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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

虚拟 主机运行您的EA
想要在市场 赚钱 吗?
如何介绍 用于流通销售的产品

适用于MetaTrader 4的EA交易和指标 - 59

icon EA交易自动执行市场交易,而指标可使您更准确地分析报价并预测价格行为。 通过这些应用程序,您将能够更明智地在MetaTrader 4执行交易,抓住更多的交易机会。
QuanticX MultiIndices QuanticX MultiIndices Welcome to QuanticX MultiIndices, an Expert Advisor (EA) designed to optimize your trading experience on four prominent indices: US500, US30, Nasdaq, and DE30 (Dax). Our commitment to transparency and responsible trading ensures a secure and reliable approach to algorithmic trading. Key Features and Risk Management Timeframe: QuanticX MultiIndices operates exclusively on the 1-hour (1H) timeframe. Risk Management: You have the flexibility to customize
Liu Chun Xiao
1 (1)
倒计时指标功能介绍 类别 解释 备注 预计结束倒计时 计算当前周期蜡烛图的结束时间(可应用于所有周期),其考虑了蜡烛图可能会因为日常休市而提前结束的情况; 如果该蜡烛图包含多个休市和开市的情况下,以最后的休市或者蜡烛图收盘时间为准。 值得特别注意的是:本指标并没有将平台额外公布的节假日休市、修改休市或者开市时间等因素纳入考虑范围,它仅仅是基于MT4所公开的交易时间做计算,无法100%确保本品种的收盘或者开盘时间无误 ,故使用者需提前明确该品种交易时间情况。 预计开盘倒计时 仅限于状态为"休市中"的提示,根据MT4上公开显示开市时间进行预估大约还有多久时间开盘; 和预计结束倒计时类似,并没有将额外公布的时间纳入考量。由于W1和MN1周期中包含多次的开盘和收盘,所以该两周期无休市提示。 【状态】 颜色 状态 备注 绿色 正常 一切正常 黄色 服务器无报价 服务器实际上传送到MT4并非是毫无中断的,可能是1分钟之内出现多次,甚至是连续较长的时间无报价,取决于您所处的网络延迟、服务器的情况等等。 本品种已有X秒无报价 MT4上并不是所有的品种的报价都是最新的,有可能某个品种长期无
RSI Arrows MTF
Yuriy Shatsckiy
The RSI Arrows MTF indicator is based on the RSI indicator. Represents input signals in the form of arrows. It has 6 types of calculation. All signals are generated on the current bar of the selected period. Signals do not redraw in the first 4 modes! But it is possible to redraw in cases of a sharp change in market movement.  All signals in MTF mode correspond to signals of the period specified in MTF. It is maximally simplified to use both for trading with only one indicator and for using t
The   Retracement indicator   shows the current and historical high, low and mid values. Optionally, it can also display major retracement levels. All these levels together form the significant levels of support and resistance. Therefore, it is essential to know them for every kind of trader. Levels High Low Midpoint 76,4 % 61,8 % 38,2 % 23,6 % Main features The indicator shows the actual levels of High, Low, Mid and selected retracements. Four optional retracement levels. Alert notifications
Dmitriy Prigodich
为了方便交易者,增加了许多功能,使交易更加舒适和安全。 Ea交易有一个内置的作者指标,以防止单向网格。 推荐工具:USDCHF ; GBPUSD; 欧元兑美元; 美元兑日元; USDCAD; 澳元兑美元; 欧元兑日元; 推荐的最小mm和设置: 美元兑瑞郎,存款=1000美元,手数=0.01,该工具的预期年利润=15-25%; GBPUSD,存款=$1000,手=0.01,工具上的预期年利润=25-55%; 欧元兑美元,存款=1000美元,手数=0.01,该工具的预期年利润=25-75%; USDJPY,存款=1000美元,手=0.01,该工具的预期年利润=30-45%; 美元兑加元,存款=1000美元,手数=0.01,该工具的预期年利润=20-35%; 澳元兑美元,存款=1000美元,手数=0.01,该工具的预期年利润=50-75%; EURJPY,存款=$1000,手=0.01,工具上的预期年利润=30-45%; 在多货币交易中,EA分别放置在货币对的每个图表上,并改变每个货币对的魔力!!! 参数 : 基本设置 "滑点"-滑点 "魔术"是顾问的I
AC Pivot Panel – Your Ultimate Pivot Trading Tool The   AC Pivot Panel   is a powerful yet user-friendly pivot point indicator designed to help traders identify key support and resistance levels with ease. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced trader, this indicator simplifies pivot trading and enhances your decision-making process. Key Features : Interactive Selection Panel : Easily adjust pivot settings directly on the chart with a compact and intuitive panel. Multiple Pivot Methods : C
Muscle ZigZag
Hong Ling Mu
3.86 (7)
I had never come up with such a logic before. One time, in a dream, a muscular man said to me, "Well, why don't you try using the ZigZag indicator along with the moving average line? By doing so, you will be able to contribute to world peace." I immediately started working on creating an Expert Advisor (EA). In just about 30 minutes, I had created an ideal EA. I was aware of using moving average lines before, but the idea of combining it with ZigZag was truly divine. I couldn't help but laugh
Channel Builder
Aleksey Ivanov
4.67 (3)
