌时,会出现红色美元符号,表明这是放空的完美时机。 但这还不是全部- NakaTrend赋予您掌控交易的能力,允许手动下单。您的直觉与NakaTrend的见解相结合,将带领您取得有利的结果。 那些依赖猜测或过时指标的日子已经一去不复返了。NakaTrend利用先进的算法为您提供清晰、可操作的信号,您可以信任。 由于NakaTrend直接在MetaTrader 5中运行,将其集成到您的交易例程中是顺畅且无需麻烦的。只需安装NakaTrend,您将立即获得其强大的功能和功能。 但请记住,成功的交易不仅仅是进入交易-还包括知道何时退出。NakaTrend将这一决定留给您,让您可以根据自己的风险偏好和市场情况管理交易。 为了充分利用NakaTrend,请确保您
Ricardo De Andrade Nakano
介绍NakaSide - 您的终极市场机会指标! 您是否厌倦了错过盈利的交易机会?您是否准备将交易提升到新的水平?不用再找了,因为NakaSide已经出现,将彻底改变您的交易方式! NakaSide不仅仅是又一个普通的指标;它是您在复杂的金融市场中自信而准确导航的秘密武器。凭借其先进的算法和尖端技术,NakaSide旨在检测趋势变化,并在看涨和看跌市场中发现有利可图的机会。 当NakaSide检测到向上趋势转变时,它会以鲜艳的绿色美元符号发出信号,表明可能的购买机会。相反,如果趋势反转,将出现引人注目的红色美元符号,表明可能的卖出机会。 但这就是NakaSide真正脱颖而出的地方:它不仅仅停留在识别趋势上。在侧向市场中,其他人可能会遇到困难的地方,NakaSide表现得最出色,将多个美元符号散布在整个图表上,表明了多个潜在的入场点。这意味着您有更多的机会利用市场波动,无论是上升、下降还是横盘趋势! 但这还不是全部-NakaSide还允许您通过手动输入订单来灵活控制您的交易。无论您是执行买入还是卖出订单,只需按照指示-绿色表示买入,红色表示卖出-并抓住进入市场的时机。 重要
Pips Hunter PRO MT5
Rodrigo Arana Garcia
Pips Hunter PRO   历经数年开发,是其前身的改进版。这个功能强大的指标分析市场和价格历史,生成买入和卖出条目。在计算这些条目时,它使用了不同的协同工作指标以及复杂的统计对数,可过滤并消除不利条目/ MT4 版本 。 由于不断寻求保持策略的高效率水平,价格将逐步提高,直至达到 1000 美元。下一个价格 -->   69 美元 功能特点 无重绘 当新数据到来时,该指标不会改变其数值 无滞后 该指标无滞后 交易货币对 所有外汇货币对 (最好是 EURGBP) 时间框架 所有时间框架 参数 ===== 显示 ===== 箭头距离 // 信号(箭头)与蜡烛图之间的距离 ===== 警报 ===== 弹出式警报 // MT4 终端警报 推送通知警报 // 用于手机的警报 电子邮件警报 // 电子邮件警报 ===== 图表设置 ===== 更改图表上烛台颜色的选项 警告 我只在 MQL5.com 上销售我的产品。如果有人联系您向您推销我的产品,那么他们就是骗子,只想要您的钱。 此外,如果您从外部网站购买我的产品,我向您保证,这些产品都是假冒版本
Harmonic Hybrid
Clemence Benjamin
用於Boom 和Crash 合成的MFI 和RSI 狙擊進場訊號配備了強大的進場警報系統,對於更高級的過濾訊號,請考慮Harmonic Hybrid Pilot Pro。當交易尖峰時,您有三個訂單邏輯地放置來分配風險,第三個訂單最後是接近峰值的最高機率。 訊號在最終訂單下達十五分鐘後失效,且必須立即平倉。 對於 Tp,我建議您在對您有利的峰值出現後立即退出。 透過私人訊息部分向我發送訊息,以獲得全面的使用者指南。 用於Boom 和Crash 合成的MFI 和RSI 狙擊進場訊號配備了強大的進場警報系統,對於更高級的過濾訊號,請考慮Harmonic Hybrid Pilot Pro。當交易尖峰時,您有三個訂單邏輯地放置來分配風險,第三個訂單最後是接近峰值的最高機率。 訊號在最終訂單下達十五分鐘後失效,且必須立即平倉。 對於 Tp,我建議您在對您有利的峰值出現後立即退出。 透過私人訊息部分向我發送訊息,以獲得全面的使用者指南。
Vitalii Zakharuk
The PriceActionOracle indicator greatly simplifies your trading decision-making process by providing accurate signals about market reversals. It is based on a built-in algorithm that not only recognizes possible reversals, but also confirms them at support and resistance levels. This indicator embodies the concept of market cyclicality in a form of technical analysis. PriceActionOracle tracks the market trend with a high degree of reliability, ignoring short-term fluctuations and noise around
The Pivot Point Pioneer indicator is based on unique indicators capable of detecting extreme points. It is ideal for identifying reversals or sharp price movements in one direction. Thanks to this indicator, you will be informed about upcoming events: a blue dot will appear for a buy signal, and a red dot for a sell signal. This technical indicator allows you to assess the current state of the market and make a decision about entering a trend movement with minimal risk. It uses a process of an
Rejection Block
Usiola Oluwadamilol Olagundoye
The "Rejection Block" MetaTrader 5 Indicator offers traders a comprehensive tool for identifying and visualizing rejection candlestick patterns, commonly known as rejection blocks. These patterns are pivotal in discerning potential market reversals or continuations, making them invaluable for traders seeking to enhance their analysis. Key Features: Rejection Block Detection: The indicator diligently scans price data, pinpointing instances of rejection candlestick patterns. These patterns typical
** NOTE: This indicator uses realtime data. Thus DO NOT download Demo version. If you still need demo version, please refer to free version . Symbol Chart Changer is an indicator/utility that offers you the option to switch between symbols and timeframes. You can choose any symbol and timeframe on the same chart with just a few clicks.  In addition, this indicator also shows the profit of the symbol through the color of the buttons. Features: Click buttons on the chart to monitor all your fa
Malaysian SNR Levels
Matthias Horst Pieroth
