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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

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适用于MetaTrader 4的技术指标 - 123

icon 下面列出的技术指标信号对MetaTrader 4平台的开仓交易和平仓交易起着至关重要的作用。 指标的本质就是一种交易品种的数学转换,旨在预测价格变化。
"Price reversal arrows" Forex indicator, which shows price reversal points on an hourly chart (PERIOD_H1) with arrows, is one of the most popular tools for traders in the Forex market. This indicator is used to identify the most likely price reversal points, which can help traders make better trading decisions. The "Price reversal arrows" indicator works on the basis of various mathematical algorithms and formulas that analyze data on previous price movements in the market. At the same time, th
Boom William
Danni Jumena
This Indicator will notified you when time to entry into the market, build with double william percent range strategy.  --> Buy Notification will flag with the blue arrow --> Sell Notification will flag with the red arrow After Flag Appear, the market usually explode but carefully you must performs double check because weakness of this indicator when in the end of the trend
This Indicator will notified you when market going to trend reversal, build with candlestick pattern strategy  --> Sell Reversal Notification will flag with the Yellow arrow --> Buy Reversal Notification will flag with the Pink arrow After Flag Appear, the market usually reverse but carefully you must performs double check because weakness of this indicator when market in the middle of the trend
欢迎使用双峰指标 MT4 --(双顶/双底)-- 双顶底指标是一种技术分析工具,旨在识别市场中潜在的反转模式。 它确定了价格连续出现两个几乎相等高度的波峰或波谷,随后价格向相反方向移动的区域。 这种模式表明市场正在失去动力,可能已准备好趋势逆转。 特征: 自动图表注释:指标自动在图表上标记双顶底形态 易于使用:该指标用户友好,可以轻松应用于 MT5 平台中的任何图表。 可定制:指标具有可定制的设置。 警报系统。 适用于任何乐器。 该指标可与其他技术分析工具结合使用,以确定趋势方向和反转形态的潜在强度。 总的来说,双顶和双底指标是寻求识别市场潜在趋势逆转的交易者的强大工具。 其可定制的设置、警报和自动图表注释使其易于使用, 而其多时间框架分析和趋势确认功能为交易者提供了对潜在交易机会的宝贵见解。
一个非常简单但有效的指标。 它基于 Ichimoku 指标的 KijunSen 线和这条线上构建的平均 MA。 买入或卖出信号:这是两条线的交点!!! 我自己经常使用 Ichimoku 指标的 KijunSen 线进行交易,如果价格较高,我只考虑购买,如果只有销售较低。 并且在平均 KijunSen 线并形成 KijunSen MA 线后,两条线的交点出现,这可以解释为交易信号的放大。 链接到指标的 MT5 版本: https://www.mql5.com/ru/market/product/96160 指标参数: KijunSen - KijunSen 的计算周期。 KijunSen_MA - KijunSen MA 的计算周期。 MethodMA - 计算 KijunSen MA 价格的方法。 用于与 Expert Advisor 通信的指标缓冲区。      在缓冲区没有。 0 是指标的 KijunSen 线。      缓冲区 #1 包含指标的 KijunSen MA 线。
M1 GPT scalping
Vadym Velychkov
M1 GPT Scalping is a turnkey trading tool for scalping strategy in the financial markets. This indicator is used to detect entry and exit points of positions on charts with a period of M1 (one minute). M1 GPT Scalping works based on the analysis of price data and technical analysis indicators. The indicator displays arrows on the chart showing the points of entry and exit from positions. The accuracy of the indicator is 85-90%. The scalping strategy using M1 GPT Scalper is to open an order fo
Real Pro Signal
Muhammed Emin Ugur
Real Pro Signal   indicator is designed for signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals. It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate a signal from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators. The indicator certainly does not repaint. The point at which the signal is given does not change.     Features and Suggestions Time Frame: H1 Works
AV SuperTrend
Anja Vivia Vogel
"AV SuperTrend" is an indicator for MetaTrader 4. The supertrend indicator is popular for determining the trend and positioning stops or as trailing support. I use this indicator in several expert advisors for trend analysis. Supertrend indicator signals can be selected in the form of entry arrows and notifications, as well as various sounds. Settings : - Period - Multiplier - Alert buy signal: arrow color - Alert sell signal: arrow color - Alert yes/no - Sound: choice or no - Email yes/no
