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如何 购买 自动交易或指标

虚拟 主机运行您的EA
想要在市场 赚钱 吗?
如何介绍 用于流通销售的产品

适用于MetaTrader 4的新技术指标 - 32

icon 下面列出的技术指标信号对MetaTrader 4平台的开仓交易和平仓交易起着至关重要的作用。 指标的本质就是一种交易品种的数学转换,旨在预测价格变化。
Alright. This indicator works on MT4 and is very easy to use. When you receive a signal from it, you wait for that candle with the signal to close and you enter your trade at the beginning of the next new candle. A red arrow means sell and a green arrow means buy. All arrows comes with Popup Alert like for easy identification of trade signal. Are you okay with that?   100% non repaint Work All Major currency  Pair,  1 minute time frame 1 minute expire
To get access to MT5 version please click here . This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "Top Bottom Indicator" by "ceyhun". This is a light-load processing and non-repaint indicator. All input options are available. This is not a multi time frame indicator. Buffers are available for processing in EAs. Extra option to show buy and sell signal alerts. You can message in private chat for further changes you need.
Introducing the uGenesys Psychological Levels Indicator – Your Key to Precision Trading with Real-Time Alerts! Are you tired of guessing where the market might turn? Do you want a tool that can accurately identify psychological levels and notify you when price touches a key level? Look no further – the uGenesys Psychological Levels Indicator is here to revolutionize your trading experience. Imagine having a tool that not only identifies psychological levels with unmatched accuracy but also aler
Prozones Mt4
Renfred Dodzidenu Semabia
Discover Prozones Intraday MT4: Elevate Your Trading Success with Precision Are you tired of sifting through market noise in search of profitable trades? Look no further than Prozones Intraday MT4 – your ultimate solution for consistent trading success in the fast-paced world of intraday trading. Crafted with advanced algorithms and years of market expertise, this indicator empowers traders of all levels to make informed decisions with confidence. Key Features: Pinpoint Precision in Trend Analys
Prozones Intraweek
Renfred Dodzidenu Semabia
Discover Prozones IntraWeek MT4: Elevate Your Trading Success with Precision Are you tired of sifting through market noise in search of profitable trades? Look no further than Prozones IntraWeek MT4 – your ultimate solution for consistent trading success in the fast-paced world of intraday trading. Crafted with advanced algorithms and years of market expertise, this indicator empowers traders of all levels to make informed decisions with confidence. Key Features: Pinpoint Precision in Trend Anal
This indicator will give you entries as result of scalping strategy that will be applied on 14 symbols in same time and you are able to be notified with this entries  Note :   This indicator for scalping on 5 minutes timeframe only . How to use it : 1-Open chart and adjust settings (edit symbols names as your platform names , activate the alert system if you need it . 2-Wait for any signal you have it from this scanner you will have it as alert and as notification and you will see it on board
Global Trend Pro Lines
Mukhammadalikhon Abdullaev
The " Global Trend Pro Lines " indicator is one of the most important indicators designed to display trading volumes based on the sniper strategy. This indicator provides convenience for daily, medium-term, and long-term traders. The main advantages of the indicator are as follows: Suitable for the sniper strategy: The "Global Trend Pro Lines" indicator is suitable for the sniper strategy and allows traders to identify the best entry and exit points for trading. Displays volumes: The indicator
该指标旨在与艾略特波浪理论相结合,提供了两种不同的工作方式: 自动工作: 在此模式下,指标会自动检测图表上的所有五个动机波浪,并为您提供预测和潜在的逆转区域。它还可以提供警报和推送消息。这种自动功能简化了识别和分析艾略特波浪模式的过程。 手动工作: 此选项适用于喜欢手动方法的交易员,用于手动绘制九个不同等级的波浪。每个等级都可以在它们出现后通过调整图表上的绘制线条来单独定义。此功能简化了手动绘制波浪的过程,使其更加高效。需要注意的是,所有绘图数据将保存在平台的数据文件夹中,以备将来参考。 参数: Name: 指标名称。 Use_System_Visuals: 启用或禁用指标主题,以匹配交易平台的整体外观。 Explain_Comment: 允许启用或禁用波浪编号的解释性注释,有助于理解已识别的波浪。 Show_Last_Candle_Counter: 启用或禁用蜡烛计时器,提供有关当前蜡烛收盘的剩余时间的信息。 Candle_Counter_Color: 蜡烛计时器文本的颜色。 Basic_Wave_Color: 用于表示波浪的主要颜色。 Bullish_Wave_Color: 当检测