This indicator can be used to display Support and Resistance levels according to  the  Malaysian SNR concept , in which Support and Resistance are exact levels of a line chart. Malaysian SNR There are 3 different horizontal levels in Malaysian SNR: A-Level : This level is located at the peak of this line chart. (shape looks like the letter A) V-Level : Level at the valley of a line chart, (shape looks like the letter V) Gap-Leve l: This level is located at the Close/Open gap between two candle
Colored Dynamic Momentum Index DMI
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
5 (4)
If you are (or were) a fan of the RSI indicator will love Tushar Chande's Dynamic Momentum Index indicator, that simply put is a dynamic variable lenght RSI, so it is more powerful. The DMI indicator internally uses a variable number of bars in its calculations, taking into consideration the volatility levels of the current market you are analyzing. This way, the DMI indicator will use more bars as volatility decreases and less bars when volatility increases, giving you a more powerfull analysis
Vanguard's Volatility indicator is based on the analysis of long and short price volatility. It helps to determine market entry points by displaying favorable entry points with arrows. This indicator can be used as a filter in trading or as a tool to show the exact direction of the trend. It is suitable for both scalping on small time intervals and long-term trading. It is important to remember that successful trading requires a comprehensive approach, and additional information is needed to en
Velas MTF
Juan Manuel Rojas Perez
5 (1)
Velas Multi Time Frame Las velas multi time frame, también conocidas como "MTF candles" en inglés, son un indicador técnico que permite visualizar velas japonesas de un marco temporal diferente al marco temporal principal en el que estás operando. Este enfoque ofrece una perspectiva más amplia del comportamiento del precio, lo que resulta especialmente útil para los traders que emplean estrategias de acción del precio. A continuación, se detallan los conceptos clave relacionados con este indic
Volkan Mustafaoglu
Supertrend is a trend following indicator based on   the Average True Range   (ATR)   . Calculating the odd line combines trend detection and volatility. It can be used to detect changes in trend direction and position stops. Basic knowledge Supertrend is a trend following indicator. It takes up space on the main chart and its plots show the current trend. A Supertrend can be used for varying durations (daily, weekly, intraday, etc.) and varying instruments (stocks, futures or forex). Supertr
RSI Rush
Certainly! Let’s discuss the   RSI Rush , an aggressive momentum indicator that combines weighted moving averages (WMAs) at lows, mid-price, and tight highs. Here are the key components: Weighted Moving Averages (WMAs) : The RSI Rush employs three WMAs: WMA at Lows : Calculated based on the lowest prices during a specific period. WMA at Mid-Price : Considers the average price (midway between highs and lows) during the same period. WMA at Tight Highs : Based on the highest prices during the speci
Fair Value Gap Scanner
Usiola Oluwadamilol Olagundoye
The Fair Value Gap Detector is a MetaTrader 5 indicator designed to identify and draw rectangles on the chart wherever fair value gaps (FVGs) are detected. Fair value gaps occur when there is a significant disparity between the current price and the fair value of an asset. These gaps can provide valuable insights into potential trading opportunities, as they often indicate overbought or oversold conditions in the market. Key Features: FVG Detection: The indicator utilizes a proprietary algorith
这是一个判断趋势的指标,是一个关于利用布林带,并通过指数化的方法,从而利用颜色来判断现在的趋势是顺势还是逆势,而且也利用中间颜色蓝色来判断即将转势的可能性。 并且,根据上轨,上轨EMA,中轨,中轨EMA,下轨,下轨EMA, 一共6条轨道来判断,价格是否处于适当范围里。 用法1: 判断趋势 A: 当上中下轨道通道都出现绿色,证明价格向上可能性大。 B:  当上中下轨道通道都出现红色,证明价格向下可能性大。 C: 当三轨道通道的颜色不一致时,有可能会有其他的变数。 用法2:关键点位 A:当价格超出上轨,证明价格偏向上。 B:  当价格超出下轨,证明价格偏向下。 另外, 配合不同的周期,例如:日线级别, 4小时级别, 利用这些级别的颜色来判断大趋势, 再利用低级别的周期的关键点位来进行下单。 还有一点就是参数 周期,系统默认的是20,个人觉得最佳的参数是144. 这是个人建议。
