ACTIONS news, forecasts, expectations 2022 - page 142

Vitalii Ananev #:

In general, everything has been cleared up with gas. A decree has been signed, ruble accounts in Russian banks will be used for payment.

To be more precise, by one bank:

- "Joint Stock Company Gazprombank, which is an authorised bank for the purposes of this Decree" .

and immediately a news item on the subject -

But this interesting paragraph caught my attention:

- "To authorise the Government Commission for Controlling Foreign Investment in the Russian Federation to issue permits for foreign buyers to meet their obligations to Russian suppliers to pay for natural gas supplies without following the procedure established by this Decree."

Taki Sber looks like it's going to grow. <- did I make the right conclusion ?

СМИ: Евросоюз не планирует вводить санкции против Газпромбанка и СберБанка
Страны ЕС на данном этапе не планируют вводить санкции против Газпромбанка и СберБанка. Об этом написало издание Wall Street Journal со ссылкой на европейских дипломатов и чиновников, знакомых с обсуждениями санкций. «На данный момент нет планов вносить Газпромбанк или СберБанк, которые проводят банковские операции с европейскими фирмами по...
Mikhail Makhovskii #:

So the Sber looks like it's going to go up. <- am I right in assuming that?

I don't know, we'll see. Sber and Gazprombank are under sanctions, but not as tough as VTB. Most likely what is meant is that sanctions will not be tightened against these banks.


Moscow. 31 March. INTERFAX - The global gas market is breathing a sigh of relief: the announced plan to switch payments for Russian gas to Russian rubles required neither a long and painful rewriting of contracts, nor sharp movements of the gas valve.

Buyers of Russian natural gas from two dozen European Union countries on the "unfriendly" list will have to pay for it according to a new principle as of 1 April. Payment for the contracts will be lengthened by one small technical step: the conversion of currency received from importers into roubles by Gazprombank.

Gazprom's contracts with European contractors (both for the transportation and supply of gas) have been renewed and amended dozens of times over the history of cooperation. The grounds for such revisions were both negotiations between the parties and changes in the European regulatory framework. Now the legislation of the Russian Federation is changing.

President Vladimir Putin's decision a week ago to convert payment for gas supplies to the EU into roubles caused a stir among European politicians and flooded the news headlines with statements that they would not accept his terms. For example, French economics minister Bruno Le Maire added to the panic on Thursday: "A situation may arise where, given a certain set of circumstances, there will be no gas from Russia tomorrow. We have to prepare for such scenarios, and that is exactly what we are doing."

Gas prices in Europe have managed to increase by a third in a week - but the reason for this is not verbal intervention, but the unexpected spring cooling and the failure of European wind generation.

Moscow promised that the scheme will be simple and clear. The surprise was how simple it would actually be. European leaders repeated that their companies would continue to pay in euros - and they were right too. The supply contracts would turn out to be unchanged.



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What about the inevitable collapse of the dollar as a consequence of paying for gas in rubles? Is it being postponed again?

Putin's decree on procedure for payment by foreign buyers of Russian gas. Full text


seems worth studying - to understand which way to go.


is the key part, the rest is the tying up.

- Establish that from 1 April 2022:

(a) payment for deliveries of natural gas in a gaseous state (hereinafter referred to as natural gas) made after 1 April 2022 by residents - participants in foreign economic activities having, in accordance with Federal Law No. 117-FZ of 18 July 2006 "On Gas Export", the exclusive right to export natural gas in a gaseous state (hereinafter referred to as Russian suppliers), shall be made in roubles:


EU follows G7 in rejecting demand to pay for gas in roubles


It turns out the gas futures are worth buying long

It might also make sense to buy shares in US companies involved in gas production and transportation

Yuriy Zaytsev #:

As far as I understand it, the buyer will have to go to the Russian domestic market and exchange the currency there for roubles, buying roubles at the Central Bank exchange rate.
If the buyer buys in eur, he will not go to the domestic market but will pay locally, at an import bank, which is where the problem lies, this account can be easily blocked.
The risk of having a foreign currency account that sanctions do not allow you to withdraw currency from. In other words, the money will accumulate somewhere in an "unfriendly account" in an unfriendly bank.

Roughly speaking, the money will remain in the buyer's pocket after the transaction.

It will not happen quickly.

What difference does it make at the moment if a gas unit costs $1700 in EUR or rubles?

and transfers it to the exporter in roubles. In principle, there is NO difference.

The only difference is the subject of the transaction. If my counterparty has blocked my money, there is nothing stopping me from blocking his roubles.


Oil transit tariffs through Ukraine to rise by 30% on 1 April


more and more - each news item is better than the other.

BUY on gas