Bank deposits and bond coupons are to be taxed at 13%... - page 12

Igor Makanu:

I think it was written here that oil cheaper than 30 quid is not profitable to anyone, in theory and in logic yes, but so far it is only the beginning, but Venezuela is ready to sell for $5-10 a barrel, because the storage is full

SZZ: I still stick to my opinion, you should not buy energy stocks now, very little time has passed, the miracles are still going on

It all depends on the oil grade, the article speaks for low quality oil, which has more sulphur and vanadium in it.
These are heavy grades of oil, which cannot compete with WTI and Brent in terms of their chemical properties.
That's why they can't move the world price, even if they start selling below Mexican oil, which according to the author is already worth $12


The topic is about deposits, but it's all about what's important again).

I have listened to several experts and they all agree that 1 million is not the amount that separates the rich from the poor, and Vova was wrong.

I, too, initially thought that 1 million should be the income and not the deposit itself, otherwise there is no connection. My grandmother had been saving her life for her grandchildren's education, etc. And lo and behold, grandma, the oligarchs cannot afford to buy villas))).

In general, if they do not roll back as usual in this matter - it's a bell, who understands what I mean.

Alexey Kozitsyn:

That's what they say:

Man, they're taking their cue from Obama, smart guys.) They gently hint, guys, it's time to spend, support the economy, pour money into dying businesses so thatthe system does not collapse and the oligarchs do not get poorer.

If there is a life hack - Olezha's bank pays % on the balance on the card, without a deposit. Who did not know and want to thank me for the information, just take my referral link in my personal account)

Aleksey Mavrin:

The topic is about deposits, but it's all about what's important again).

I have listened to several experts and they all agree that 1 million is not the amount that separates the rich from the poor, and Vova was wrong.

I, too, initially thought that 1 million should be the income and not the deposit itself, otherwise there is no connection. My grandmother had been saving her life for her grandchildren's education, etc. And lo and behold, grandma, the oligarchs cannot afford to buy villas))).

In general, if they do not roll back as usual in this matter - it's a bell, who understands what I mean.

Let us use figures rather than emotion. The yield on government bonds in 2019 was ~7%
1 000 000 / 100 * 7 = 70 000
70 000 / 100 * 13 = 9 100
70 000 - 9 100 = 60 900
60 900 / ( 1 000 000 / 100 ) = 6.09% per annum, net
This is still more than the income from a bank deposit.

Konstantin Nikitin:

Let's use numbers rather than emotion. The yield on government bonds in 2019 was ~7%
1 000 000 / 100 * 7 = 70 000
70 000 / 100 * 13 = 9 100
70 000 - 9 100 = 60 900
60 900 / ( 1 000 000 / 100 ) = 6.09% per annum, net
This is still more than the income from a bank deposit.

Exactly right, and that's just government bonds.
You could also consider blue chip corporate bonds, or second tier bonds, or even third tier bonds.
Corporate bonds will have a higher coupon rate than government bonds.
Go to under "Trading results".
We sort the column by "Yield, % to maturity".
We get the following table.

In fact, bond yield ranking is a dangerous thing.
A first-time investor might think that the higher the yield to maturity, the better.
This is not the case. A high yield means an equally high risk. The creditor's main fear is that the debtor will not pay the money back.
A reliable debtor will borrow at a low interest rate because the likelihood of bankruptcy is low.
If the yield exceeds the Central Bank's key rate by a large number of times, this is a reason to think about the reliability of the borrower.
Finding a list of trustworthy bonds is not difficult.
To do so, look at the Moscow Exchange's Tier 1 quotation list.
If the paper is on it, it meets the trading floor's strictest criteria.

You can see the list here.

So the devil is not as frightening as you might think.
Yes, the extra tax is certainly not good, but what can you do?


Corporate bonds have an interest coupon that is higher than that of government bonds.

Taxation of corporate bonds issued before 1 January 2017.

Income in any form on such bonds is subject to personal income tax at the rate of 13% for resident individuals.

Evgeny Belyaev:

Taxation of corporate bonds issued before 1 January 2017.

Income in any form on such bonds is subject to personal income tax at the rate of 13% for resident individuals.

That is absolutely correct. Gains on the difference between the purchase and sale of bonds are taxed at 13% for Russian residents and 30% for non-residents.
And now it will be taxable in any form, on all government bonds and on corporate securities issued after 1 January 2017.
Also, if the coupon rate, higher than the Central Bank key rate by more than 5 percentage points, is taxed at 35%.


The line itself, yes it's just a line, but it says a lot ))
So here's a screenshot, a weekly chart, what's the overall trend?
Down from January, what was it?
Where did the price stop the fall?
The reason for stopping the fall?

Don't you see that?

The general trend is downwards. Just the decline since January, as you wrote, is indicative of that.

Where the price has stopped the fall... If you think that one green candle is a stop to the decline, you are very much mistaken.

The reason for the correction to start is the Americans supporting their economy. But... that's not to say that it's only going to go up now.

Igor Makanu:

I think it was written here that oil cheaper than 30 quid is not profitable to anyone, in theory and in logic yes, but so far it has just begun, but Venezuela is ready to sell for $5-10 a barrel, because the storage is full

SZZ: I still stick to my opinion, you should not buy energy stocks now, very little time has passed, the miracles are still going on

Yes, it is not yet evening.

Aleksey Mavrin:

The topic is about deposits, but it's all about what's important again).

I have listened to several experts and they all agree that 1 million is not the amount that separates the rich from the poor, and Vova was wrong.

I, too, initially thought that 1 million should be the income and not the deposit itself, otherwise there is no connection. My grandmother had been saving her life for her grandchildren's education, etc. And lo and behold, grandma, the oligarchs cannot afford to buy villas))).

If they do not go back on the issue as usual, it's a wake-up call for those who understand what I mean.

We have long had an orchestra playing, not just bells and whistles.