---- Brand New Strategy. Three Month Rent is $30. ONE YEAR RENT ONLY $50. FREE EURUSD VERSION AVAILABLE UNDER << Forecast System Gift >>. NO NEED FOR BACKTEST! Link to the FREE version -->  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/110085?source=Site --- This is a simple strategy based on BREAKOUT and FIBONACCI levels. After a breakout, either, the market: - continues the move directly to the 161, 261 and 423 levels, or - retraces to the 50% level (also called a correction) and thereafter continues
Gann 方块指标是一种强大的市场分析工具,基于 W.D. Gann 在其“市场预测数学公式”一文中介绍的数学概念。该指标融合了与平方数(如 144、90 和 52)有关的 Gann 技术,以及平方 9。此外,它还融入了  关于如何将平方 9 与通道和星形图案结合使用的方法。 用户手册和使用方式: 在使用该指标之前,我们建议您阅读用户手册,并与我们联系以获得任何澄清。您可以在我们的网站上找到完整的用户手册。 该指标提供了 MT5 的完整版本供购买,也提供了 MT4 的免费版本供测试。提供了两个版本的链接供您方便使用。 主要特点和功能: Gann 方块指标为您的交易环境提供了全套工具,使您能够基于几何图案和 Gann 的概念做出明智的决策。以下是主要特点: 平方 9 分析: 该指标可以绘制与平方 9 有关的各种元素,包括水平线、星形图案、网格、Gann 扇形等。这在您的图表上提供了 Gann 的几何概念的视觉表示。 Gann 方块: 该指标绘制了 Gann 方块 52、90 和 144,使您能够可视化和分析它们与价格走势的关系。 自由 Gann 星形图案: 该指标使您能够直接在图表上绘制
Bands Sniper
Abdulkarim Karazon
5 (1)
目前价格仅限10本,之后价格为90美元 基于包络线和带有箭头的 tma,波段狙击指标是一种多用途指标,因为它显示动态支撑和阻力,还提供买入和卖出箭头等入场信号。 默认设置基于 1 小时时间范围,购买后请联系以获取完整指南。 参赛规则: 买入:1.蜡烛收盘价低于两条频带          2.蜡烛收盘价回到 2 个带内,带有 2 个向上箭头(金色箭头和橙色箭头) 卖出 : 1.蜡烛收于两条带之上          2.蜡烛收盘价回到 2 个带内,带有 2 个向下箭头(金色箭头和橙色箭头) TP 1 : 中带线 TP 2 :相反波段 SL 箭头下方的几个点 建议的时间范围是:15M 及以上 =====================================================
金克拉价格计算器指标介绍 您是否有兴趣随时了解黄金在您的本地货币中的价格?不用再寻找了,金克拉价格计算器指标为您提供了实时计算每克黄金价格的创新工具,以您喜欢的本地货币来计算。借助此指标,您可以利用金融洞察力做出明智的决策。 主要特点: 本地化的黄金价格: 金克拉价格计算器指标为您提供金属每克价格,特别是黄金每克价格,以您熟悉的本地货币进行定制。这意味着您可以方便地在与您相关的货币中跟踪黄金的价值。 用户友好的设置: 我们的指标旨在为您的方便而设计。您可以从指标设置中直接调整设置,或者直接在主要图表上进行调整,实现无缝和个性化的体验。 参数解释: Use_System_Theme (使用系统主题): 有了选择您喜欢的颜色方案的选项,您可以轻松将指标的视觉外观与您的交易环境相结合。 Ounce_Value (盎司价值): 此参数指的是您本地货币中一盎司黄金的国家价值。它是后续计算的基本组成部分。 Reference_Carat (参考克拉): 参考克拉表示基于其进行的计算。这使您可以将计算与您感兴趣的特定类型的黄金对齐。 Calculated_Carat (计算克拉): 此参数基于参考克
Fibo Star指标旨在在交易图表上以星形图案绘制斐波那契扇形。 这些斐波那契扇形是用于分析价格走势的有力工具,可以提供有关潜在支撑和阻力水平的见解。此指标配备了一个用户友好的控制面板,旨在简化绘制和配置扇形的过程,从而节省时间和精力。 使用说明: 此指标仅适用于手动使用。为了有效地使用它,请按照以下步骤操作: 辨认出您希望基于其绘制斐波那契扇形的高点和低点。 将紫色线放在这些高点和低点上。 一旦价格与这些线条交互,观察指标如何作为动态支撑和阻力水平运作。 参数: Use_System_Theme: 此参数允许您选择首选主题,以使指标的外观与您交易平台的整体样式相匹配。 Levels_Color: 选择您要为斐波那契扇形的水平使用的颜色。 Levels_Style: 定义斐波那契扇形水平的样式,根据您的喜好调整外观。 Levels_Width: 调整斐波那契扇形水平的宽度,以增强在图表上的可见性。 Levels_Ray: 启用或禁用从斐波那契扇形水平延伸的射线的显示。 Lvl0 - Lvl8: 为每个水平指定比例值。这些值在确定斐波那契扇形的角度和位置时起着关键作用。 Star_Co
Crypto_Forex 指标适用于 MT4 的“趋势修正直方图”。 - 趋势修正直方图有两种颜色:红色表示看跌趋势,蓝色表示看涨趋势。 - 7 个连续的相同颜色直方图柱表示新趋势的开始。 - 趋势修正直方图指标的设计主要目的是最小化损失并最大化利润。 - 它具有参数“周期”,负责指标的灵敏度。 - 内置移动和 PC 警报。 - 趋势修正直方图可以用作简单但有利可图的交易系统,见下文: 如何使用指标: 1) 检查至少 7 个连续的相同颜色直方图柱,这意味着新趋势的开始。例如,下图中有超过 7 个蓝色柱。 2) 等待 1(一个)相反颜色的柱,在我们的例子中是红色,紧接着又变为蓝色。这意味着这是趋势修正。 3) 当出现蓝色柱状图时,开多头交易,在此之前只有一个红色柱状图。这意味着订单在修正后按照主要趋势方向开仓。 4) 安排止损(见图)和获利点。获利点应至少比止损大 3 倍。在这种情况下,即使您只赢了 30%,您也会获利。 5) 卖出(空头)交易反之亦然(见图)。 // 出色的交易机器人和指标可在此处获取: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/def1380
该智能交易系统不进行任何交易,但它会扫描您的市场观察中的整个交易品种,并在不同的时间范围内逐一扫描每个股票,最后它会向您显示哪个交易品种在哪个时间范围内具有强大的吞没蜡烛。 此外,您可以定义 MA 周期和 RSI 上限和下限,它会显示哪个时间范围内的交易品种将穿越调整后的移动平均线,以及哪个时间范围内的交易品种将穿越移动平均线的上限或下限。 相对强弱指数。 Gāi zhìnéng jiāoyì xìtǒng bù jìnxíng rènhé jiāoyì, dàn tā huì sǎomiáo nín de shìchǎng guānchá zhōng de zhěnggè jiāoyì pǐnzhǒng, bìng zài bùtóng de shíjiān fànwéi nèi zhúyī sǎomiáo měi gè gǔpiào, zuìhòu tā huì xiàng nín xiǎnshì nǎge jiāoyì pǐnzhǒng zài nǎge shíjiān fànwéi nèi jùyǒu qiángdà de tūnmò làzhú. Cǐwài, nín
DYJ SuperMATrend是一个高度准确的MA交易系统。 这个指标在平均线线上标记出Bull线段颜色(绿色)和Bear线段颜色(红色).  入口时间和价格是的在绿色和红色线交界点处的蜡烛时间和价格。下一入口为上一订单的出场点 ======================================================================================================= Input inpPeriod = 50 inpAtrPeriod  = 5 InpLineWidth = 3 clr_buy = clrSpringGreen clr_sell = clrRed InpMup = 40
Binary Lines
Vitalyi Belyh
Binary Lines is a technical analysis indicator for currencies, commodities, cryptocurrencies, stocks, indices and any financial instruments. Can be used for binary options or Forex scalping. Shows entry and exit points at fixed intervals and provides traders the necessary information about the results of possible transactions. Entry points are formed at the very beginning of the candle, in the direction of the MA line, duration trades in bars can be adjusted manually and adjusted to any financia
A technical indicator that calculates its readings on trading volumes. In the form of a histogram, it shows the accumulation of the strength of the movement of the trading instrument. It has independent calculation systems for bullish and bearish directions. Works on any trading instruments and time frames. Can complement any trading system. The indicator does not redraw its values, the signals appear on the current candle. It is easy to use and does not load the chart, does not require addition