Introduction One of the patterns in "RTM" is the "QM" pattern, also known as "Quasimodo". Its name is derived from the appearance of "Hunchback of Notre-Dame" from Victor Hugo's novel. It is a type of "Head and Shoulders" pattern.   Formation Method   Upward Trend In an upward trend, the left shoulder is formed, and the price creates a new peak higher than the left shoulder peak . After a decline, it manages to break the previous low and move upward again. We expect the price to
Updown v6
Guner Koca
up down v6 for mt5 is no repaint all timeframe and all pairs indicator. red histogram cros trigger that is up point,and put a red point on histogram. and blue histogram cros trigger that is deep point.and put blue point on histogram. this indicator need to sometimes zoom out .for thise pres + button. if newly comes signal is too high makes before invisible.red and blue points are there.to see the signals. indicator is no repaint and can use all time frame and all pairs. only need minimum 500 bar
Introducing the Reversal and Breakout Signals   This innovative tool is crafted to enhance your chart analysis by identifying potential reversal and breakout opportunities directly on your charts. It's designed with both novice and experienced traders in mind, providing intuitive visual cues for better decision-making. Let's dive into the key features and how it operates: ###   Key Features:   Dynamic Period Settings:   Customize the sensitivity of the indicator with user-def
To get access to MT4 version please click   here . This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "G-Channel Trend Detection" by "jaggedsoft". This is a light-load processing and non-repaint indicator. You can message in private chat for further changes you need. All input options are available. Buffers are available for processing within EAs. Highlight option is omitted as does not show good in Metatrader. 
Tired of information overload when analyzing forex currency strength? Introducing "All Currency Strength Live", the ultimate dashboard indicator for MetaTrader 5 that simplifies your trading life. This innovative tool provides a clear, concise overview of the strength of all major currencies, empowering you to make informed trading decisions with ease. With "All Currency Strength Live,"  you gain access to real-time insights into both price and volume strength across all major currencies. No mor
TrendDecoder Premium MT5
Christophe Pa Trouillas
5 (3)
确定范围和下一步可能的走势    |     获得早期信号和趋势强度   |     在反转之前获得明确的退出   |     了解价格将测试哪些斐波水平   |  非重绘、非延迟指标 - 手动和自动交易的理想选择 - 适用于所有资产和所有时间单位 剩余 5 份,售价 $69   - 然后 $99 购买后,请联系我以获取您的 免费 TrendDECODER_Scanner MT4 版本: 点击此处 使用 BladeSCALPER 和 PowerZONES 获取我们的完整方法 它是什么? TrendDECODER 集多种创新于一身,使趋势监测变得简单易行。 投射趋势线(Projective TrendLine )--快速参考即将到来的趋势 实时趋势线(RealTime TrendLine) 与投射趋势线(Projective TrendLine)的对比 - 与之前的同方向走势相比,市场是加速还是放缓? 实时趋势线交叉 -   趋势正在偏离轨道 使用 GreyBox -   市场不再是趋势并进入新的过渡序列 使用 DecoderSignals 和 Blue/Orange Clo
Spread Pulse MT5   指标是一种有效的工具,可为交易者提供有关图表上当前点差的信息。 点差是一种工具的买入价和卖出价之间的差额。 该指标以图表上显示的文本形式呈现。 这使得交易者可以轻松跟踪当前的点差。 Spread Pulse 指标的主要优点之一是其颜色可视化。 根据跨页大小,文本颜色会发生变化。 默认情况下,当点差较小时,文本将为绿色,这意味着点差较低,交易可能会更有利可图。 然而,当点差变高时,指示文字会自动变为红色。 此外,用户还可以自定义与高差和低差相关的颜色。 您还可以更改字体大小以使信息更易于阅读。 Spread Pulse 指标对于任何交易者来说都是理想的选择,无论经验水平和交易策略如何。 它可以快速、轻松地访问有关当前点差的信息,帮助交易者做出明智的决策并改善交易结果。 如果您发现该指标有用,请留下评论。 您的意见对我们非常重要,将帮助我们使指标变得更好。 选项 Spread size   - 确定文本颜色的展开大小。 如果跨度大于跨度大小值,则文本为红色(默认情况下)。 当价差较高时,颜色为绿色。 High spread   - 价差较
线性回归人工智能驱动指标: 线性回归是一种简单而有效的人工智能技术,是复杂神经网络的基础,该指标基于线性回归分析构建,并试图对市场即将发生的事件做出预测 输入: train_bars:这控制了价格信息将被收集并用于训练其中的 AI 的柱数,该值越大越好,而且指标在初始化期间变得越慢,我建议值为 1000 Predict_next_bars:这决定了您希望指标接下来预测的蜡烛数量,默认情况下该值设置为 10。因为该指标尝试预测接下来 10 个蜡烛的上涨位置。 如果指标预测高于当前价格,则意味着指标预测市场将看涨,否则将看跌 include_ precision:设置为 true 时,指标会计算之前在预测过程中所犯的错误,并将这些错误的平均值包含在新的预测中,以使指标更加准确 在右下角,指示器显示有关训练和测试准确性、精度误差和平均/平均误差的有价值的信息。 在使用指标之前,请确保训练和测试准确度均为 0.6 至 0.9 范围内的良好值,分别代表 60% 至 90% 的准确度。如果指标没有为特定交易品种提供良好的准确度值,则该指标 可能不适合这样的符号。 该指标最适合所有交易品种
Contraction And Expansion FVG
Usiola Oluwadamilol Olagundoye
