A man has become a billionaire. What is his purpose in life now? - page 20

Nikolay Kositsin:

The main contradiction of two-legged parasites, who have got hold of redistribution of social pie in favour of their beloved, is that society's opportunities grow with time in arithmetic progression, but parasites themselves multiply in geometric progression and as a result the ambitions of parasites newly appeared in the family for the opportunity to parasitize shrink in proportion to the family increment.


Aleksandr Yakovlev:

What's up?

Suspicion of alien life on Earth)

Nikolay Gaylis:

Suspicion of alien life on Earth)

That's a big one. Without a bubble you can't tell))))

Aleksandr Yakovlev:

That's a big mouthful. I can't figure it out without a bubble.)

Shall I send the bubble by post?

Ivan Butko:
The man became a billionaire. What is his aim in life?

The money is not the end, it's the means.

Ivan Butko:
A billionaire has it all. He has this, he has that.

What does he want now? What does he want, what is his goal in life?

this is the question that always asks eugene cherniak, in the project "big money", his guests: "you're a billionaire, you have everything, what makes you get up in the morning and do something?

Ivan Butko:
He has this, he has that.

What does he want now? What does he want, what is his goal in life?

He has a goal - to become the richest man in the country, or the world.

Georgiy Merts:

- I'm lying under a palm tree doing nothing.

You need money to do nothing. For rent, food, clothes...

We are human beings with common sense and money is just a tool to achieve our dreams!


Distribute to all those in need and retire to a monastery...

Or set up a big enterprise - a farming enterprise.

Farms, arable land, tractors, combines, trucks, workers, holiday homes, warehouses, build a chapel,

and invite Grudinin to head it to learn from his experience :o))

Alexander Ivanov:


Distribute to all those in need and retire to a monastery...

Or set up a big enterprise - a farming enterprise.

Farms, arable land, tractors, combines, trucks, workers, holiday homes, warehouses, build a chapel,

and invite Grudinin to head it and learn from his experience.)

Hooray! (Three cheers...)

will share with me... his purpose
will share with me... his goal

dream on.