MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - page 1256

I want to make a strategy with high return compilation of 3 different setups for 3 different trading currencies: EURUSD, AUDUSD, NZDUSD . The system lets ONE trading currency using margin which is not used by other two. This is so as to enable the system generate generate 50-70% per month or more
Hi all: I got a problem about the function ObjectGetValueByShift(…). The price value I got from it is the current price, not the one on the regression line I expected. In other words, I always got Close[0] from ObjectGetValueByShift(“ObjName”, 0). I was disturbed by this problem for several days…....
Hi, I am using Alpari and when my EA wants to Close an open Order I get the message: "invalid price 1.32819000 for OrderClose function" my function call is: OrderClose(OrderTicket(),OrderLots(),Bid,2,White); What is going wrong?
Hi everyone, (PLEASE HELP ME if u manage to figure out, thanks) i have been backtesting a simple program but i did not encounter any problem. Suprisingly, things go weird when i use the same program & running on a forward demo test which i keep on encounter "Error occured 130" i realised that these...
  Help with EA  (5)
I have written the following code to test a simple strategy. However, the trades shown are nowhere near what I want. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? //---- input parametersextern int EntryBars = 17;extern int EffRatioLength1 = 10;extern int FastAvgLength1 = 7;extern int SlowAvgLength1 =...
  Error 4202  (2)
Hello, I wonder if anyone can assist, I keep getting an error message 4202, object does not exist, when I try to draw a trendline. The trendline is drawn but for some reason I cant understand it gives me an error.              ObjectCreate("Trough_Div-"+BullDivCount,OBJ_TREND,0,Prev_Trough_Time...
Hello to everyone, The complete code was working. Compiled with buys/sells. Not that it was profitable. Just adding more steps. When I attempted to add on TakeProfitBuy = 50; the Buy trade will now not close. Could I have some input please. void CheckForClose()  {   double ma0;...
I think there was a crash on servers, a lot of files by trying to download, return the answer "404 page not found" someone ?
Hi, Today i tryed to programm a indicator which draws trendline. the idea is following: use all fraktals in the past 200 bars and the trendline is that one which is toucht by the most fraktals. here is the code:...
Who knows the code or link - please share. The code is as follows: You need an EA to set a specified number of points of profit - Stop Loss when the price reaches a specified Avid to put a Stop Loss when price reaches a set number of points profit
am looking for an indicator which show the previous day high/low and give alert when the current day price touchs the previous day high or low.. can any one help plaese..????
Does anyone know how to change the color of the price bars? I have an indicator written for another platform that changes the color of the price bars based on a change in perceived trend. Thank you
i have to use SQRT function in my EA .but i add #include "math.h" to the ea,it remind me "math.h" ---cannot open the program file . how to resolve it ? thanks .
If a custom indicator uses values from a 2nd indicator, is it possible to attach that 2nd indicator on the chart from within the customer indicator without replicating the code of the 2nd indicator in the custom indicator ? For instance if my customer indicator uses values from a bollinger band and...
Hi, I would like to know how can I check the number of Lot's of each "security" that I have at the moment on may account. I was trying MarketInfo, but it not returns any direct information. Any idea? Thanks Rodrigosm
Hello, I need some programming help and i am willing to pay for the help if somebody can find a solution to my question. I have been running one EA for 4 months with 7 currency pairs in 1 account and the account was doing very good but then in august some technical problems caused me to restart and...
A well-known strategy. A certain number of pending orders placed at equal distances from each other are set. Working with Take Profit, but without Stop Loss. The drawdowns are large, but the main goal of the profit is achieved. Is it possible to take such a risk
  Kohonen and Patterns  (63   1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
Good afternoon. Has anyone tried to search for patterns (on MACD for example) using Kohonen's net? If yes, please let me know your impressions and experiences. If anyone has similar ideas - I invite to chat. Preferably here, if serious, to email. A big request to write on topic and specifically
Hi, I was trying to get quotes of USDJPY, with the following expert, buy running it on the strategy tester, on every tick, from 2004.01.01 to 2005.01.01: int start() { string sTemp = TimeToStr(TimeCurrent(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS) + " [" + DoubleToStr(Bid,2) + "," + DoubleToStr(Ask,2) + "]";...
Hi folks, You can assign a Hot Key to the CloseAllHot script and with one click you can close all you orders very simply and quickly. More information here
Hi all, I have created a new formula (ex: VNFC), then copy to terminal_directory \ experts \ indicators directory. But when I call "iVNFC" in my EA is the message: "function is not defined". When I checked the list: "List name" there is no "iVNFC" (name of the new formula). You please explain to me...
What does this mean and how can I tell which ArrayInitialize call is failing in my code
I would like to ask someone if could explain what is wrong in this code of an EA with StochasticOsc. This one, with the parameters I chose, gives more than 650 trades with 5237 bars tested since 1st August. I tested in Metastock and gives about 200 trades. Best regards. #define MAGICMA 20050610...
9_16to24 Hi, This is the result of my EA on EURUSD from 20090105-20090522 with 3000$, 1lots: Does anybody knows what "mismatched charts error" means? It is 103918 !!! Can I trust the result? BR /Shad_61
hi i opened 3000$ account in meta trader 4 and i want to open order with lot size of 1.5 and it tells me not enough mony and few days ago it let me open in that lot size and if i open order with 1 lot size i have about 200$ margin why????? please help sorry for the bad english
Hello, please i just downloaded ma mirror and sdl mam indicators, but when i tried to attach them to my chart, they refuse to attach. please what could be the error. i downloaded successfully and i can see them inside my custom indicator lists, i can open them for modification but they would not...
  Fibo MANIA  (9)
So I was introduced to a decent Fibo indicator. I found some bugs in it and fixed it, however, I cannot seem to acquire the levels data. I ran the following code in my EA just to see if I could see the data and the description values were empty. The Fibo shows up fine on the charts, but again, no...
I was in the process of updating an EA that had several labels. Just adding another one and moving them to new locations on the chart. All of them were relocated fine, but one of them that resided in the bottom-left corner. Ironically, the location settings didn't change from when it was working to...
I am using VM Ware to run Windows on a Snow Leopard Mac. Every time I try to download a EA .mq4 file it gets saved as a .txt or wordpad document. Hence, when I try to put it into a MT4 EA folder, it doesn't work. What do I have to do to save the .mq4 file as an .mq4 file? I've looked online for...
Hi, Do you have eurusd m1 data for june 2010? If yes, what broker are you using? Those with ibfx, do you have the mentioned data? I am thinking of moving out of ibfx. They have data from present (2010 october - now) down to year 1999, but they dont have 2010 june. I almost ran my EA and would have