The Expert Advisor for this Indicator can be found here:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/115567 The Contraction/Expansion Breakout Lines with Fair Value Gaps (FVGs) Indicator for MetaTrader 5 (MT5) is a powerful technical analysis tool designed to help traders identify and visualize breakouts at critical levels of contraction and expansion in financial markets. By incorporating Fair Value Gaps (FVGs), this indicator enhances traders' ability to gauge market sentiment and anticipate poten
The "   YK Find Support And Resistance " indicator is a technical analysis tool used to identify key support and resistance levels on a price chart. Its features and functions are as follows: 1. Displays support and resistance levels using arrow lines and colored bands, with resistance in red and support in green. 2. Can be adjusted to calculate and display results from a specified timeframe using the forced_tf variable. If set to 0, it will use the current timeframe of the chart. 3. Uses th
The ICT Zone Arrow Indicator is an innovative tool developed based on ICT principles. It provides ease and efficiency in identifying key trading areas in the market. Based on the 'killzone' concept, this indicator provides traders with important support and resistance levels by identifying places where large changes in price direction could potentially occur. The ICT Zone Arrow Indicator provides visual graphical markers that help traders identify trade entry zones with a high probability of s
Rainer Schnoege
Introduction to the Candle Time Indicator The Candle Time Indicator for MetaTrader 5, helps users know how much time on a candlestick is remaining. Overview of Candle Time Indicator settings. TextColor: set the color of the countdown clock; FontSize: set the size of the font; Installation Guide Copy and paste the CandleTime.ex5 indicator files into the MQL5 folder of the Metatrader 5 trading platform. You can gain access to this folder by clicking the top menu options, that goes as follows: Fil
PricePulse Pro - Indicator of Simple Solutions! Using this indicator is very easy - just follow the colored arrows on the chart. The indicator algorithm takes into account daily price fluctuations and focuses on measuring the "candlestick" share in the trend. This indicator uses an algorithm that considers price changes based on various parameters such as H/C (high price/close), H/O (high price/open), LC (low price/close), LO (low price/open). This allows for a more detailed analysis of price
Volkan Mustafaoglu
Heikin Ashi Heikin Ashi is a charting technique that can be used to predict future price movements. It is similar to traditional candlestick charts. However, unlike a regular candlestick chart, the Heikin Ashi chart attempts to filter out some of the market noise by smoothing out strong price swings to better identify trend movements in the market. To create Heiken Ashi, a formula is used in which price data is entered, while ordinary candles are built only on bare numbers, without using any c
Volkan Mustafaoglu
The best quality application of the famous Super Trend indicator that requires no introduction. It is completely faithful to the original algorithm and powered by the CCI indicator. - easy to trade - It implements all kinds of warnings. - It implements a multi-timezone dashboard. - It cannot be repainted or backpainted. Input parameters - ATR Period – This is the average true range period. - ATR Multiplier - The ATR multiplier that defines the trend. - CCI - Makes trend following powerful. - M
Volkan Mustafaoglu
An invention that will turn your working principles upside down. Especially in horizontal and stagnant markets, annoying losses can occur. Besides, following trend lines, support and resistance can be tiring. To put an end to all this, I decided to create a professional "moving average" indicator. All you have to do is follow the colors. If you need additional support, I recommend the "Heiken-Ashi" candle indicator in my profile. I wish you lots of profit..