Rapid Trend
Ivan Simonika
Rapid Trend is a technical analysis indicator that determines the direction and strength of a trend, and also signals a trend change. Allows you to determine the current trend. With the help of its algorithm, you can quickly understand what kind of trend is currently developing in the market. Rapid Trend can be used along with oscillators as filters. Setting up the Rapid Trend forex indicator allows you to receive more accurate signals for opening positions. Uses only one parameter for settings.
Clever Smart
Carlos Forero
4.73 (15)
Description Helps you detect the structure of the market, using different types of Smart Money concepts. This should help you to upgrade your trading strategy in every way. MT5 Version Here Smart Money Features: Color candle to signal the type of structure Shows CHOCH and BOS Equal Lows and Highs Order Blocks Internal and Swings Weak and strongs high and lows Fair Value Gaps High and Lows in daily weekly and monthly timeframes Premium and discount Zones KEY LINKS:   How to Install   –  Frequent
Drop Trends
Vitalii Zakharuk
Drop Trend is a trend indicator for the MetaTrader 4 trading platform. This indicator allows you to find the most probable trend reversal points. You will not find this indicator anywhere else. A simple but effective system for determining the forex trend. From the screenshots you can see for yourself the accuracy of this tool. Works on all currency pairs, stocks, raw materials, cryptocurrencies. Are you tired of the constant ups and downs? Do not become a victim of unstable market movements,
Perhaps you have previously read in technical analysis books about such a concept as "market slope", or "trend slope". Metatrader has such a tool as "trend line by angle". But when working on auto-scaled charts, this tool becomes completely abstract, and as a consequence, useless. The idea of this new parameter, included in the AllAverages_Speed indicator, is to give such a concept as "trend slope" specific numerical values, as well as the further use of the new parameter in work.     Modifica
ReSu mt4
Daniel Opoku
The Wamek Support and Resistant (WSR) Indicator is a remarkable tool that stands out in the world of technical analysis. It sets itself apart by cleverly combining price action and leading indicators to delineate support and resistance levels with a high degree of accuracy. Its unique feature is its adaptability; users can fine-tune the indicator by adjusting input parameters, enabling them to create customized support and resistance levels that suit their trading strategies. Notably, one of WSR
ELT Reversal MT4 (Elite_Indicator)    is an indicator for the MetaTrader 4 terminal. . This indicator is based on the Counter-Trend strategy, but also uses Volatility. It is based on showing possible liquidity in the financial market, thus helping traders in their trading. ELT Reversal MT4 (Elite_Indicator) is a visual tool, intuitive, and easy to understand and use.  Recommended time frame for Scalping Trade : M1  M5  M15 Recommended time frame for Swing Trade : M30  upward Better precision:
Three Soldiers
Nedyalka Zhelyazkova
5 (1)
The three white soldiers and the three black crows candlestick patterns are reversal patterns that predict a change in the direction of a trend.  The pattern consists of three consecutive long-bodied candlesticks that open within the previous candle's real body and a close that exceeds the previous candle's.  It's important to note that both formations are only valid when they appear after a strong uptrend or a downtrend, while their efficiency decreases in choppy markets. Inputs AlertOn   - en
Fast Symbol Changer
Florian Riedrich
4 (1)
I was looking for a lean symbol changer. I could not find any. Normally other products hide lot's of screen space. So I developed a very lean symbol changer Just click on the 2 currencies you want to combine. The order does not matter. If you miss some pairs, you can add up to 5 custom symbols. Please make sure, your broker support your custom symbols. Drag an drop the panel with the green button. In future I plan to include suffix and prefix als well.
