Posting code snippets in this forum is almost impossible


Posting code snippets in this forum is almost impossible. Everytime I try to post code or answer a posting with code in the quotation it is pure luck when the formatting doesn't get messed up completely.

formatted text

3 spaces

now try to quote this without messing up the indentation.

Could the admins please fix this? This forum is centered around programming, why on earth doesn't it have comfortable functions to poste code? It isn't fun to discuss coding topics here because of this dysfunctional broken forum software, so i mostly post in other forums where they dont have these problems.


Posting code snippets in this forum is almost impossible. Everytime I try to post code or answer a posting with code in the quotation it is pure luck when the formatting doesn't get messed up completely.

formatted text

3 spaces

now try to quote this without messing up the indentation.

Could the admins please fix this? This forum is centered around programming, why on earth doesn't it have comfortable functions to poste code? It isn't fun to discuss coding topics here because of this dysfunctional broken forum software, so i mostly post in other forums where they dont have these problems.

already messed up when posting, it didn't even allow me posting something with indentations :-(


cant quote it







copy and paste the code...


thats all i see. no code in the quotation anymore


copy and paste the code...


manually copying works.


manually copying works.

I think that's intentional, code is usually long, and replies with long quoted blocks become hard to read. Just copy paste the code, the formatting (incluidng the pink block) is retained.


Use special button "Insert code", it should be better.


Pasting code has never kept the formatting for me after pressing the Post button:

Normal text (variable width - spacing lost):

//++++ These are adjusted for 5 digit brokers.
double pips2points, // slippage 3 pips 3=points 30=points
pips2dbl; // Stoploss 15 pips 0.0015 0.00150
int Digits.pips; // DoubleToStr(dbl/pips2dbl, Digits.pips)
int init() {
if (Digits == 5 || Digits == 3) { // Adjust for five (5) digit brokers.
pips2dbl = Point*10; pips2points = 10; Digits.pips = 1;
} else { pips2dbl = Point; pips2points = 1; Digits.pips = 0;

Code (fixed width - spacing still lost):

//++++ These are adjusted for 5 digit brokers.
double pips2points, // slippage 3 pips 3=points 30=points
pips2dbl; // Stoploss 15 pips 0.0015 0.00150
int Digits.pips; // DoubleToStr(dbl/pips2dbl, Digits.pips)
int init() {
if (Digits == 5 || Digits == 3) { // Adjust for five (5) digit brokers.
pips2dbl = Point*10; pips2points = 10; Digits.pips = 1;
} else { pips2dbl = Point; pips2points = 1; Digits.pips = 0;

Using the SRC button (fixed width - spacing kept - key words highlighted):
//++++ These are adjusted for 5 digit brokers.
double  pips2points,    // slippage  3 pips    3=points    30=points
        pips2dbl;       // Stoploss 15 pips    0.0015      0.00150
int     Digits.pips;    // DoubleToStr(dbl/pips2dbl, Digits.pips)
int init() {
    if (Digits == 5 || Digits == 3) {   // Adjust for five (5) digit brokers.
                pips2dbl    = Point*10; pips2points = 10;   Digits.pips = 1;
    } else {    pips2dbl    = Point;    pips2points =  1;   Digits.pips = 0;