The Channel Builder (CB) or Ivanov Bands indicator is a broad generalization of the Bollinger Bands indicator. First, in CB, the mean line <X> is calculated using various averaging algorithms. Secondly, the mean deviations calculated by Kolmogorov averaging are plotted on both sides of the middle line <X>.                The middle line <X>, besides the standard SMA, EMA, SMMA and LWMA averaging algorithms, can be Median = (Max + Min) / 2 sliding median (which is the default). In
The intention of the dashboard is to provide a quick overview of the daily, weekly and monthly range of configured assets. In "single asset mode" the dashboard shows you possible reversal points directly in the chart, thus making statistics directly tradable. If a configured threshold is exceeded, the dashboard can send a screen alert, a notification (to the mobile MT4) or an email.  There are various ways of using this information. One approach is that an asset that has completed nearly 100% o
Skull Per
Che Jeib Che Said
4 (1)
Skull Per https://www.mql5.com/en/users/earobotkk/seller#products This is a fully functional Expert Advisor. It is intended for trading major currency pairs with small spread. It uses scalping technique for quick profit and easy to use with simple input parameters. Input Max Spread:  maximum spread allowable for trading. Magic No: unique expert number. Lot: size of lot. Lot Multiplier: size of subsequent lot by multiplication. Take Profit: take profit in pips. Stop Loss: stop loss in pips. Trail
MQLTA Draw Grid
MQL4 Trading Automation
5 (2)
Простая утилита MQLTA Draw Grid поможет вам нарисовать сетку на вашем графике. Она полезна при изучении графика и моделирования сетки. Как она работает? Утилита будет создавать горизонтальные линии в зависимости от заданных параметров Как использовать этот инструмент Установите индикатор на график, выбрав параметры по умолчанию. Выберите начальную точку, значения минимума и максимума диапазона и стиль. В появившейся графической панели вы сможете создавать и удалять сетку, а также изменять неко
Ntekzers MA Stochastic
Ntethelelo Alexcious Makhanya
Please remember to leave a review for improvements thank you Overview of Key Functionalities: Buy Signal Conditions : The Stochastic Oscillator's main line crosses above the signal line. The closing price of the current candle is higher than the previous candle's close. The current closing price is above the EMA (Exponential Moving Average). The Stochastic value is below 50. When these conditions are met, a buy arrow is plotted, and alerts (audible or push notifications) are triggered. Sell Sign
根据波动性,奖励交易头寸的潜在风险基于平均真实范围显示。 点击"买入或卖出"按钮时,会显示风险回报框! ATR计算的一个效用,为一个不属于何时关闭交易的艰难决定的问题感到高兴。 这件事将有助于你的风险管理决定.  规格说明 平均真实范围是一个常用的指标,以点或价格衡量市场的波动性。 真实范围是在任何给定时间段内烛台的最低交易价格和最高交易价格之间的差额。 平均真实范围,在所有,平均这些高点和低点的"前"天。 例如,ATR指标的默认设置为我们提供了14天的周期。 ATR收集点值的高点和低点,除以14天。 但当然,这超出了通用指标ATR。 事实上,三个完全不同的TPs完全依赖于他们自己的时间框架来实现不同的pip消耗。 烛台的规则在技术上是不同的每个时间框架。 因此,当我们使用相同的时间段时,我们会发现每个时间段的结果不同。  例子:: 时间段/天数占:14/时间段:M30   时间段/天数占:14/时间段:H1 时间段/天数占:14/时间段:H4  ^这些将提供不同的平均真实范围^  这里是我喜欢3TP的权力所在和原因:理论上,尾随可以发生在第一个TP朝向第二个TP。 第三个T
MetaTrader 实用程序 MTI(主要交易信息)——显示交易者的基本交易信息,即: 平均和当前点差大小 空头和多头头寸的掉期大小 1 个交易手的 1 个点的成本 止损水平大小(放置挂单的最小距离) 当前(红色)结束的时间和下一个(灰色)交易时段开始的时间 当前交易时段结束前的时间显示为红色,下一个时段开始前的时间显示为灰色。颜色可以在指标属性中独立调整。 推荐机器人黄牛 -       https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/77108 显示通过以下方式执行: 欧洲交易时段(欧盟旗帜) 美国交易时段(美国国旗) 大洋洲交易时段(澳大利亚国旗) 亚洲交易时段(日本国旗) 了解交易时段的结束时间和变化非常重要,因为在交易时段结束时,许多交易者固定头寸,这可能导致趋势变化,从而导致头寸反转。 变量 开启时间     – 当前交易时段的颜色选择 休息时间     – 选择时间的颜色,直到下一个会话开始 平均点差     – 计算平均点差所涉及的最后报价的数量。 交换数字     – 显示交换大小时小数点后的位数
R 止损信号指标基于遵循指数移动平均线的趋势。 该外汇指标以活动图表上绘制的蓝线和红线的形式生成买卖交易信号。 蓝色线条表示趋势向上,这是买入货币对的信号。 红色线条表示趋势向下,这是卖出货币对的信号。 此外汇指标还包含建议的止损线。 对于买入信号,将止损设在蓝色止损线下方 1 点并向上移动。 对于卖出信号,将止损设置在红色止损线上方 1 个点并向下移动。 可以直接从指标的输入选项卡更改包括趋势 EMA 周期在内的默认指标输入设置。 基本交易信号 来自 R 止损信号指标的信号很容易解释,如下所示: 买入信号:当 R 止损信号指标开始绘制蓝线时启动买入交易。 卖出信号:当 R 止损信号指标开始绘制红线时,开始卖出交易。 交易退出:当出现相反信号时关闭未平仓交易,或使用您自己的交易退出方法。 特征 货币对:任何 平台:MetaTrader 4 自定义选项:可变(TrendEMAPeriod、StopLineStyle、EntryLineStyle、SellColor、BuyColor)颜色、宽度和样式。 时间范围:1 分钟、5 分钟、15 分钟、30 分钟、1 小时、4