Pro SMC Tool
The Anh Pham
Welcome to the world of SMC (Smart Money Concepts) Trading, where we empower traders with the tools and knowledge to make smarter trading decisions. Our latest addition to our suite of trading tools is the SMC Trading Pro indicator, version 1.0. Key Features: Major Market Structure Identification with BODY break. Order Block must be in Major Swing ( not Small Swing ). Order Block with Fair Value Gap Detection. Order Block in Discount | Premium zone. Filter for only Bullish, Bearish or All Order
Binary Booster
Yaroslav Varankin
5 (1)
Binary Options Trading Indicator: A Reliable Tool for Your Trades This indicator is specifically designed for binary options trading and has proven its high quality, reliability, and adequate accuracy, depending on the dynamics of the chart. Key Points: Signal Interpretation: When a blue cross signal appears, it indicates a potential entry into a trade, though it is considered a weak signal on its own. However, if the blue cross is accompanied by an arrow, it is considered a more reliable buy s
Forex Boost
Yaroslav Varankin
1 (1)
Short-Term Trading Indicator: The Foundation of Your Successful Strategy This tool is designed for pips and scalping in the financial markets. It can serve as an excellent starting point for creating your own trading strategy. Features: No Repainting Signals: The indicator provides reliable signals that do not change after they are generated. Signals appear on the next candle after the event that triggered them. Excellent Signals in High Volatility Conditions: When there is good volatility on t
Simple supply and demand indicator which should help identify and visualize S&D zones. Settings: Color for supply zones, color for demand zones - default colors are set for dark (black) background. Number of how much zones should be created above and below current price - value "3" means there will be 3 zones above current price and 3 zones below current price. Principle: When price creates "V", reversal zone is registered. Rectangle filled based on zone type (supply / demand) is drawn if price
Signal Dream
Yaroslav Varankin
Indicator for Binary Options Without Repainting: A Reliable Tool for Traders This indicator serves as a powerful tool for traders, providing reliable signals that do not change after they are generated. Features: No Repainting Signals: The indicator guarantees stable and trustworthy signals that remain unchanged after formation. Expiration Time: Signals appear at the opening of a candle and expire within one candle of the current timeframe. Overlapping Method: In the event of a losing trade, it
Perfect Cross Arrows
Muhammed Emin Ugur
Perfect Cross Arrows   indicator is designed for signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals. It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate a signal from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators. The indicator certainly does not repaint. The point at which the signal is given does not change. Signals are sent at the beginning of new candle
Never miss when a pair is being oversold or overbought again!! This RSI dashboard allows you to monitor RSI levels on 6 different time frames for up to 30 different currency pairs. This dashboard is packed with features including: 1. Monitoring of 6 customizable time frames (M1, M5, M15, M30, H1, H4, D1, W1, M1) 2. You can set the overbought/oversold levels you want for EACH time frame and they will be highlighted in the dashboard when a pair gets to that level 3. You can also set the RSI period