Market Profile Heat indicator  — is a classic Market Profile implementation that can show the price density over time, outlining the most important price levels, value area, and control value of a given trading session. This indicator can be attached to timeframes between M1 and D1 and will show the Market Profile for daily, weekly, monthly, or even intraday sessions. Lower timeframes offer higher precision. Higher timeframes are recommended for better visibility. It is also possible to use a fr
Liquidity Swings
Minh Truong Pham
The liquidity swings indicator highlights swing areas with existent trading activity. The number of times price revisited a swing area is highlighted by a zone delimiting the swing areas. Additionally, the accumulated volume within swing areas is highlighted by labels on the chart. An option to filter out swing areas with volume/counts not reaching a user-set threshold is also included. This indicator by its very nature is not real-time and is meant for descriptive analysis alongside other com
This indicator is based on the classical indicator Stochastic  and will be helpful for those who love and know how to use not a visual but digital representation of the indicator.  All TimeFrames RSI MT4  indicator shows values from each timeframe. You will be able to change the main input parameters for each RSI for every TF. Example for M1: sTF1_____   = "M1"; kPeriod1      = 5; dPeriod1      = 3; Slowing1      = 3; stMethod1    = MODE_SMA; Price_Field1 = MODE_MAIN; stMode1       = 0;
Start Thunder Enter
Mr Fares Mohammad Alabdali
This offer is limited to a temporary period. Entry signal :follow the blue arrow for a buy trade and the Pink for a sell. Buy Trade: When the blue arrow appears, you wait until the candle completely finishes. Then you enter into a Buy Trade as soon as the next candle appears. Now wait until you hit TP1 from the Buy Goals box, then close the trade with a profit. Sell Trade: When the Pink arrow appears, you wait until the candle completely finishes  Then you enter into a Buy Trade as soon as the
This indicator converted from 5 min Buy and Sell Range Filter - guikroth version on TradingView Popularity of the Range Filter The Range Filter is a very popular and effective indicator in its own right, with adjustments to the few simple settings it is possible to use the Range Filter for helping filter price movement, whether helping to determine trend direction or ranges, to timing breakout or even reversal entries. Its practical versatility makes it ideal for integrating it's signals into a
Introducing the "Magic Trades" for MetaTrader 4 – your ultimate tool for precision trading in dynamic markets. This innovative indicator revolutionizes the way you perceive market trends by harnessing the power of advanced analysis to detect subtle changes in character, paving the way for optimal trading opportunities. The Magic Trades Indicator is designed to empower traders with insightful entry points and well-defined risk management levels. Through its sophisticated algorithm, this indicato
Price Volume Trend Oscillator
Rafi Anchukandan Koyamu Anchukandan
The Price Volume Trend Oscillator (PVTO) is a powerful technical analysis tool designed to provide insights into the relationship between price movements and trading volumes. This indicator offers a unique perspective on market trends, helping traders identify potential buying and selling opportunities. Parameters: EMA Short Period: Defines the short EMA period for calculating the PVTO. Default 3 EMA Long Period: Specifies the long EMA period for PVTO calculation. Default 10 EMA Signal Period: S
Binary Stalker
Abdulkarim Karazon
3.67 (3)
---> 价格上涨后,接下来的 5 位买家可享受 10% 折扣 <--- Binary Stalker 是一个基于 adx 的指标,可为任何到期的二元期权经纪商提供看涨期权和看跌期权信号,该指标不可重新绘制,并且附带一个仪表板,显示以下内容:1-胜率 - 2-赢家 - 3- 输家 - 4 - 获胜者排 - 5. 输家排 , 建议时间范围:任意 调用:绿点出现在新开盘蜡烛上,到期日为该蜡烛结束时 put : 橙色点出现在新开盘蜡烛上,到期日为该蜡烛结束时 请注意,在某些情况下,信号会在高波动期间延迟,因为 adx 交叉可能会在蜡烛期间稍后发生,请跳过这些信号。 ===================================================== =====================================================
