Bank deposits and bond coupons are to be taxed at 13%...

What do you think of the president's new proposal?
Looks like people are being driven out of OFZs and deposits straight into equities/ETFs.
Для вкладчиков, чей размер банковских вкладов или инвестиций в долговые ценные бумаги превышает 1 млн руб., 
будет установлен налог на процентный доход в размере 13%. Такая мера затронет только порядка 1% вкладчиков, сказал президент.

You have to change the tax code. It's not a quick thing to do.
Alexey Kozitsyn:
Looks like people are being driven out of OFZs and deposits straight into equities/ETFs.


the shares are very good, see how gazprom turned out, the highs were historic, i think the shareholders got well, now the shareholders have become investors (((
Evgeniy Zhdan:

You would have to change the tax code. That's not a quick thing to do.

Why change it? Just to write some other FZ. It's a three-day job.

I wonder if IIS and OFZ-N will also be taxed. It seems that they were promised to be tax-free if held for three years.
Sergey Chalyshev:


Explain what you mean by that.

Igor Makanu:
the shares are very good, see how Gazprom turned out, the highs were historic, I think the shareholders gained well, now the shareholders have become investors (((

Where else is the big money to go?

Evgeniy Zhdan:

You have to change the tax code. It is not a quick matter.

In our country, they can change anything in the law quickly if they really need to.

Vitalii Ananev:
I wonder if IIMs and OFZ-Ns will be taxed too. It was promised that if you keep them for three years they will not be taxed.

In that case... will they abolish the EIS altogether? If there is already a large influx of people to the stock exchange. Especially at a time like this... unstable.