This scanner shows the trend values of the well known indicator SuperTrend for up to 30 instruments and 8 time frames. You can get alerts via MT4, Email and Push-Notification as soon as the direction of the trend changes. This is the FREE version of the indicator: SuperTrend Scanner The free version works only on EURUSD and GBPUSD! Important Information How you can maximize the potential of the scanner, please read here: www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/718074 With the following FREE indicator you c
BRN Auto
Muhammad Ridzuan Mohd Radzali
Use this indicator to draw multiple horizontal line to nearest round number Range for round number can be adjust manually depend how user want to use it Selection of colour also can be adjust manually Hope this indicator can help somebody in their trading. How to use this: Mostly I use this indicator for break, retest and entry. example:- current price XAUUSD :1740.00 which mean the closest level are 1750.00 and 1730.00 Wait for price to break this level. then wait for retracement if price maki
Austin Currency Strength
Augustine Kamatu
5 (1)
Check out other great products from  https://www.mql5.com/en/users/augustinekamatu/seller   This indicator is the best so far at determining the currency strength of each pair. It provides stable values and is highly adaptive to market changes. It is a great tool to add to your arsenal to make sure you are on the right side of the trend at all times. No inputs required, it is simple plug and play. A Winning Trading Strategy This article describes the components and logic needed to develop a tra
Three Sixty Dollar EA Version SELL IC Market Recomment Broker -THIS EA ONLY SELL The Performance is the same als the Gratis Version on DE40 you have only more Settings to Change for other Indizes or Pairs. (See on Pictures) only DE40 -minimum 3000$/€ ...Lot 1-5 -M1 -maximal 30min per Day Robot Worktime Version 1 SELL only -this EA only SELL you have to buy my second version to get trades to buy. -Trade only on the DE40 indices - Don't close trades the robot will close everything automatically
Trade Bookmark
Simon Busley
4.5 (2)
This tool helps you find, revisit and document your past trades by marking the entries and exits using price labels. This indicator is designed to help you analyse your trades to, for example, find strengths and weaknesses of your Expert Advisor/strategy or even help writing your trading diary by clearly showing your past trades that you want to revisit. To only select those trades that were, for example opened by one specific Expert Advisor, you can select the magic number of those trades that
AD Trend line
Pavel Shutovskiy
5 (1)
AD Trend line draws trend lines on the basis of A/D indicator (Accumulation/Distribution). When A/D indicator breaks a trend line, the probability of the trend reversal is very high. This is a multitimeframe indicator which can display values from higher timeframes. Parameters Time-frame — Select a timeframe; zero is the current timeframe of the chart; Trend Line — Display lines on the chart; Apply to — Apply lines to close the candle's highest/lowest value; Width line — Width of the line; Style
Stanislav Korotky
4 (1)
This is an adaptive ZigZag based on modification of  HZZ indicator (original source code is available in this article ). Most important changes in this version: two additional indicator buffers added for zigzag evolution monitoring - they show cross signs at points where zigzag direction first changes; zigzag range (H) autodetection on day by day basis; time-dependent adjustment of zigzag range. Parameters: H - zigzag range in points; this parameter is similar to original HZZ, but it can take 0
Jose Ramon Miranda Ramos
5 (1)
Targets is an indicator to determine potential turning  points , targets  are calculated to determine levels in which the sentiment of the market could change from "bullish" to "bearish." This indicator can be used in any timeframe and any currency pair: IN CASE YOU DON'T SEE THE INDICATOR WHEN YOU ADD IT TO YOUR CHARTS JUST OPEN THE INDICATOR MENU AND CLOSE THE MENU AGAIN PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: For best results use this indicator as an extra tools after you have completed your regular analysis an