Source Trend
Maryna Shulzhenko
Source Trend Indicator: A Powerful Tool for Market Analysis! Advantages: Trend Detection: The Source Trend indicator will help you immediately identify the direction of price movement and understand the interaction between buyers and sellers. Versatility: Works on all time frames and with any currency pairs, providing flexibility and adaptation to different market conditions. Accurate Signals: Provides reliable signals in both trending and flat markets, helping you make informed decisions. Com
Dimatis Watchtower
Vincent Teddy Rakotomalala
Description: Dimatis Watchtower is a powerful backtesting tool designed for traders seeking for an efficient way to test and optimize their trading strategies on the MetaTrader 5 platform. With a minimalist interface and advanced features, this tool provides an outstanding solution for evaluating the performance of your strategies in various market conditions. Key Features: Backtesting: Perform precise and reliable backtests of your strategies using historical data from your broker directly on M
Contraction And Expansion
Usiola Oluwadamilol Olagundoye
The Expert Advisor for this Indicator can be found here:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/115564 The Contraction/Expansion Breakout Indicator for MetaTrader 5 (MT5) is a powerful tool designed to identify and signal the breakout of bullish and bearish contraction or expansion formations in financial markets. Utilizing advanced algorithmic calculations, this indicator helps traders spot significant price movements that often accompany these formations, providing valuable insights for stra
This indicator shows the strength of each currency compared to the US dollar by calculating the rate of change in price over a specified time period. When you open the indicator, you'll see a list of different currencies on the price chart. Each currency will have a numerical value indicating its strength level compared to the US dollar, where: If the value is higher than the US dollar, it will be displayed in green, meaning that currency is stronger than the dollar. If the value is lower than t
About:  Introducing the "Median Proximity Percentile" developed by AlgoAlpha, a sophisticated trading indicator engineered to augment market analysis. This tool adeptly monitors the proximity of median prices over a designated historical period and delineates its percentile position amidst dynamically evolving standard deviation bands. It furnishes traders with invaluable insights essential for well-informed decision-making. Features: Color-Coded Visuals: Facilitate intuitive comprehension of
Supertrend - невероятно мощный и универсальный индикатор, предназначенный для помощи трейдерам в определении текущего тренда на конкретном торговом инструменте. С помощью двух встроенных индикаторов, Average True Range и Standard Deviation, трейдеры могут выбрать наиболее подходящий индикатор для своей стратегии торговли. Пользователи также могут настроить период этих индикаторов и выбрать цену (Close, High, Low, Open, Weighted), к которой он должен быть применен, с Typical price в качестве опци
Mastering the RSI MT5
Nguyen Anh Tung
5 (1)
The RSI Advanced tool will help traders capture trends and optimal entry points by: - Enter a Buy order when the green line crosses the yellow line. Provided that the yellow line is near line 32 or 20 - Enter a Sell order when the green line crosses the yellow line. Provided that the yellow line is near line 68 or 80 Additionally, you can combine it with the convergence divergence that occurs at the green line. **When you purchase the Mastering the RSI MT4 or Mastering the RSI MT5 indicator,
Yan Qi Zhu
StartPoint是一个很好的短线交易指示器,这个指标可以单独使用,但是最好是配合 HighQualityMap 一起使用,适用于任何时间框架,喜欢超短线的朋友可以使用M5时间框架。它能很好的体现出短期趋势的启动点,你可以很快的从这个指示器上寻找到最佳的buy和sell位置,同时也能很好根据指示器去坚守自己的持仓定订单。指标不含有未来函数,不会重新绘制,不仅能够应用到自己的手动交易过程中,还能完全可以写入到自己的EA中。(如果你感觉到这个指标能够帮助你进行更准确的交易,请帮忙给个好评,希望我的作品能够帮助更多有需要的人) ===================参数列表===================== 所有参数均采用默认参数即可,无需更改,若为激进型交易者,可以根据自己的需要来调整参数。 =================参考使用方法=================== 此指标可以适用于任何交易品种。
MACD Divergence and TFR for MT5
Krzysztof Janusz Stankiewic
5 (1)
该指标通过分析连接价格和MACD直方图峰值或谷值的线的斜率来识别背离。 看涨背离(趋同):   当连接MACD谷值的线与连接相应价格谷值的线具有相反的斜率并趋同时发生。 看跌背离:   当连接MACD峰值的线与连接相应价格峰值的线具有相反的斜率并发散时发生。 当检测到背离信号时,指标会在对应信号的价格水平和时间上在图表中标注点。 额外功能: 该指标集成了 Darek Dargo的交易系统 中的信号,称为 TFR(The First Red) 。如果背离和TFR信号同时发生,指标会在图表中显示方向箭头,突显强化信号。 MACD直方图: 为了更清晰地显示,直方图采用不同颜色: 红色柱状 表示值高于前一根柱子。 绿色柱状 表示值低于前一根柱子。 当直方图在零线以下从红色变为绿色时,表明可能存在买入机会。相应地,当直方图在零线以上从绿色变为红色时,表明可能存在卖出机会。 背离和TFR信号作为过滤器,增强了这些信号的可靠性。 技术细节: MACD直方图计算为12周期和26周期指数移动平均线的差值。信号线未参与背离模式,以确保专注于直方图的动态。
