Bank deposits and bond coupons are to be taxed at 13%... - page 11


Yes, I must have misunderstood, I meant that Russia did not agree to the deal, which provoked a reaction from the Saudis.
Although yes, a deal cannot be ruled out. Because if the Saudis asked for a production cut, it is supposed to raise oil prices.
But then they take offence and drop the price to the bottom at their own loss, which is not logical ))

And from the realm of conspiracy. It is quite possible that the Saudis do not care what their production is. And this is only possible if they may not have invested directly, but through the pads, in the states' extractive industry. Then it is logical to come out that by offering to reduce their and Russia's volumes, thereby giving them to the Slackers. They were trying to kill two birds with one stone. To squeeze out Russia and not to lose their profits by investing in the states' production. Quite a possible scheme. Otherwise, it was not quite clear, what was the point of offering to reduce their production. If everyone saw that they were almost immediately filled up by slackers.
It was not possible to displace Russia with a new reduction. They got out of the agreement and started squeezing.
In short it all looks pretty interesting.


So look at your chart, no need to predict anything, can't you see? that there has almost been a reversal.
Any downside now needs to be bought out, just wait for that downside and it will be a perfect entry.
When the media will start to talk about the economic growth, then we will have to close the position )) for the naive buyers.
That's the beginning of the trend, which they can't figure out here on the forum.

OK, we'll see in a month.

I hope everything will be fine.


I don't think your red line has any significance. Whether or not it has started to rise will only be judged after we see the reaction to the impulse (which has broken the red line). You may or may not be able to guess right now. 50/50. Given the overall situation, I think it's more likely that you didn't guess.

All IMHO, of course.

By and large, this sore is used as an excuse. The reason for the whole downturn is something else entirely. And there has been a crisis in sight for a long time. Yes it is quite possible that at this stage the situation will be stabilised a bit by pouring money in. And there will be a slight upturn. But in the end, it's going to be a good shock later on.

Here's what they write:

26 марта. ИНТЕРФАКС - Ввести налог  13%  на  процентные  доходы  по
вкладам свыше 1 млн рублей планируется только с 2021 года, первые уведомления на
уплату налога будут направлены в 2022 году, сообщил журналистам министр финансов
РФ Антон Силуанов.
"Необходимо подчеркнуть, что данная мера не коснется процентных доходов граждан,
полученных в 2020 году, а начнет действовать только с 2021 года. Таким  образом,
налог по процентным доходам по вкладам за 2021 год будет удержан только  в  2022
году. Уведомления налоговыми органами также будут направлены  налогоплательщикам
только в 2022 году", - сказал он.
     По словам министра, аналогичный подход будет применяться и к инвестициям  в
долговые ценные бумаги.
"Практика налогообложения процентов по вкладам существует  в  большинстве  стран
мира. Банковские проценты - это такой же доход, как и  доход  от  ценных  бумаг,
который облагается налогом", - отметил Силуанов.
     Он отметил, что налогом будет облагаться не сама сумма  банковского  вклада
(депозит), а исключительно получаемые с этого вклада проценты. "При этом налогом
не будут облагаться изменения суммы вклада, вызванные курсовыми колебаниями. Для
вкладов в иностранной валюте сумма процентов будет пересчитываться по  курсу  ЦБ
за каждый день отдельно. Налог с процентных доходов  будет  взиматься  только  с
вкладов, размер которых будет превышать 1 млн рублей", - пояснил Силуанов.
Konstantin Nikitin:

And from the realm of conspiracy. It is quite possible that the Saudis don't care what their production is. And this is only possible if they may not have invested directly, but through the pads, in the states' extractive industry. Then it makes sense that by offering to reduce their and Russia's volumes, thereby giving them to the Slackers. They were trying to kill two birds with one stone. To squeeze out Russia and not to lose their profits by investing in the states' production. Quite a possible scheme. Otherwise, it was not quite clear, what was the point of offering to reduce their production. If everyone saw that they were almost immediately filled up by slackers.
It was not possible to displace Russia with a new reduction. They got out of the agreement and started squeezing.
In short it all looks pretty interesting.

Or maybe it's the other way round, the overseas shale producers are being squeezed. OPEC+ has made a public statement, showing a false trick that they want prices to go up.
But in agreement with Russia, they put on a show. Russia kind of rejects the deal and the Saudis allegedly have a reason to act.
Shale oil extraction also costs a pretty penny for the Americans, as the cost of this type of development is higher than traditional types.
This implies that Americans do not benefit from low prices; they will cut production, as it is not profitable.
But the Saudis and Russia will benefit from it, as their production will go down.
Russia has not agreed to cut production, probably because it has already signed long-term deals with Europe, China and other countries.
And it would not be desirable to increase the cost of oil, as longterm contracts have already been signed, prices have been negotiated and hands have been shaken.

Alexey Kozitsyn:

I don't think your red line has any significance.
We can only judge whether the rise has started or not after we see the reaction to the impulse (which has broken through the red line).
You may or may not be able to guess right now. 50/50. Given the overall situation, I think it's more likely that you didn't guess.

All IMHO, of course.

The line itself, yes it's just a line, but it says a lot ))
So here's a screenshot, a weekly chart, what's the overall trend?
Down from January, what was it?
Where did the price stop the fall?
The reason for stopping the fall?

Don't you see that?


The reason for stopping the fall?
Do not you see anything?

If I am not mistaken, at the beginning of the week the whole MOEX went up, at least that is what I read in the news header

If you want to buy it, buy it, you are not asking for permission, are you? )))

Igor Makanu:

If I am not mistaken, at the beginning of the week the whole MOEX went up, at least that is what I read in the news header

If you want to buy it, buy it, you are not asking for permission, are you? )))

Of course nobody needs permits )))
Moex does not move the stock, it's the other way round ))
I have only shown an alternative stock, which can be considered for a long-term investment.
And it's up to everyone to decide. But the price of 800 looks good.

Monthly chart


I think it was written here that oil cheaper than 30 quid is not profitable to anyone, in theory and in logic yes, but so far it has just begun, but Venezuela is ready to sell for $5-10 a barrel, because the storage is full

SZZ: I still stick to my opinion, you should not buy energy stocks now, very little time has passed, the miracles are still going on