Xcalper Economic Calendar MT4
Aecio de Feo Flora Neto
4 (1)
xCalper Economic Calendar MT4 brings economic calendar information to your Terminal chart and Experts from online sources. Just add it to your chart to see detailed news without losing attention or automate reading of calendar information to improve trading decisions. Main Features Support data sources: Forex Factory Filtering by day, impact or currency of news. Visual alert of upcoming news. Platform notification of upcoming news. Parameters Filters Impact expected - Show/Hide by impact: Low,
Pivot levels
Egidijus Bikulcius
4.5 (2)
Pivot levels is indicator showing 7 pivot levels. It is adjusted for major use, including: all standard time frames choice of periods to show three popular calculation formulas (typical, median, weighted) 9 level Camarilla pivot pivot day shift choice of properties for lines and labels choice of showing alerts when crossing pivot lines Parameters: ----------Main parameters----------- Timeframe - time frame for pivot levels Number of periods to show - displays pivot levels for number of periods
Chart Control MT4
Danrlei Hornke
5 (1)
O Chart Control é um indicador que permite de forma rapida e pratica alterar o timeframe e ativo do grafico, possibilitando que voce possa fazer todas as suas analises em apenas um grafico sem precisar abrir vários, além disso voce pode escolher o entre os temas claro e escuro para o qual melhor se adapta a sua preferencia. MT5:  https://www.mql5.com/pt/market/product/109444
Easy Trend
David Jumbo
PLEASE HELP REVIEW/ SUPPORT/ SHARE THIS OTHER INDICATOR  HERE  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/51637  AS YOU DOWNLOAD THIS ONE FOR FREE. THANKS. This Indicator is based on four moving averages and the PIVOT points. The indicator provides clarity to trading, especially in ranging markets when price is very slow and tight. You can trade intensively daily, every day with this indicator. You may decide to trade with this indicator alone and get the maximum out of the market. The indicator wa
The Fresh RSI
Anton Iudakov
3 strategies with RSI! Alerts! Signal freshness check! The indicator is based on the classic RSI. I recommend watching my advisor -   Night Zen EA It includes 3 strategies: Entry of the RSI indicator into the overbought zone (for buy trades) / oversold (for sell trades) Exit of the RSI indicator from the overbought zone   (for sell trades) / oversold (for buy trades) Touching the overbought limit (for sell trades) / oversold (for buy trades) The indicator provides alerts. To enable them in the s
Sergii Krasnyi
The ZoomChart indicator works with two charts - the current chart on which it is launched and the next one. The indicator translates the second chart to the time where the first one is now. Thus, the second chart depicts the same situation on the first chart (where the indicator is launched), but on a different time-frame. In other words, this indicator serves as a magnifying glass or, on the contrary, reduces the chart to display the situation on a larger time-frame. The ZoomChar indicator au
MASi MACD Histogram
Aleksey Terentev
4.5 (2)
This oscillator has become one of the main tools of most professional traders. The indicator includes a classical MACD ( Moving Average Convergence/Divergence ) line, a signal line, as well as a MACD histogram. Exponential moving averages are used in the calculation. The indicator also provides the ability to enable signals on identification of divergences between the price graph and the indicator. Divergences are identified using three patterns: classic, hidden and extended divergences. Indica
MT4 CCI Dashboard Scanner
Teddy Mutugi Mworia Teddy Mutugi Mworia
MT4 CCI仪表板扫描仪帮助您跟踪不同时间框架和工具的商品通道指数(CCI)水平,并在检测到新信号时提供实时警报。它用户友好,对计算能力的要求较低,确保在任何计算机上都能顺畅运行。 主要特点: 自动工具分组 :扫描仪收集您市场观察列表中的所有工具,并将其组织到类别中(主要货币、次要货币、外汇、其他)。您可以通过设置中的简单复选框界面轻松选择要扫描的工具。 可自定义时间框架选择 :从设置页面选择9个不同时间框架中的任何一个进行扫描。所有选定的时间框架将在仪表板上显示,并为每个时间框架发送新信号通知。 简单的CCI设置 :您可以调整CCI设置,包括周期和应用价格,并设置买入/卖出水平。您还可以选择是基于当前蜡烛还是最新关闭的蜡烛进行扫描。 颜色自定义 :个性化仪表板的主要背景、前景和信号箭头的颜色。扫描仪将调整所有内容,使其看起来整洁且视觉舒适。 灵活的信号显示 :选择仪表板显示CCI值、信号时长或方向箭头,以不同的设计呈现。 图表切换窗口 :点击一个工具和时间框架将打开一个图表切换窗口,您可以在其中切换当前图表或打开新图表。 仪表板可拖动 :仪表板可以拖动到图表上的任何位置,让您在组织