介绍: “Turning Zone”是一种复杂且创新的 MT4 指标,旨在为交易者提供强大的工具来检测金融市场中潜在的趋势逆转。通过利用干草叉分析的永恒概念,转向区域指标可以识别市场情绪可能发生变化的关键反转区域,为交易者提供宝贵的见解,以做出明智的决策。 MT5 版本 :   WH Turning Zone MT5 相关产品 :   WH Trend Continuation MT4 主要特征: 干草叉分析. 逆转概率. 视觉清晰度. 定制选项. 实时警报. 如何使用 : 选项 1:等待价格到达转向区域并使用您自己的入场规则、止损和目标上方/下方区域。 选项 2:等待我的入场规则形成(以红色/蓝色箭头指示)止损,并且目标出现在图表上。 利用转向区指标释放精确趋势反转检测的潜力并提升您的交易策略。通过利用干草叉分析的力量,体验交易决策的新水平的信心和准确性。立即下载 MT4 的转向区域指标,在瞬息万变的金融市场世界中获得竞争优势。
FxBears Super
Rachid Lafhil
欢迎来到使用 FxBears 超级交易指标的高级交易世界。 这一创新工具专为 MT4 平台设计,结合了艾略特波浪、供需区域和内部指标的强大功能,为交易者提供高质量的信号,以做出明智的交易决策。 FxBears Super 拥有超过 90% 的成功率记录,为您的交易策略带来了新的精确度和盈利水平。 科西嘉岛没有重画,也没有重画。 艾略特波浪分析:      FxBears Super 利用艾略特波浪的预测潜力,识别市场周期和趋势。 通过分析特征五浪脉冲和三浪调整形态,准确提取潜在的转折点和延续形态。 供需区:      认识到供需区域的重要性,FxBears Super 在图表上精确指出了关键支撑位和阻力位。 这些市场情绪发生变化的区域为潜在的价格逆转和突破提供了宝贵的见解。 内部指标:         FxBears Super 集成了一套内部指标,进一步提高其准确性:    **RSI(相对强弱指数):衡量超买和超卖状况,有助于发现潜在的趋势逆转。    **移动平均线:识别短期和长期趋势,而交叉线则提供潜在进入和退出点的信号。    **MACD(移动平均收敛分歧)
Investment Castle RSI Divergence
Ahmed Alaaeldin Abdulrahman Ahmed Elherzawi
RSI 差异指标是一个强大的工具,设计用于通过发现相对强度指数(RSI)和价格运动之间的差异来识别市场中的潜在反转。差异可能是即将发生的趋势变化的重要指示,从看涨转为看跌或反之亦然。此指标的目的是使识别潜在交易机会的任务变得更简单和高效。 特点: 自动检测:指标扫描图表查找RSI差异并自动绘制箭头以指示潜在的交易机会。 买卖信号: 绿色向上箭头:基于看涨的RSI差异建议潜在的购买机会。 红色向下箭头:基于看跌的RSI差异建议潜在的销售机会。 差异强度识别:指标区分弱和强的差异,为交易者提供更细微的见解。 强烈的差异:由粗箭头表示。 微弱的差异:由更淡的箭头表示。 移动通知:内置的移动通知功能确保您即使在移动时也永远不会错过潜在的交易信号。一旦发现差异,指标会向您的移动设备发送推送通知。 自定义设置:用户可以调整RSI期间、超买和超卖水平以及其他设置,以根据其交易风格和偏好调整指标。 工作原理: 看涨差异(购买信号):当价格形成一个新的更低的低点,但RSI形成一个更高的低点时发生。这种差异可能表明潜在的上行反转。 看跌差异(卖出信号):当价格形成一个新的更高的高点,但RSI形成一个较低的
No repaint
Andrey Kozak
"无重绘"指标旨在分析市场动态并确定潜在的交易信号时机。该指标的主要特点是信号不会重绘,从而有助于更准确可靠地预测市场价格的变动。 操作机制: "无重绘"指标使用多种类型的图形元素来表示交易信号: 上箭头和下箭头:指标用上箭头和下箭头标记可能的市场入场点。上箭头表示可能开设多头头寸的可能性,而下箭头表示空头头寸。 线条:该指标还在图表上绘制线条,表示从上一个箭头到当前箭头的点数距离。这有助于评估价格运动的强度和交易的潜在盈利能力。 交易建议: "无重绘"指标可用于基于以下原则确定市场入场点: 上箭头和下箭头:出现上箭头可能表示可能开设多头头寸的可能性,建议通过其他技术指标或趋势分析来确认信号。同样,下箭头可能表示可能开设空头头寸的可能性。 线条:分析从上一个箭头到当前箭头的点数距离有助于评估价格运动的强度和交易的潜在盈利能力。箭头之间的显著距离可能表示强劲的运动,需要更谨慎的入场。 设置: Wavelength :该参数确定计算指标敏感性的波长。默认值为25。
Global Trend Lines
Mukhammadalikhon Abdullaev
Smart Volume
Issam Kassas
Description:  For a comprehensive understanding of our indicators, we invite you to explore the entire Q&A section within this MQL5 blog post   here . Technical indicators are crucial tools for analyzing market trends. Smart Volume, can help traders understand price movements and market strength. This indicator utilizes tick volume and price action to identify market trends and reversals. The Smart Volume indicator displays volume bars in blue, yellow, green, red, and white, each signifying dis
Omar Hakim Abdulla Alhabsi
RSI Trend Lines Indicator - Identify Optimal Buying and Selling Opportunities Introduction : The RSI Trend Lines Indicator is a powerful tool designed to assist traders in identifying optimal buying and selling opportunities based on the Relative Strength Index (RSI) oscillator. This advanced indicator draws trend lines on the RSI chart using multiple points, providing valuable insights into potential market trends and reversals. By leveraging the RSI Trend Lines Indicator, traders can enhance t
Perfect for one minutes high trading and scalping. This indicator is very effective for trading on one minutes, in the hour. A combination of moving averages and STOCHASTICS calculation to produce a very convincing signal every hour. Blue colour signals a buy opportunity. Follow the X signs for possible buy points. The Blue average line serves as possible trend direction and support. Red colour signals a sell opportunity. Follow the X signs for possible sell points. The Red average line serves a
This is  a dashboard indicator that displays the Average Level of each selected currency pairs that filters and gives us a signal for overbought (>=90%) or if price at extreme peak above 90, and/or oversold (<=10%) or if price at extreme peak below 10. The calculation is using Relative Strength Index default periods (2 & 9) applied to three different higher time frames H4,D1,&W1. This won't change or altered even if you change symbol or switch to lower time frames or even in monthly and year
Automatically detect bullish or bearish order blocks to optimize your trade entries with our powerful indicator. Ideal for traders following ICT (The Inner Circle Trader). Works with any asset type, including cryptocurrencies, stocks, and forex. Displays order blocks on multiple timeframes, from M2 to W1. Alerts you when an order block is detected, migrated, or a higher timeframe order block is created/migrated. Perfect for both scalping and swing trading in Smart Money Concepts.  Enhanced by st