该指标旨在确定一天内最大交易活动的时间。 计算完成后,指标建立最重要的交易水平。 将这些水平与实际价格行为进行比较可以提供有关市场趋势强度和方向的信息。 指标的特点 时间范围必须低于 D1。 推荐时间范围:M15、M30 和 H1。 H1 以上的时间框架可以给出非常粗略的画面。 使用低于 M15 的时间框架可能会导致短暂的交易爆发。 该指标对历史数据敏感。 因此,我建议在图表窗口中至少设置 50,000 个柱。 指标参数 Base - 设置计算交易活动的基准期。 day - 计算交易活动时考虑了一天中的时间。 week – 交易活动的计算考虑了一天中的时间和一周中的某一天。 Width - 线宽。 ClrMean、ClrUp 和 ClrDn 是中、上、下交易水平的颜色。 Style1 - Style5 – 显示交易水平的样式。 AlertsOn - 打开交易时段开始的通知。 MailOn - 启用将消息发送到电子邮件的权限。 NotificationOn - 允许向移动终端发送消息。 
1.严格的来说他不算是一个指标,因为是主力实时持仓,只不过是通过用指标的方式展现出来,因为是实时的,2.指标不存在漂移和未来,该指标3个月获利300多W,胜率99%,辅助箭头指标是我找老外写的花了5000美金,免费提供给大家,大家可以测试。 3.指标适用于 黄金  原油  货币  虚拟币  指数 4.指标用法很简单,首先指标显示的主力实时持仓数据,箭头辅助,主力持仓多单,只开多箭头,忽略空箭头,主力持仓空单,只开空箭头,忽略多箭头。 5.指标不需要规避任何的行情,大非农,小非农,利率决议,或者其他消息,提供给小白一个防守法,例如(主力持仓多单,箭头开多,但是盈利较小没有及时走掉,那么回撤低于该箭头下面的位置锁仓,只要主力还持有多,期待下一个开多箭头,依次类推,只要主力还持有多,最后一个箭头就是爆拉,这样做的好处就是暴涨暴跌对我们的持仓毫无压力)。如果你有自己的策略,那加上这个绝对是锦上添花~!!! 6.目前该指标对接的主力数据是ATFXGM平台,其余的平台因为时间,报价等原因可能导致指标偏离,建议用ATFXGM平台看盘
Navi RSI
Vicente Perez Esteve
Navi RSI: 在每个符号及其相应的时间框架中寻找相对强度指数超买或超卖信号。 我们可以非常舒适地浏览图表,节省很多时间。 当RSI处于这些超买和超卖区域时,会产生视觉信号和警报。 视觉信号和警报在符号和时间框架方面都是独立的,非常有用,可以在我们不在场时管理手机警报。 输入参数: 比例和位置: 1.1) 选择角落-屏幕的角落,将面板放置在其中。 1.2) 位置X-距角落的X距离。 1.3) 位置Y-距角落的Y距离。 1.4) 列宽-列的宽度。 1.5) 行高-行的高度。 1.6) 字体大小-文本大小。 扫描时间: 2.1) 模式(onTick / onTime)-在每个新刻度或以秒为单位的时间周期中刷新数据。 2.2) onTime刷新(秒)-当模式为onTime时,每个时间周期的秒数以刷新数据。 符号和时间框架: 3.1) 自定义符号-我们要搜索和浏览的符号。 3.2) 模式(市场观察/符号列表)-来自市场观察或自定义列表的符号。 3.3) 自定义时间框架-我们要搜索和浏览的时间框架。 相对强弱指数: 4.1) RSI 周期 - RSI的计算周期 4.2) RSI 应用价格 4
What is the RVOL Indicator? It is well established that volume (including tick volume) is a valuable indicator of trader commitment to a price movement. The challenge with using volume for intraday trading is that there is a general cycle of increasing and decreasing volume associated with the different regional trading sessions. The Relative Volume, or RVOL, indicator helps to overcome this by comparing the current volume with the average volume for that time of day, calculated over a period o
Use my recommended broker:   https://icmarkets.com/?camp=61478 You have most likely heard about the term "Less is more". I can tell you one thing that's also the case with the Monkey RSI on Bollinger indicator! One indicator will give you the best of both worlds, easy to determine trend, the strength of the trend and overbought and oversold levels. This indicator is very simple to follow: Green line uptrend Red line downtrend Above band overbought Below band oversold With this indicator you cou
Daily hedge
Tanki Kaloli
Introducing Daily Hedge - Your Advanced Custom Hedge System for Forex Trading Unleash the Power of Daily Hedge - Your Ultimate Trading Companion Experience the next level of trading sophistication with Daily Hedge, an advanced custom hedge system designed to revolutionize your Forex trading experience. With its cutting-edge features and intelligent algorithms, Daily Hedge empowers you to make informed decisions and seize profitable opportunities like never before. Unlocking Advanced Trading Str
Great Strong System
Muhammed Emin Ugur
Great Strong System   indicator is designed for signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals. It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate a signal from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators. The indicator certainly does not repaint. The point at which the signal is given does not change.     Features and Suggestions Time Frame: H1 Wo
This Indicator is use the ZigZag to calculate the Upper and  Lower Bound and the uptrend and the downtrned. Red for downtrend, Green for uptrend and Yellow is for the horizontal trend this horizontal trend also bookmarked the upper limited and the lower limited the the price swings.  Or in simple the Support and the Resistance level. However, You may use the Heikin Ashi to confirm the trend of the buy sell signal above. I cannot guarantee the win rate, Nevertheless, you must study well the timef