The Keltner Channel indicator represents a channel along the moving average , with the width defined by calculating the average true range on the period of the moving average. This indicator can be applied for receiving signals, as well as a substitute for the Moving Average Envelopes indicator. Its advantage is the increased quality of channel width auto selection, which can be adjusted using the Size of channel in percent parameter. Indicator Parameters Period of indicator - calculation perio
VScale Live Expert
Igor Gerasimov
4 (1)
該指標現在包括垂直卷。 !!!! 該指標現在包括一個預測模塊!!!! 如果你想阻止惱人的消息 將這位專家與購買者一起使用 付費指標“V-Scale Live Trainer”。 僅限手動交易。 一個簡單的專家使交易者生活更輕鬆。 注意:要使用它,只需啟用一鍵式交易即可。 並且不要忘記禁用AUTO_TRADE。 隨著終端的每次新啟動,metatrader 4立即大約兩次在安裝專家的每個窗口中的所有時間幀之間切換,以便初始化。 大致如此:M1,M5,M15,M30,H1,H4,D1,W1,MN,然後再次以相同的順序。 然後,您可以切換到所需的時間範圍。 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 享受美麗的界面和功能。 祝你好運。 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
SC MTF Obv for MT4 with alert
Krisztian Kenedi
4.67 (3)
Highly configurable OBV indicator. Features: Highly customizable alert functions (at levels, crosses, direction changes via email, push, sound, popup) Multi timeframe ability Color customization (at levels, crosses, direction changes) Linear interpolation and histogram mode options Works on strategy tester in multi timeframe mode (at weekend without ticks also) Adjustable Levels Parameters: OBV Timeframe:  You can set the lower/higher timeframes for OBV. OBV Bar Shift:  Y ou can set the offset
Sivakumar Subbaiya
5 (1)
Live Pivots Indicator   Time Frame: Suitable for any time frame. but recommended time frame 30M and above.  Purpose of this indicator: Trend Prediction. Buy: When the candle crossed above the golden pivot line its buy call, TP1-R1, TP2-R2, TP3-R3. SELL: When the candle crossed Below the golden pivot line its sell call, TP1-S1, TP2-S2, TP3-S3. Happy trade....
MaEurUsd EA
Alexander Chertnik
4.5 (4)
This Expert Advisor destined for trading especially EURUSD 1h pair. Minimum trading account 300. The EA uses 2 moving averages for entering the market. There are no Take Profit of Stop Loss, the orders are closed then the serten group of trades are in profit. Settings for optimization can be modify by the user: trade distance / lot / profit / fast ma period / slow ma period developed, tested and optimized   on "   VantageMarkets   " platform. Recommended broker > Vantage
Price Action AS CHF
Mykhailo Dzyuban
Have a nice day, everyone. I present to you a free advisor.  This Expert Advisor is built on the same algorithms as my other Expert Advisors. The EA does not use Martingale.  There is an automatic calculation of the lot from Risk.  Also automatic TakeProfit and StopLoss.  The EA is fully functional.  Perhaps not as often as he wants to trade, but trades. Now why is it free? I was repeatedly approached and asked that I give some kind of adviser.  Now I can not write to me, but just download. I n
Quick Style
Maxim Polishchuk
4.67 (6)
The Quick Style utility is designed for facilitation and acceleration of working with the properties of graphical objects. Left-click a graphical object while holding the Shift key to open the quick access window for configuring the object properties. In the window, you can change the color, style and line width with one click, including those of other graphical objects. All changes are displayed immediately. To close the Quick Style , simply click the free space on the chart. The utility is eas
The Robot's Logic Check the longer time frame range, and if the price breaks that range, it opens an entry. BUY and SELL entries are decided based on RSI overbought and oversold conditions. The logic is very simple, but longer time frames such as H4 give the best performance. Please attach EA on the TF H4 and buy and sell entry is closed with profit target which is auto calculation.