25% off. Original price: $40 Stochastic Scanner is a multi symbol multi timeframe Stochastic dashboard that monitors the indicator for price entering and exiting overbought and oversold in up to 28 symbols and 9 timeframes. Download Demo here  (Scans only M1 and M5) Settings description   here MT5 version   here Stochastic Scanner features: Signals price entering and exiting the overbought and oversold zones. Monitors up to 28 customizable instruments and 9 timeframes at the same time. You ca
Kind assistant
Rustam Tairov
Простой и удобный индикатор, указывающий зоны стандартных индикаторов в различных таймфреймах, при необходимости можете в настройках изменить параметры RSI- Relative   strength   index.  Стрелка вверх- если сигнальная линия ниже уровня 300, стрелка вниз- если сигнальная линия выше уровня 70 STOCH-  Stochastic. Стрелка вверх- если сигнальная линия ниже уровня 20, стрелка вниз- если сигнальная линия выше уровня 80 ENVELOPE - Envelopes. Стрелка вверх- если свеча открылась ниже красной линии индика
Sessions by Lux
Minh Truong Pham
This indicator shows when user set sessions are active and returns various tools + metrics using the closing price within active sessions as an input. Users have the option to change up to 4 session times. The indicator will increasingly lack accuracy when the chart timeframe is higher than 1 hour. Settings Sessions Enable Session: Allows to enable or disable all associated elements with a specific user set session. Session Time: Opening and closing times of the user set session in the  
The Donchian Scanner Signals Indicator with is a powerful tool designed for traders operating in the financial market using the Metatrader 4 platform. This indicator combines the popular Donchian Channels strategy with advanced signalization and real-time alert features, providing a clear view of potential entry and exit points in a financial asset. Key Features: Donchian Channels Visualization: The indicator graphically displays Donchian Channels on the price chart. These channels are formed us
Indicateur Moving Average Filling Affiche deux moyennes mobiles (une courte et une longue) dont la durée et le type (Simple, exponentielle) est paramétrable. L'espace entre les deux moyennes mobiles est alors colorié (rempli) :     - Vert si courte > longue     - Rouge si courte < longue Il est possible de changer les couleurs selon les préférences de chacun / chacune.
This is  a dashboard indicator that displays the auto-calculated risk lot, with the given risk percentage & risk points (Stop Loss) and others. The main function of this indicator is to help you calculate your exact scalping risk lots and swing risk lots. Also it displays the active trades of each pair you've executed with the following: type of trade, lot size, symbol, & equity(+/-). Also displays the bar counter set in every 5-minute bar timer. (whichever time frame you're active, the bar time
Full STO
Roman Smoroda
完整的 STO 指标(包括三个 STO 指标的所有版本:高级版、黄金版、白银版) - STABLE TRADE OPTION 专为自动二元期权交易而设计。 请仔细阅读!!!!! 重要事项 在一个终端中创建两个不同到期时间的模板,一个为 18:01、18:02,到期时间为 1 至 15 分钟的模板,另一个为 22:00,到期时间为 10 至 20 分钟的模板。 胜率:过去 5 年为 71 资金管理:存款的 0.3 此版本的指标仅用于莫斯科时间 18:01、18:02、22:00 的交易,白银和黄金的到期时间为 1 至 15 分钟,高级版本的到期时间为 10 至 20 分钟。信号出现在蜡烛内部并立即打开交易,如果您使用连接器,则在蜡烛内部打开一个标记。 该指标配置齐全,您无需自行更改。安装并交易 请勿在未经任何检查和测试的情况下购买该指标,我花了两年多时间在真实账户上检查所有版本的sto并查看结果。经过多年测试,我们选择了最佳参数。 应用算法 1. 将指标安装到信号顾问中,信号顾问会自动向经纪商平台发送信号。 - mt2trading.com 平台将为此提供帮助
Auto Anchored VWAPs MT4
Francisco Gomes Da Silva
揭示交易见解与自动锚定VWAP: 自动锚定VWAP 是您在交易世界中的指导伙伴。这些指标能够精准地定位市场关键转折点,并使用VWAP线在您的图表上进行标记。这对于采用锚定VWAP策略的交易者来说是一个改变游戏规则的工具。 它如何工作? 识别高点: 如果当前蜡烛的最高价格低于前一蜡烛的最高价格, 并且前一高点高于之前的高点, 我们就识别出了一个峰值。 这个重要的点位于这三根蜡烛的中间位置。 识别低点: 如果当前蜡烛的最低价格高于前一蜡烛的最低价格, 并且前一低点低于之前的低点, 我们就发现了一个底部。 这个底部的中心是我们的关注点。 绘制锚定VWAP: 每个顶部和底部都对应一个VWAP线。但有一个限制:由于指标的计算需求,图表上一次只能显示8条线。 随着更多的线条出现,旧线条让位给新线条。如果一个新的锚定VWAP线关闭,它将再次为旧的锚定VWAP线打开路径。 您有权掌控!根据您的节奏调整“时间框架”设置。请记住,在确认峰值或低谷之前,等待您选择的时间框架的蜡烛关闭。需要三根蜡烛来确认它们,我们会指向中间的那一根。 为了更平稳地交易,保持“当前时间框架”设置。如果您喜欢历史分析,请选择“更
OHLC Shifted MT4
Francisco Gomes Da Silva
5 (2)