Perhaps you have previously read in technical analysis books about such a concept as "market slope", or "trend slope". Metatrader has such a tool as "trend line by angle". But when working on auto-scaled charts, this tool becomes completely abstract, and as a consequence, useless. The idea of this new parameter, included in the AllAverages_Speed indicator, is to give such a concept as "trend slope" specific numerical values, as well as the further use of the new parameter in work.     Modifica
如何使用該指標進行​​交易: 當它畫出一個紅色箭頭時——我們打開交易進行銷售。 當它畫出藍色箭頭時,我們打開買入交易。 Master Trend Pro - 使用標準移動平均線的回歸平滑預測價格的未來方向。 帶箭頭的指標顯示價格極有可能移動的位置。 該指標適用於在 M1 和 M5 時間幀上使用剝頭皮策略進行交易。 如果指標畫了一個藍色箭頭然後開始畫了一個紅色箭頭(反之亦然),這意味著趨勢反轉的可能性很大。 有時,指標會在實際反轉前 3-5 根柱線預測未來價格反轉。 這允許交易者為理想的頭寸入場做準備。 該指標的好處: 在趨勢變化開始前 3-5 根柱線預測未來價格走勢。 顯示當前價格方向。 適合使用剝頭皮策略進行交易。 指標設置: ma_period - 用於計算回歸平滑的移動週期。
MACD Level Alert MT4
Prafull Manohar Nikam
This is a simple arrow system based on MACD indicators Main/Base line and MACD Levels. It gives you alerts when MACD's Main Line crosses above/below certain level. Which type of alerts available? 1. It paints on chart Up/Down Arrows. 2. Popup message and sound alert in trading terminal window. 3. Push notification or Alert on your android and ios mobile phones (requires MT4 or MT5 app installed!)
Engulfing Candle Alert MT4
Prafull Manohar Nikam
This is a simple arrow system based on Engulfing Candlestick Pattern. It gives you alerts on your smartphone when there is an engulfing candlestick pattern happens. Which type of alerts available? 1. It paints on chart Up/Down Arrows. 2. Popup message and sound alert in trading terminal window. 3. Push notification or Alert on your Android and IOS mobile phones (requires MT4 or MT5 app installed!) *Note: Use it on higher timeframes like H4 (4 hours), D1 (1 Day) then find trade opportunities on s
To get access to MT5 version please click here . This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Supertrend" by " KivancOzbilgic ". This is a light-load processing and non-repaint indicator. Highlighter option isn't available in MT4 version. You can message in private chat for further changes you need. Here is the source code of a simple Expert Advisor operating based on signals from  Supertrend . #property strict input string EA_Setting= "" ; input int magic_number= 1234 ; input double fixed_lo
Forex Gump Signal 是 ForexGump 系列的新指標。 與其他指標不同,該指標使用標準移動平均線速度的數學計算來確定價格反轉點。 當移動速度減慢時,指標將其解釋為趨勢反轉的信號。 這使得該指標甚至可以捕獲最小的價格反轉點。 為了讓指標開始分析較大的反轉點,有必要減少“first_slowdown”參數並增加“second_deceleration”參數的值。 優點: 適合剝頭皮 很好地顯示了所有時間範圍內的價格反轉點 適用於所有貨幣對 不重繪其值 指標設置: first_slowdown - 第一個範圍的速度。 second_deceleration - 第二個價格範圍的速度。 bars - 進行計算的柱數和指標在圖表上的顯示。 thickness_of_thick_line - 粗線尺寸。 thin_line_thickness - 細線尺寸。 信號 - 將信號發送到電話和電子郵件。
This is a MACD indicator which displays an up-arrow/down-arrow on the main chart window when MACD line cross zero and signal line.  1) The arrows on the main chart are very useful to traders because it will draw trader's attention to change of trend or momentum instantly. 2) It is definitely easier and faster than looking at the sub-window at the bottom of the screen. It is an important tool for MACD strategy. 3) User can opt for displaying the MACD cross Signal arrows which are in line with the
Amazing Pro Signal
Muhammed Emin Ugur
Amazing Pro Signal   indicator is designed for signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals. It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate a signal from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators. The indicator certainly does not repaint. The point at which the signal is given does not change.     Features and Suggestions Time Frame: H1 Wor