A ratio between 0 and 1 with the higher values representing a more efficient or trending market,  It is used in the calculation of Perry J. Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA), dividing the price change over a period by the absolute sum of the price movements that occurred to achieve that change. The Fractal Efficiency or also known as Efficiency Ratio was first published by Perry J. Kaufman in his book ‘Smarter Trading‘. This is mostly considered a filter for volatile markets none the less
Use Forex Trading Profit Tracker to keep a record of your earnings across accounts. This indicator will show a dashboard in the Meta Trader chart to show for the profit or loss money in your account. It’s easy to see just how much money you’re making matched betting with the Forex Trading Profit Tracker. Key features: Track your profit over time Check out your stats. Track expected profits against actual profits. Export account history to Excel. MT5 version(*):  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/
Alexey Lopatin
3.33 (3)
SwapTrader is a simple Expert Advisor for swap trading at the end of the day. The EA scans the current chart instrument and instruments specified in the settings, looking for the currency and order with the positive swap. It opens positions with positive swaps after user-defined time and then closes these positions after user-defined time as soon as the specified profit is reached. The EA trades the current currency and instruments listed in the settings. Expert Advisor Settings SymbolsList - l
Use my recommended broker:   https://icmarkets.com/?camp=61478 You have most likely heard about the term "Less is more". I can tell you one thing that's also the case with the Monkey CCI on Bollinger indicator! One indicator will give you the best of both worlds, easy to determine trend, the strength of the trend and overbought and oversold levels. This indicator is very simple to follow: Green line uptrend Red line downtrend Above band overbought Below band oversold With this indicator you cou
Tunnel Warrens
Dariel Iserne Carrera
Here are several indicators that work together. It basically works with moving averages and various levels of ATR creating a dynamic channel through which the price is drained. As I always recommend, you should try it before using it in live so that you understand how it works. The market entry signal is similar to other MA indicators, but with this one you also have a graphical analysis of the moment when the trend is found and dynamic levels to adjust your stop loss and take profit depending
FFx Stochastic
Eric Venturi-Bloxs
4.6 (5)
在您的平台上提供新版 MT4 标准指标的目的,是在子窗口里显示多时间帧的相同指标。参看下面例中的图片。 但是它的显示不像简单的多时间帧指标。它是指标在其时间帧的实际显示。 在 FFx 指标里提供了一些选项: 选择显示的时间帧 (M1 至 每月) 定义每个时间帧箱体的宽度 (柱线数量) 弹出提示/声音/邮件/推送 (随即振荡器与信号线交叉 和/或 随即振荡器 进入/离开 OBOS 区域) 直接在图表上激活/停用提示 修改所有颜色 ... 当然还有所有标准指标的常用设置 如何设置提示: 在弹出的参数设置 : 选择您希望的提示和模式 (弹出、声音、邮件或推送通知) 之后在图表上 : 选择铃铛图标 (双击) 然后将其拖拽到任意位置。在下一个报价来临,它将恢复它的原始位置,但用不同颜色信号改变它的状态。红到绿意为它现在已激活 … 绿到红意为它现在未激活。
Rsimfi100 go
Kevin John Hastings
Enhance your trading strategy with this indicator from tr1cky.com . When the indicator turns red - Hold off When the indicator turns green - Proceed with the trade in the direction indicated by the indicator This indicator provides insights into the market’s momentum and the optimal trading direction. Derived from its successful Expert Advisor counterpart, the RSIMFI100 go indicator is now available to all. Happy trading!
Trend Continuation Alters Indicator
Christopher Graham Parish
5 (1)
!! FLASH SALE !!   Over 80% off !!     For ONE week only. Now only $47 - normally $297! Buy and sell arrows on the chart when the trend is about to continue. Aslo Sends Alerts – On MT4 To Your Phone To Your Email. Does not repaint. Works on any pair, any timeframe.   (Just ajust the settings for your pair and timeframe.) 10 Activations allowed so you are free from limitations See an example of alerts from today (23 May 2020) using this and 2 other indicators  here . MT5 version here . Spr
Trending companion
Eliott Boisvert Bedard
4.5 (2)
Simple EA based on bottom trend and down impulse to open a buy trade. Include a trailing stop for each trade. Best results on EURUSD in H1 timeframe. Open only buys order for the moment. Wait for the next update to get more profitable features. Open a moderate quantity of trades every period Find other offers, reductions and more at  https://gestionbb.com/boutique/ --- Recommendations --- Pairs : EURUSD Timeframe : H1 Minimum deposit : 500 USD Have fun!
MA Cloud mt4
Alexander Chertnik
4 (2)
Moving Average Cloud draws 4 MAs on chart simultaneously in histogram style. Indicator uses 4 MAs: slow sma & ema 200 and fast sma & ema 50. the range between 2 slows MAs and Fasts, represented by histograms on the MAs boundaries - creating kind of "cloud" that can be traded by all kind of MA strategies like support & resistance or other... Change of color of the same histogram points to momentum changing. Combined with other market analysis, can greatly improve trading results.
Magneto Line Chart
Vladimir Blednov
Идея индикатора очень проста и скорее всего пригодится тем, кто используют линейный график для технического анализа. Что-бы устранить "неровности" (-: линейного графика и был написан этот индикатор. Линия графика соединяет цены закрытия свечей, как и в классическом линейном графике, но игнорирует цены, которые шли в направлении линии и новый экстремум возникает только тогда, когда цена закрытия последней свечи явно ниже или выше предыдущего значения. Это облегчает визуальное восприятие при поиск
This simple but useful script calculates the lot in % of the deposit. It is indispensable for risk management. There is only one customizable parameter: MaxRisk - risk in % for lot calculation. The product works as a standard script. Launch it once on an appropriate chart and start trading using the calculated lot value. Genious is simplicity! Happy trading!