B4S Economic News Radar
Henry Waribu Macharia
Brief Description B4S Economic News Radar now offers enhanced features to keep traders informed and empowered. Experience comprehensive news coverage directly on your trading chart, including upcoming and past events, customizable reminders, and automatic time zone adjustments. Why News Events Matter: Market volatility triggered by economic indicators, central bank decisions, and geopolitical events can significantly impact trading outcomes. Stay ahead of these shifts with timely information and
The Chapon Channel indicator is a classic channel indicator that allows a trader to react when the price goes beyond the boundaries of the established channel. This channel is formed based on the analysis of several candles, starting with the last one, in order to determine the extremes in the period under consideration. These extrema are then used to construct channel lines. Channel trading is one of the most popular strategies in the Forex market and due to its simplicity, even beginners can
Juan Manuel Rojas Perez
PreCogniTrade : Un Indicador Técnico Avanzado para Predecir el Mercado (Fase Beta) El  PreCogniTrade  es un indicador técnico revolucionario diseñado para los traders que buscan una ventaja competitiva en los mercados financieros. Este indicador no solo analiza las tendencias actuales, sino que también predice los movimientos futuros de los precios con una precisión asombrosa, lo que lo convierte en una herramienta de incalculable valor para cualquier estrategia de trading. Características Pri
Juan Manuel Rojas Perez
5 (2)
Schaff Trend Cycle (STC)  "CON ALERTAS" El Indicador Schaff Trend Cycle (STC) es una herramienta técnica utilizada en el trading e inversión para identificar tendencias y generar señales de compra o venta. ¿Qué es el Schaff Trend Cycle? El STC fue desarrollado por Doug Schaff para mejorar las medias móviles incorporando análisis de ciclos. Su objetivo es identificar tendencias y cambios de tendencia midiendo la fuerza y velocidad de los cambios de precio. Es un oscilador que mide la velocidad
Introducing the Consecutive Green/Red Candle Alert Indicator for MT5 - Your Trend Spotting Companion! Are you ready to take your trading to the next level? We present the Consecutive Green/Red Candle Alert Indicator, a powerful tool designed to help you spot trends and potential reversals with ease. Whether you're a new trader looking for clarity in the market or an experienced pro seeking additional confirmation, this indicator is your trusted companion. Key Features of the Consecutive Green
Brief Description: A tool to display historical Open, High, Low, and Close (OHLC) price points for various time periods. Gain insights into market behavior with data from yesterday, the day before, the previous week, and the previous month. Recognize liquidity zones effectively. Features: 1. Comprehensive Timeframe Insights: Visualize crucial OHLC points for different timeframes. Historical data for yesterday, day before yesterday, previous week, and previous month. 2. Built on ICT's Teachings:
B4S ICT Key Open Lines
Henry Waribu Macharia
Brief Description The indicator is a powerful tool based on Inner Circle Trader's trading theory. It strategically plots lines at key prices relative to time, highlighting crucial market moments such as Tokyo Open, New York Midnight, London Open, New York Open, New York 8:30 AM, and New York Session End. The indicator is built on the foundation of Inner Circle Trader's trading theory, emphasizing the significance of key open times as liquidity and reference zones. These zones act as magnets for
B4S ICT Killzones
Henry Waribu Macharia
Brief Description The B4S_ICT_Killzones indicator is designed to enhance your trading strategy by highlighting key market times based on the Inner Circle Trader's (ICT) proven trading model. This indicator intelligently plots colored boxes around critical "killzone" periods, providing valuable insights into market behavior influenced by different geographical and time zone locations and time variations. Features / Indicator Settings 1. Killzone Identification Asian Range: Target the Asian tradin