Netsrac "Supply and Demand Easy" is a small but highly specialized tool for quickly finding supply & demand zones without frills. It shows the next supply and demand zone in the current timeframe. Highly efficient and fast. Works perfectly with the Netsrac "Supply and Demand Dashboard" (https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/96511 ) Controls Variable Description (SD01) Supply color Set your color for supply zones (default is LightCoral) (SD02) Demand color Set your color for demand zones (defau
The Netsrac Supply&Demand Dashboard shows you at a glance where relevant zones are located on your favorite assets. Open your chart directly from the dashboard and trade zones that really matter. Features Finds the next relevant supply and demand zone and displays the distance to this zone (in pips) Finds and displays the zones in three different timeframes Calculates a trend indicator for the current and past candle for each configured time frame Opens a chart with your chart template directly
Alberto Cejudo
Indicador basado en ADX que permite apreciar fácilmente las señales de entrada y salida (cruces de D+ y D-) y si se producen en tendencia o sin ella. Además informa del spread actual y del tiempo de barra restante, en la ventana principal del gráfico Los inputs, time-frames, etc  y la configuración es sencilla para el usuario. Muy útil por su aspecto y colorido, diferente al habitual de este indicador. 
This is a very useful Oscillator based on ADX Crosses plus Double Keltner Channels Crosses too (evolution from my own indicators/oscillator ACE ADXCrosses and ACE ADXCrossOnChart). Features Colored histogram shows D+/D- crosses on trend (green up/salmon down or without trend (white) based on ADX main (over ADXon level -ie. 24-). Signals (arrows) shows high probability orders (long/short) based on D+/D- crosses. Color line (green/salmon) shows ADX main less ADXon level (ie: ADX main - 24) for tr
Background : Indicator On Chart based on my own oscillator ACe_Vector2016. As you can appreciate, this indicator draws two bands on the chart in order to identify long and short opportunities. When the momentum vector oscillator (ACe_Vector2016) crosses the zero line, the indicator On Chart draws a long/short signal (green/red arrow). Also you can identify the trend line on chart (MA): green colour if trend is moving up, and red colour if trend is moving down. This indicator draw up and down non
Real Strong Entry
Muhammed Emin Ugur
Real Strong Entry   indicator is designed for signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals. It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate a signal from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators. The indicator certainly does not repaint. The point at which the signal is given does not change.     Features and Suggestions Time Frame: H1 Work
一款非常优秀的对冲策略,根据指标提示的多空顺势开单,指标不延迟,不漂移,不重画,可以单笔对冲,也可以使用马丁对冲,马丁对冲回报会更高 一款非常优秀的对冲策略,根据指标提示的多空顺势开单,指标不延迟,不漂移,不重画,可以单笔对冲,也可以使用马丁对冲,马丁对冲回报会更高 一款非常优秀的对冲策略,根据指标提示的多空顺势开单,指标不延迟,不漂移,不重画,可以单笔对冲,也可以使用马丁对冲,马丁对冲回报会更高 一款非常优秀的对冲策略,根据指标提示的多空顺势开单,指标不延迟,不漂移,不重画,可以单笔对冲,也可以使用马丁对冲,马丁对冲回报会更高 一款非常优秀的对冲策略,根据指标提示的多空顺势开单,指标不延迟,不漂移,不重画,可以单笔对冲,也可以使用马丁对冲,马丁对冲回报会更高
Gann Square of 9
Olga Borovskaia
5 (1)
The only one of its kind square 9 indicator that corresponds to the real situation on Gannzilla! The indicator calculates price levels by Square 9 and dates by Square 9.  All price and time levels are 100% consistent with the location on Square 9 (Gannzila). This tool will be a great solution for determining the price and time levels using the methods of the legendary trader William Delbert Gann.