Market Break Lines is an utility tool to create a partition line at market openings/closings of Tokyo/London/NewYork sessions. This will help you to compare the market movements, volatility variations between the different markets. Inputs: Inputs are simple to feed the time of Tokyo/London/NewYork sessions as per your broker server time Change Color and width of partition lines You can enable or disable any line (Hide/Show). Please don't forget to support by giving handsome reviews/rating MT5
RSI PHONE ALERT RSI Alert is an amazing tool to get alerted on your mobile phone when Overbought/Oversell levels reached on RSI indicator. So that traders who doing manual trading can execute their trades from mobile phone while following their RSI strategy, as most of the traders use RSI for entering their trades. New suggessions are welcome INPUTS RSI levels RSI period Start/End time of the tool Custom text message to get on mobile phone Enable/Disable mobile alert function available Do not fo
Volume Cross Over is an indicator that measure positive and negative volume flow in a financial instrument, such as a stock, commodity, or index. It is base on the idea of On-Balance Volume developed by  Joseph Granville. However instead of trending lines, this indicator shows volume cross over.  When  the closing price of an asset is higher than the previous  closing price, then the Bull volume is greater  than zero and Bear volume is negative. It suggests that buying volume is dominating, an
IT Parabolic EA
Quentin Gilbert Roger Dacheville
5 (1)
Discover our brand-new Expert Advisor (EA) designed for the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) market: IT Parabolic EA . This innovative EA harnesses the powerful Parabolic SAR strategy to provide you with an efficient way to maximize your operations in the financial market. Key features : Parabolic SAR Strategy : Our EA utilizes the Parabolic SAR strategy, a recognized approach in technical analysis. By relying on the reversal points generated by Parabolic SAR, it identifies trading opportunities to enab
As traders, we all know that risk management is the most important aspect of profitable trading. So, we need to determine the lot size, every time we need to open a new trade. The FX lot size calculator is a simple tool that will help you to determine your lot size easily without using any third-party service but you will be able to do that by your MetaTrader terminal. LIMITED TIME OFFER: 30$ FOR 10 ACTIVATION. Inputs: Maximum_Risk_Prc: To determine your preferred risk%. For example, if your ris
跟单->方便快捷的界面交互,用户上手即用     ->>>> 推荐在windows电脑,或者VPS Windows上使用 基本功能: 跟单正常交互速度0.5s以下 自动检测信号源,并显示信号源账号列表 自动匹配品种,不同平台常用交易品种(后缀不同等特殊情况)95%自动匹配,基本无需手动设置,品种映射表可随意双击更改对应品种.(映射表具有快速搜索品种功能) 4种手数计算模式(1.倍率 2.固定手数 3.自适应资金风险 4.源账户资金比例风险) 特殊手数模式:可以根据止损资金风险反算手数(可能止损过小计算的手数过大,请谨慎使用) 多个平台,多组信号源,多组接收端随意组合(   MT4 和MT5数据可互通, 需分别购买安装 )        发送端接收端二合一,加载的时候选择模式 接收减仓信号,可以进行减仓操作. 可以反向跟单 可以分别控制跟单类型,是否跟随止损止盈 提供4种跟单开仓价格模式设置(1.开仓价格范围 2.跟单比信号更有优势的价格  3.跟单开仓在比信号劣势的价格  4.不限制开仓价格) 支持语言自动识别[中文,英文] 常见使用小技巧: 一个账户仅加载一个接收端即可自动交易所有
ATR with Bands
Amirhossein Ghasemi Moroodi
经过7年的发展,我决定免费分享我的一些指标和专家顾问(EA)。 如果您觉得它们有用,请给予 五星评价支持!您的反馈将激励我继续提供免费工具。 查看我的其他免费工具 这里 _________________________________ 带有上下边界的ATR指标,用于提升外汇市场波动性分析 介绍MQL5开发的带有上下边界的ATR指标,旨在将您的外汇市场分析提升到新的水平。这一创新工具将平均真实范围(ATR)与可定制的上下边界相结合,提供对市场波动性的细致理解。 主要特点: 波动性测量: 利用ATR准确衡量市场波动性,为市场状况提供关键见解。 可定制边界: 通过调整上下边界来直观显示波动性极值和市场趋势。 突破和整固检测: 帮助识别潜在的突破或整固,促进战略性交易决策。 加强市场分析️: 通过研究波动性与市场趋势的关系,提供全面的分析工具。 使用及信号解读: 轻松集成️: 将带有上下边界的ATR指标无缝集成到您的Metatrader 5平台中。根据您的交易偏好自定义边界。 波动性趋势监控: 持续监控指标,以评估市场波动性及其对价格动向的潜
Forex Factory News EA
Aleksei Moshkin
4.04 (45)
Expert Advisor designed for news trading. The news are downloaded from the Forex Factory, Investing.com, myfxbook.com websites. Make sure to add the URL to the terminal settings. The EA should be attached to each currency chart. In the Symbol News field, set the currency symbol for searching news in the calendar. Example: if the EA is attached to the AUDUSD chart, set Symbol News to AUD; if USDCAD, Symbol News - CAD, XAUUSD Symbol News - USD, and so on. Change the magic number for each chart, an
Andrea Ferrino
4.33 (3)
Description Cube EURUSD is a bias trading robot that sells and buys at predefined hours on specific days. It goes long on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and it goes short on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Every entry is filtered out by a specific condition that aims to reduce false signal and to increase the average win. It works just on EURUSD timeframe H1. Key Features Absence of dangerous algorithms. It works just when the bar is closed. Each order has a protective dynamic SL and TP level b
Salva System Free
Pavel Komarovsky
4 (3)