前一交易日的收盘价与K线位移 MetaTrader! 前一交易日的收盘价与K线位移指标是一种旨在改善技术分析和交易决策的工具。借助该指标,您可以获取有关任何K线的开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价的详细信息,从而实现对市场走势的精确和全面分析。 想象一下,您可以将一个时间框架放置在另一个时间框架之内,以便在当前时间框架内详细分析每根K线。通过前一交易日的收盘价与K线位移指标,您可以轻松实现这一令人难以置信的功能! 前一交易日的收盘价作为支撑位和阻力位的重要性已经得到交易者社区的广泛认可。现在,通过这个工具,您可以清晰准确地看到价格在前一收盘价停止的水平,为您的买卖决策提供宝贵的见解。 将该指标应用于您的图表上后,您将立即获得前一交易日的开盘价、最高价、最低价和收盘价等关键信息,以视觉上引人注目的方式突出显示。此外,您还可以调整K线的位移,使您能够在当前时间框架内分析MetaTrader的任何时间框架的数据。 这个独特的功能将使您能够根据所选时间框架中前一交易日收盘价提供的支撑位和阻力位,识别基于任何所需时间框架的蜡烛图形态,开启新的交易机会,并增加您的成功机会。您可以基于前一交易日的收盘价
欢迎使用高级加特利模式识别指标 该指标根据价格结构的 HH 和 LL 以及斐波那契水平检测加特利模式,当满足某些斐波那契水平时,指标将在图表上显示该模式。 MT5版本:   WH Advanced Gartley Pattern MT5 **该指标是 组合 的一部分     WH Ultimate Harmonic Patterns MT4   ,其中包括所有模式识别。** 特征 : 用于检测 Gartley 模式的高级算法   准确性 。 非常   快速地   和   低的   资源(对机器要求较低)。 不   落后   也不   重新粉刷 。 风俗     Fib 水平   调整(您可以根据您的首选设置更改斐波那契水平)。 展示   看跌   和   看涨   同时模式(能够显示看跌或看涨设置的多种模式)。 展示   贸易水平   线(带有可调节的停止点以及目标 1 和目标 2)。 适用于任何   象征   和任何   时间范围 。 更多的   特征   未来还会来! 参数: 最大条数     - 选择要回顾的最大条数。 XlegBar深度     - 调整 HH 和 LL 深
Thushara Dissanayake
隆重推出 PivotXpert   ,这是一种先进的 多图表 指标,旨在增强您的枢轴点策略。直观的界面让枢轴交易变得轻而易举,轻松释放其潜力。 PivotXpert 的多图表模式通过在所有打开的图表上绘制枢轴线来简化您的交易。使用CalculatePips 功能轻松计算每个级别的剩余点数,轻松微调您的策略。 使用枢轴时间范围定制您的方法,使您的策略与您首选的时间范围保持一致。通过 ATR 参数更深入地了解市场波动性,叠加 ATR 水平以获得更清晰的视图。 使用警报过滤器保持警惕,确保您不会错过任何机会。 PivotXpert 使您能够优化策略并保持领先趋势。使用 PivotXpert 提升您的枢轴交易。 参数 模式 - 在多图表和单图表使用之间进行选择。 枢轴点参数 - 针对特定条件自定义枢轴点指示器。 ATR 参数 - 针对特定条件自定义 ATR 指标。 警报过滤器 - 自定义特定条件的警报。 图形参数 - 自定义视觉外观和颜色。
Ahmet Metin Yilmaz
MOST 指标是其他平台上非常流行的指标,尤其是股票和指数。基础是移动平均线和高低位。对于股票和指数,使用百分比输入 2,对于外汇工具,使用 1 - 1.5 可能是合适的。您可以对每种乐器进行自己的调整。它是一个易于使用、简单明了的指标。多见于1小时图和日线图。目前我只针对MT4平台进行编辑,如果有MT5平台的需求,我会在以后发布。 MOST 指标是其他平台上非常流行的指标,尤其是股票和指数。基础是移动平均线和高低位。对于股票和指数,使用百分比输入 2,对于外汇工具,使用 1 - 1.5 可能是合适的。您可以对每种乐器进行自己的调整。它是一个易于使用、简单明了的指标。多见于1小时图和日线图。目前我只针对MT4平台进行编辑,如果有MT5平台的需求,我会在以后发布。
Fair Value Gaps MT4
Cao Minh Quang
5 (3)
The Fair Value Gap (FVG) is a price range where one side of the market liquidity is offered, typically confirmed by a liquidity void on the lower time frame charts in the same price range. Price can "gap" to create a literal vacuum in trading, resulting in an actual price gap. Fair Value Gaps are most commonly used by price action traders to identify inefficiencies or imbalances in the market, indicating that buying and selling are not equal. If you're following the ICT Trading Strategy or Smart
Renko, Heiken Ashi, Ticks Bar, Range Bar.    Easy switching, easy setup, all in one window.        Place the Custom Chart indicator and view Renko, Heiken Ashi, Tick bar, Range bar charts in real time at real chart.    Position the offline chart window so that the indicator control panel is visible.    Switch the chart mode by click of a button.    Connect to the output chart any indicator, expert advisor without any restrictions.    No, it doesn't work in the tester.    Yes, you can use an
Candlestick pattern indicator - display found candlestick patterns on the chart. MT5-version:   https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/103134 Bearish patterns: Bearish Pattern Designations Pattern name SS Shooting     Star STR(S) Evening     Star DJ(E)     Evening     Doji Star DC Dark Cloud     Veil BEP Bearish Engulfing Bullish patterns: Designation of bullish patterns Pattern name HMR Hammer pattern STR(M) Morning     Star DJ(M) Morning     Doji     Star PRL Piercing     Line BEP Bullish
1. Updated usage descriptions in blog below:  https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/760322 Smart Market Structure Trading System and Automatic Scanner - Trading Systems - 13 October 2023 - Traders' Blogs (mql5.com) https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/754495 2.1 YouTube video link for Panel control:  https://youtu.be/LM699E7JS3E 2.2 YouTube video link for feature introduction:   https://youtu.be/tMU04wo0bc8 2.3 All features can be turned on and off with a click of a button.  3. Smart Money Concepts,
This is a combination of multiple oscillators into a single divergence system that creates the impression of a more reliable divergence indicator. It is multi-currency based and works best on 15 minutes timeframe and above. Every time a signal is generated, it shows an alert to the user. It is more ideal if combined with other price action indicators or trading systems.