Indicator ICT Implied Fair Value Gap (IFVG) is an important part of the Smart Money Concepts (SMC) system. It looks for and shows on the chart a modern pattern - the Fair Value Gap ( FVG ). This pattern is a three candlestick imbalance formation based on the discovery of a mismatch between supply and demand. This happens when the price moves quickly in one direction without encountering resistance. The result is a "gap", which can be filled in later. The indicator finds this pattern using the up
Breakout Candle
Dhabaleswar Prasad Jena
This indicator is based the principle of breakout candle. Every candle that breaks out from the cluster may not lead to a rally. There are various factors that determine how a breakout candle will behave. This indicator calculates all those factors to suggest BUY/SELL signal once a breakout happens. This is a universal indicator that can work for all kind of instruments eg stock, currency, oil, crypto etc. This also works in every timeframe. PARAMETERS ================= move = 20 strongCandle =
Volume com
Wiktor Keller
The Volume com indicator is an indicator in which the price movement control mode is organized using tick volumes. Volume com indicator gives signals that can be filtered and get a good result   The main advantage of the signals of this indicator is that they appear both at the end of the trend and along its course. The indicator works on all timeframe. The first indicator in the series .
Volume Str
Wiktor Keller
The Volume Str indicator is an indicator based on tick volumes. The very name of the indicator "Volume Street" indicates the use and sorting of volumes. according to a certain algorithm, which leads to a good result at the output. Look at the screenshots and you will see what signals it gives. The indicator does not redraw and you can use its signals after the first bar closes.
Symphonie System
Biswarup Banerjee
The Symphonie Sentiment Indicator is a technical analysis tool used in MetaTrader 4 (MT4) trading platform that helps traders identify market sentiment based on a combination of different indicators. The indicator is designed to provide a comprehensive view of the market by analyzing multiple timeframes and displaying the results in an easy-to-read format. It combines a variety of technical indicators, such as moving averages, oscillators, and trendlines, to generate trading signals that can hel
Price Break Alerts MT4
Christopher Graham Parish
*** Introductory Offer!  ***  Ends soon - do not miss it! The Price Break Alerts Indicator is part of my suite of Price and Trendline Alerts Indicators . I'm excited to introduce the Price Break Alerts Indicator – part of my new suite of Price and Trendline Alert Indicators – fantastic tools designed to alert you of any significant prices in the markets you trade. With this indicator, you can set up to 4 price alerts on any asset, allowing you to quickly spot any significant price breakouts, w
Volume Mag
Wiktor Keller
Volume mag indicator is another indicator that is used to calculate entry points tick volume. The indicator rarely gives a signal, but this can be said to be its advantage. The indicator's signals are not redrawn and do not lag, but are issued after the close of the current candle. The indicator does not overload the terminal and calculates entry points within the BarsCount value, which is set in the menu, by default 500 bar.
Close Above Below Price MT4
Christopher Graham Parish
*** Introductory Offer!  ***  Ends soon - do not miss it! The Close Above or Below Price Indicator is part of my suite of Price and Trendline Alerts Indicators. I'm excited to introduce the  Close Above or Below Price Indicator  – part of my new suite of Price and Trendline Alert Indicators – fantastic tools designed to alert you when candles close above or below significant prices in the markets you trade. With this indicator, you can set up to 4 price alerts on any asset, allowing you to quic
Price Rejection Alerts MT4
Christopher Graham Parish
*** Introductory Offer!  ***  Ends soon - do not miss it! The Price Rejection Alerts Indicator is part of my suite of Price and Trendline Alerts Indicators. I'm excited to introduce the  Price Rejection Alerts Indicator   – part of my new suite of Price and Trendline Alert Indicators – fantastic tools designed to alert you when candles close above or below significant prices in the markets you trade. With this indicator, you can set up to 4 price alerts on any asset, allowing you to quickly spo
Volume New
Wiktor Keller
The Volume New indicator is the main indicator for calculating direction of price movement by tick volumes. The indicator generates the maximum number of signals that it is possible to filter according to your strategies. The indicator does not redraw or lag and generates a signal according to the settings SIGNALBAR values, default 1 - after the close of the current candle. The number of history bars for calculation is set in the indicator menu by the value BarsCount, default is 500 bars.