Salva EA Free is an advanced and fully automated system, which passes backtesting since 2005. The basis of this strategy is the price chart itself, trading is performed based on the price movement range. Dynamic algorithms and filters are used for taking profit or closing trades. Built-in reworked system for filtering market entries and exits: Checking the trading direction using integrated trend indicators. Checking the channel range for the minimum and maximum values. Checking for the price ex
WaSwap MT4
Wachinou Lionnel Pyrrhus Sovi Guidi
WaSwap MT4 Indicator shows the current Swap Long and current Swap Short with color. * Set the Swap Threshold and the color to identify when the current swap is below or above the Spread Threshold. * Set X axis and Y axis and chose the Corner and the Anchor to position the Swap Label on the chart. * Write the font and the font size for more confort. * Activate alert if the current Swap Long or the current Swap Short is below the swap threshold. * The user will never swing with a negative sw
This indicator is the translated version of Kıvanç ÖZBİLGİÇ's PMAX Indicator, developed on the Matriks Data Terminal, into the MQL4 language. It is a trend-following indicator and quite successful. Its usage will be free and unlimited for a lifetime. You can click on my profile to access the MQL5 version of this indicator. You can also get your programming requests for MQL4 and MQL5 languages done at İpek Bilgisayar with an invoiced service. You can reach İpek Bilgisayar at www.ipekbilgisayar.or
Script to create arrows and lines on chart of history positions traded on account for the symbol where you launch the application. From inputs you can select: - Magic number (default is -1; -1 = all magics number) - "From" date and time (default is 1970.01.01 00:00; all positions) - "To" date and time (default is 1970.01.01 00:00; all positions) - Color for buy open positions (arrows and lines between open and close) - Color for buy closing positions (arrows) - Color for sell open positions (arr
Divergences of Indicators
Augustine Kamatu
3 (2)
Check out other great products from  https://www.mql5.com/en/users/augustinekamatu/seller   This indicator finds the entry points based on divergences of common indicators and does not repaint . The principles used ensure that it can be used on CFDs, Commodities and Stock with incredibly great results. With proper money management and portfolio balancing the Indicator can be applied to any trading strategy to generate consistent profits. A Winning Trading Strategy This article describes the com
Библиотека для расчета формул. Формула задается строкой. Можно задавать формулу в строковой переменой в окне свойств. Формула может включать арифметические действия "+-/*" и все функции кроме MathRand(): abs(), arccos(), arcsin(), arctan(), sin(), cos(), tan(), exp(), log(), mod(), max(), min(), pow(), ceil(), sqrt(), log10(), floor(), round(). Кроме этого в формулу могут входить числа (если число дробные, то разделитель точка) и аргументы. Аргумент начинается с буквы "а" (латинская) и номера, н
Trend and correction indicator
Alexander Nikolaev
4.17 (6)
The indicator finds strong trend movements of a currency pair over the specified number of bars. It also finds correction to this trend. When the trend is strong enough, and the correction becomes equal to the values specified in the parameters, the indicator generates a signal. You can set different correction values, while the best suiting are 38, 50 and 62 (Fibonacci levels). In addition, you can configure the minimum length of trend, the number of history bars for search and other parameters
MQLTA Auto Close
MQL4 Trading Automation
5 (3)
Auto Close is an expert advisor that can assist you with your money and risk management rules. The EA can monitor your Balance, Equity, Margin, Global Profit and Global Loss and alert you in case any of these reaches a specified threshold. Free version with limited features can be found https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/29179 How does it work Load the Auto Close EA in the chart and set the parameters you want to keep monitored. If any of the risk management parameters is met you can be not
To download MT5 version please click here . - This is vortex indicator. - It is used to detect trend strength and direction. - It consists of two line(buffers). ==> VIM and VIP - There are three types of signals related to this indicator: 1. crossing VIM and VIP 2. threshold on distance between VIP and VIM 3. VIP above VIM vice versa. - This is a non-repaint indicator with light processing.
Three Bar Break Free
Stephen Reynolds
4.5 (2)
DESCRIPTION 3 Bar Break is based on one of Linda Bradford Raschke's trading methods that I have noticed is good at spotting potential future price volatility. It looks for when the previous bar's High is less than the 3rd bar's High as well as the previous bar's Low to be higher than the 3rd bar's Low. It then predicts the market might breakout to new levels within 2-3 of the next coming bars. Must also be traded during the active hours of the market you want to trade. EG EURUSD 7am - 5pm This