The ICT Silver Bullet indicator is inspired from the lectures of "The Inner Circle Trader" (ICT) and highlights the Silver Bullet (SB) window which is a specific 1-hour interval where a Fair Value Gap (FVG) pattern can be formed. A detail document about ICT Silver Bullet here . There are 3 different Silver Bullet windows (New York local time): The London Open Silver Bullet (3 AM — 4 AM ~ 03:00 — 04:00) The AM Session Silver Bullet (10 AM — 11 AM ~ 10:00 — 11:00) The PM Session Silver Bullet (2
Pin Bar Diamond
Evgenii Efimov
There are only a limited number of copies left, priced at 390   USD .  After that, the price will be raised to 450 USD. I develop honest Indicators and know what can work in the market in the long term and what cannot. The classic and most powerful price action pattern is called the pin bar. This pattern works well after the release of fundamental news on M15, M30 and H1 timeframes, but can also be used on other timeframes such as M5 or D1. By default, the settings are set for the H1 timeframe,
Hello Dear Trader, Today Im Telling You About The "Golden Scalp System V1 " Metatrader4 Golden Scalp System Scalper with EMA   This is a  Scalper strategy   based on ( Exponential moving average) EMA . Time frame: H1 Pair: EUR/USD, GBP/USD,AUD/USD XAU/USD Platform Mt4   Indicators for Scalper with Ema: 300  EMA (Exponential Moving Average) ; 500 EMA (Expontial Moving Average); Stochastic   (5,3,3)   Long Entry 1) 300  EMA   > 500  EMA . 2) Find significant levels of support. 3) Wait for the c
Индикатор рассчитывает волатильность относительно свечи заданной в настройках, в заданном диапазоне. period -диапазон для расчета максимум минимум. point - номер свечи от которой будет рассчёт (нуль текущая цена). По всем вопросам можно обратиться  на сайте через форму обратной связи или в комментариях в ютюб. Также на сайте есть другие работы ссылка в индикаторе на вкладке общее .
Support and resistance level indicator based on the Donchian channel. The most famous example of trading through the Donchian channel is an experiment with a group of turtles, who earned one hundred and twenty-five million dollars in five years. This indicator can be used as a standalone tool, as well as an additional confirmation. There is MTF,  NRP. There are color and thickness settings.
Fahim Miah
4.86 (7)
Welcome to Propsense, the best solution for new and veteran traders with a simple FREE strategy! This indicator is a unique and affordable trading tool built on the teachings of a former bank trader. With this tool, you will be able to see inefficient points with ease. As well as this, traders will have an interactive display panel which will show your running and closed P/L in pips AND currency units. It also allows you to set your desired daily target/loss limit!  IMPORTANT INFORMATION Maximi
Range Breakout Catcher
Issam Kassas
5 (3)
Description:  The Range Breakout Catcher Indicator is a powerful tool known for its non-repainting, non-redrawing, and non-lagging capabilities, making it suitable for both manual and robot trading. This indicator utilizes a smart algorithm to calculate ranges and generate early signals for Buy and Sell positions at the breakout of these ranges, facilitating the capture of trends during ranging consolidations. The range calculation involves a comprehensive system based on various elements, prov
The Visual Result Calculator Indicator is a powerful tool designed to enhance your trading experience on the MetaTrader platform. This intuitive and user-friendly indicator allows you to visualize potential profits or losses on a trading chart, helping you make better-informed decisions and manage your trades with precision.  The Indicator displays a dynamic line on the trading chart, representing the potential profit or loss of a trade based on the start and end of the line.    Simply click and
TrendFinder Volume
Jose Ramon Miranda Ramos
TrendFinder VolumeI are Colored candlesticks showing the trend based on Volume and Slope of Trend This indicator will give you the color change on the next bar on the confirmation candle and will never repaint Lime Green = Possible Buy (Volume up),  Teal Green = Bullish Weak (Volume Decreasing), Red = Possible Sell (Volume up) , Orange = Bearish Weak (Volume Decreasing) TrendFinder Volume is optimize to trade on any market and to be used trending and None trending markets. For best results use