Brief Description: The B4S_Institutional_Round_Number_Prices indicator identifies and marks key price levels, known as round number prices or institutional price levels, renowned for their psychological significance. These levels often influence institutional activity, attracting attention and triggering significant market moves.   Features: Round Number Price Identification: The indicator excels at identifying round number prices, providing you with crucial insights into potential market moveme
B4S PriceLevel Watcher
Henry Waribu Macharia
Brief Description The B4S PriceLevel Watcher is a useful indicator designed to empower traders with precise price level notifications. It allows users to set customizable notifications based on specific price types, such as close, high, low, ask, bid, or either ask or bid of the current candle.   Problem being solved In the ever-evolving world of trading, staying attuned to price movements is paramount. Traders need to remain vigilant, ready to act swiftly as market conditions change. However, t
Tendencia Magica
Juan Manuel Rojas Perez
5 (2)
El indicador técnico Trend Magic es una herramienta de análisis de tendencias que combina el Índice de Canal de Mercancía (CCI) y el Rango Verdadero Medio (ATR) para identificar la dirección de la tendencia del mercado. Aquí tienes un resumen de sus pros y contras, así como las mejores condiciones del mercado para su uso: Pros: - Identificación clara de la tendencia: Cambia de color para indicar tendencias alcistas (azul) y bajistas (rojo), lo que facilita la visualización de la dirección del
Brilliant Reversals Alert MT5
Biswarup Banerjee
5 (1)
Brilliant Reversal Indicator for MetaTrader 5 - Your Ultimate Alert-Driven Trading Solution Unlock unparalleled trading success with the "Brilliant Reversal Indicator" tailored for MetaTrader 5. This powerful tool has been meticulously designed to empower traders by identifying critical reversal opportunities with lightning-fast alerts. Key Features: Precise Reversal Detection: The Brilliant Reversal Indicator for MT5 specializes in pinpointing potential trend reversals, providing you with a str
YK Lot Size
Peechanat Chatsermsak
The "YK-LOT-SIZE" is a custom indicator for MetaTrader 5 (MT5) that displays the total lot sizes and profits for both buy and sell positions on the current chart. Key features of the indicator: It calculates the total lot sizes for all open buy and sell positions of the current symbol. It calculates the total profits (including commissions and swaps) for all open buy and sell positions. The indicator displays the information on the chart using two lines of text: "BUY Lots: [total buy lots] | BUY
Trend detection index TDI
Juan Manuel Rojas Perez
El Trend Detection Index (TDI) es un indicador técnico introducido por M. H. Pee. Se utiliza para detectar cuándo ha comenzado una tendencia y cuándo ha llegado a su fin. El TDI puede usarse como un indicador independiente o combinado con otros; se desempeñará bien en la detección del comienzo de las tendencias. Los indicadores de tendencia son esenciales para detectar las tendencias de los mercados financieros. Estos indicadores ayudan a determinar la dirección que probablemente siga el activ
Buy DEMA 3 Scalp  Indicator, Signaling and Trend Finder for Forex DEMA 3 indicator is a professional indicator for finding trends as well as finding entry and exit points for a symbol. This indicator is designed based on the DEMA indicator, which can tell you the signals accurately and quickly. The DEMA 3 indicator can give you accurate and early entry points for swings. Features of the DEMA indicator 3 Receive signals as notifications on the Metatrader mobile application. Receive signals by ema
YK Smart EMA
Peechanat Chatsermsak
The YK-SMART-EMA is an indicator that displays multiple Exponential Moving Average (EMA) lines on a price chart to help analyze price trends. This indicator features five EMA lines: EMA14 (red line): Calculated based on the closing prices of the last 14 candles. EMA30 (blue line): Calculated based on the closing prices of the last 30 candles. EMA50 (green line): Calculated based on the closing prices of the last 50 candles. EMA100 (orange line): Calculated based on the closing prices of the last
Heiken Ashi Suavizado
Juan Manuel Rojas Perez