The Nadaraya Watson Envelope Alerts MT4 is a technical indicator available in the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform. It uses a non-parametric method to estimate the underlying trend of a financial asset based on its past price movements. The envelope is created by calculating a weighted average of the asset's past prices, with more recent prices being given greater weight. This produces a smooth curve that represents the estimated trend of the asset. The envelope is then drawn around this curve, with
MT4 Indicator Get ahead of the curve with the Wamek Trend Consult indicator . Designed to identify early and continuation trends, this powerful tool empowers traders to enter the market at precisely the right moment, utilizing powerful filters to reduce the number of fake out signals and improve the accuracy of your trades. By precisely analyzing market trends and filtering out false signals, using its advanced algorithms and unparalleled accuracy, the Trend Consult indicator provides traders wi
Elliott waves simple
Mohamed yehia Osman
A simple Approach to Elliot waves patterns Signal generated on trend continuation when breaking the "5" level or on corrective direction after 1-5 waves detected 1-5 labeled points arrows used for signal UP/DOWN direction Chaotic patterns in Blue are drawn all times until  a 1-5 Elliot wave pattern detected  1-5 Red pattern in Bull Market : UP arrow in BULL trend continuation OR DOWN arrow  as a reversal DOWN direction as pattern correction 1-5 Green pattern in Bear Market :DOWN arrow in BEAR tr
Reverse Spot
Stefano Cocconi
Check My Product Contact me to discover all my services  Reverse Spot is an indicator that can help you find and identify possible price reverse zones.   This indicator can be used both as a trend continuation signal after a small period of consolidation or retracement and as a trend change signal. Reverse spot is a very easy to use indicator and thanks to the signals it sends with the arrows it is easy for the trader to identify moments in which to evaluate his own operations. Reverse Spot
Base MACD 4
Prafull Manohar Nikam
This is a modern MACD indicator based on regular MACD indicator. It also has alert system included. This indicator gives you alerts when base line of MACD indicator crosses above or below Zero level so you can look for Buy or Sell opportunity. Available Alerts: 1.          Audible Alerts on Chart / Trading Terminal window. 2.          Alerts on your email. 3.          Alerts on your mobile phone. Type of Alerts Explained: 1. Audible_Chart_Alerts   - Audible alerts and Popup message on your compu
Super Signal MT4
Renate Gerlinde Engelsberger
An indicator based on support and resistance levels with many signals (per candle) Can be used in all time frames Can be used in all symbol Blue lines: upward trend. Red lines: downward trend How It work: This indicator gives signals based on support and resistance levels as well as some complex calculations. Based on past data As you know, one of the most important trade options are support and resistance levels. Get good signals using this indicator. How To work: Run the indicator. By rece
after getting indic ator cont act me for Bonus E a. Non Repaint TMA channel with special conditioned arrows on price cross of channel lines plus market Volatility factor, which makes product much more accurate than any usual tma channel indicators.  It is proven to be profitable with Ea built based on it which you will get as a BONUS in case of indicator purchase. Good luck.
Francesco Grassi
Gravitas indicator – High quality / Non-repainting Signals for day trading If you are sick and tired of not being profitable each month or you simply want a safe earning while you are studying the markets or while you practice and master your strategy give this indicator a try. I called this indicator “Gravitas” as indication of seriousness and importance that trading is for me and respect for the market and the other traders involved in it. I developed it last
KT Connors RSI MT4
KT Connors RSI is a modified and more advanced version of the original Connors RSI developed by Larry Connors. It was designed to help traders generate trade signals based on short-term price movements. The Connors combine the standard RSI calculation with two additional elements: a short-term RSI, ROC, and a moving average. Features Provides more transparent and more actionable buy and sell signals using the overbought/oversold zones. Incorporates short-term RSI and moving average, providing
ChangePeriod MT4
Kazuya Yamaoka
You can change the time period of the chart at the touch of a button. You can also change multiple charts at the touch of a button. You can also change multiple charts at the touch of a button, saving you the trouble of changing time periods. We are live-streaming the actual operation of the system. https://www.youtube.com/@ganesha_forex We do not guarantee your investment results. Investments should be made at your own risk. We sharll not be liable for any disadvantage or damage caused by th
AutoScroll MT4
Kazuya Yamaoka
AutoScroll automatically scrolls the chart by the set width (pips). You can see the next milestone without having to operate the chart yourself. You can concentrate on trading. We are live-streaming the actual operation of the system. Please check for yourself if it is usable. Please check it out for yourself. https://www.youtube.com/@ganesha_forex We do not guarantee your investment results. Investments should be made at your own risk. We sharll not be liable for any disadvantage or damage c
