How to make giant profits on forex? - page 14


On the contrary, it is a great honour to be taken legitimately, from the best of the best. This is what stock trading is all about.

Another example of ignorance of market reality. If you are not trading stocks, your only counterparty is MM, and you cannot "take" anything from him. You can only temporarily get to the point where it is more profitable for him to move in your direction. And the money will be not his, but those "best" (poor guys) who also do not understand who they are trading against. In short, no glory and no honour.(
Реter Konow:
Another example of ignorance of market reality. If you don't trade stocks, your only counterparty is MM, and you can't "take" anything away from him. You can only temporarily get to the point where it is more profitable for him to move in your direction. And the money will be not his, but those "best" (poor guys) who also do not understand who they are trading against. In short, no glory and no honour.(

Then what are you doing here? (meowyaso used to be called) I love them...

Реter Konow:
Еще пример незнания рыночной реальности. Если вы не торгуете акции, то ваш единственный контрагент - ММ, и "отобрать" у него ничего нельзя. Можно только временно попасть в момент, когда ему выгоднее двигатся в вашу сторону. А деньги будут не его, а тех "лучших" (бедолаг), которые тоже не понимают против кого торгуют. В общем, ни славы, ни чести.(

Show then your result, the best in trading. As someone who knows the market reality. Fishermen brag, mushroom hunters brag too. Hunters and sportsmen too. Show me, or is there nothing to show?

Then what are you doing here? (meatballs used to be called) I love those...

Meat))) well yes, trader's meat... )))

Trying to convey an understanding of reality.
Реter Konow:
Meat))) well yeah, trader's meat... )))

I'm trying to convey an understanding of reality.

No, come on - who's going to make me a profit then? - Let them think it's easy to make 5000% in a couple of weeks...


No, come on - who's going to make me a profit then? - Let them think it's easy to make 5000% in a couple of weeks on forex...

It's no use explaining it. What a pea against the wall. They brought money to brokerage companies and they will continue to do it. At least put up a sign in front of the entrance saying "fooling around".

Реter Konow:
It's no use explaining anything. It is like peas against a wall. They brought money to the brokerage company and will continue to do so. At least hang a sign in front of the entrance saying "fooling around".


when you leave, you leave... fuck... I've been on the Fora for 16 years and every year...ahhhhh Autumn is coming - that's where they're coming from.... :)))

every year there's a "truth teller" who wants to tell someone something... - Probably lost his nose at nofarms and want to talk some sense into someone :)))


when you leave, leave... fuck... I've been on the Fora for 16 years and every year...ahhhhh Autumn is coming - that's where they're coming from.... :)))

every year there's some "truth teller" who wants to tell someone something... - Probably lost his nose at nofarms and wants to talk some sense into someone :))).

no no, it's more serious than that -- genius syndrome (i don't know all that psychiatric terminology, but his bunk is next to napoleon's)

Олег avtomat:

No, no, it's more serious than that -- genius syndrome (I don't know all that psychiatric terminology, but his bunk is next to Napoleon's)

Oh, yeah, it's very serious. I've been fighting with him all day, trying to talk some sense into him, but how can you cope with Napoleon? "Aggressive beast - pure Pharaoh...")).

grail = price in a zigzag of at least 60pp + thrown in fibo + profit of 23%