El **Heiken Ashi Smoothed** es una versión suavizada del indicador técnico Heiken Ashi, que se utiliza en el análisis de gráficos de velas para identificar tendencias del mercado y pronosticar movimientos de precios. Este indicador se basa en el promedio de datos de precios para formar un gráfico de velas que ayuda a los traders a filtrar el ruido del mercado. **¿Para qué sirve?** Este indicador se utiliza para identificar cuándo los traders deben permanecer en una operación y cuándo está por
Non Lag Ma MTF
Juan Manuel Rojas Perez
Versión Beta El indicador técnico Non Lag MA MTF (Non-Lagged Moving Average Multi-Time Frame) es una versión avanzada del Non Lag MA que permite visualizar la media móvil en varios marcos temporales simultáneamente.   Pros: - Visión integral: Proporciona una visión más completa al mostrar la media móvil en diferentes marcos temporales en un solo gráfico. - Anticipación de tendencias: Ayuda a anticipar cambios de tendencia al observar la convergencia o divergencia de las medias móviles en distint
Sentimento de Mercado
Sentimento de Mercado é um indicador que usa os dados do nosso principal indicador: Market Strength Radar.:  https://www.mql5.com/pt/market/product/114568?source=Site +Profile+Seller Ele imprime um gráfico de linhas que deve ser comparado com o gráfico de preço para entendermos o sentimento do mercado. As divergencias são pontos importantes de inflexão. As convergências mostram força da tendência atual. 
Multi Oscilador
Juan Manuel Rojas Perez
Un indicador técnico de múltiples osciladores es una herramienta de análisis que combina varios osciladores para proporcionar una visión más completa de la dinámica del mercado. Los osciladores son fórmulas matemáticas que se calculan a partir de los datos de los precios y se representan gráficamente para ayudar a identificar la tendencia actual, el sentimiento del mercado y posibles puntos de giro. **¿Para qué sirve?** Este indicador sirve para identificar condiciones de sobrecompra y sobreve
Lineas de tendencia perfecta
Juan Manuel Rojas Perez
El indicador técnico conocido como   Líneas de Tendencia Perfecta . Este indicador es una herramienta valiosa en el análisis técnico y se utiliza para mejorar la toma de decisiones en el trading. Aquí tienes una descripción paso a paso de cómo funciona y cómo puede ser utilizado por los traders: Identificación de Tendencias : Las líneas de tendencia perfecta se dibujan conectando dos o más puntos de precio en un gráfico, revelando así la dirección general del mercado. Una línea ascendente indica
La **Media Móvil de Tercera Generación (TGMMA)** es una versión avanzada del indicador estándar de **Media Móvil (MA)**. Fue descrita por primera vez por Manfred G. Dürschner en su artículo "Gleitende Durchschnitte 3.0" (en alemán). Aquí están las características clave de la TGMMA: 1. **Reducción del Retraso**:    - A diferencia de las MAs tradicionales, la TGMMA reduce significativamente el retraso. Se adapta más rápidamente a los cambios de precios, lo que la hace ideal para traders que busc
A probability of bankruptcy
Kiyoshi Mizu Miyabi Nori
This is a tool to estimate your probability of bankruptcy. features. estimate a probability of bankruptcy (Nauzer J. Balsara) from your trade history usually, it is small print and never interfere with trades alert in large prints and color when it exceed the alert level you can set parameters(i.e. winning ratio) fixed and simulate freely *1: this value is for reference only and is not guaranteed to occur.
Non Lag Ma
Juan Manuel Rojas Perez
El indicador técnico Non Lag MA (Non-Lagged Moving Average) es una variante de la media móvil que busca reducir el retraso inherente a las medias móviles tradicionales. Pros: - Menos retraso: Al estar diseñado para reducir el retraso, el Non Lag MA puede proporcionar señales más rápidas que las medias móviles tradicionales. - Tendencias claras: Las líneas del Non Lag MA muestran claramente las tendencias alcistas y bajistas, lo que facilita la interpretación de la dirección del mercado. - Pers
Indicador Maestro del Trader
Juan Manuel Rojas Perez
Indicador Maestro del Trader Características Principales: Spread del Mercado en Tiempo Real : Visualiza el diferencial entre el precio de compra y venta directamente en tu gráfico.  Cuenta Regresiva del Cierre de Vela : No más sorpresas al final de la vela. El indicador muestra un cronómetro que te informa cuánto tiempo queda antes de que se cierre la vela actual. ¡Actúa con precisión en los momentos cruciales! Ganancias o Pérdidas en Tiempo Real : ¿Estás en verde o en rojo? El Indicador Maest

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