CountDown MT4
Kazuya Yamaoka
The time until the end of the bar is counted down. Therefore, you can time your order while watching the chart. You can concentrate on your trading. We are live-streaming the actual operation of the system. Please check for yourself if it is usable. Please check it out for yourself. https://www.youtube.com/@ganesha_forex We do not guarantee your investment results. Investments should be made at your own risk. We sharll not be liable for any disadvantage or damage caused by the use of the info
Fibonacci automatically draws Fibonacci retracement, Because Fibonacci automatically draws Fibonacci retracement, you can know at a glance the price to buy at a push or sell back. Therefore, you can trade in favorable conditions in a trending market. We are live-streaming the actual operation of the system. Please check for yourself if it is usable. Please check it out for yourself. https://www.youtube.com/@ganesha_forex We do not guarantee your investment results. Investments should be made
The chart pattern is automatically drawn. It also automatically tells you the price at which you are most likely to buy or sell according to the pattern. Therefore, there is no need to memorize patterns or draw lines by yourself. We are live-streaming the actual operation of the system. Please check for yourself if it is usable. Please check it out for yourself. https://www.youtube.com/@ganesha_forex We do not guarantee your investment results. Investments should be made at your own risk. We
DrawHurdle MT4
Kazuya Yamaoka
The system automatically draws resistance and support lines, The system automatically draws resistance and support lines, so you can see at a glance the price range where you are most likely to encounter resistance. Therefore, you can trade in price zones where you are less likely to encounter resistance. We are live-streaming the actual operation of the system. Please check for yourself if it is usable. Please check it out for yourself. https://www.youtube.com/@ganesha_forex We do not guaran
Based on the Dow Theory, the system automatically draws a turning point, which is the starting point for buying or selling. It also automatically tells you whether the market is in a buying or selling condition and recognizes the environment. It is also a good tool to prevent false trades and to make profitable trades. We are live-streaming the actual operation of the system. Please check for yourself if it is usable. Please check it out for yourself. https://www.youtube.com/@ganesha_forex We
Supply Demand WTC
Stefano Cocconi
Check My Product Contact me to discover all my services  Supply and demand zones are one of the most basic things a beginner forex trader learns. These zones are so important, price reacts off of them even after years since they first developed. And with the supply and demand zones indicator, a forex trader might not need to worry about drawing all these historical zones one after the other. The supply and demand zone indicator accurately draws the supply and demand zones of a currency pair o
Fractal Advanced MT4
Siarhei Vashchylka
Fractal Advanced - displays Fractal and Alligator indicators on the price chart. Has wide options for settings and customization. It is also equipped with alerts and a hotkey system. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) | Version for MT 5 Advantages 1. The indicator does not fill the entire chart with fractals, but allows you to display only relevant signals. 2. The number of fractals is adjusted by scrolling the mouse while holding down the Shift key. 3. Instantly show/hide the Alligator
Fibonacci CSM
Emir Revolledo
Fibonacci Currency Strength Meter (FCSM) Early Access Sale!! This new product is still in the process of adding new features and settings. For early bird buyers. The Price will be 50% Sale. In a few weeks, the product will be done. Go Grab your copy while it's still cheap. More details will be added soon. Things to be added. Alert Levels Mobile and Email Alert From it's name, Fibonacci Currency Strength Meter is a combination of Fibonacci levels and Currency Strength Meter. The plot of Fibona
Harami Candle Alert MT4
Prafull Manohar Nikam
If you are using naked eyes to find candlestick patterns on your chart it's a good thing but it requires your time and attention and still you miss some patterns here and there. Don't worry! This indicator will help you to find "Harami Candlestick Pattern" on your chart very easily. *Note:   Default inputs are set for EURUSD H1 (1 hour) timeframe. This is an alert system which gives you alerts whenever harami candlestick pattern happens. Types of alerts it can give you are: 1. Audible Alerts   -
What you get upon purchase: -Lifetime support for the use of the system - Easy to use, clean user friendly interface with no single settings required - Arrow Signals showing where to buy and sell -Visual Arrows, Sound Alert, Email and sms alert functionalities - Customizable colors and sizes -Lifetime Updates - Both Trend and breakout signals -Appropriate signals for both Entry levels, Take profit levels and stop loss   Preferred timeframe is 15 MINUTES ACCURATE SIGNALS WITH SIMPLE AND USER FR

