A man has become a billionaire. What is his purpose in life now? - page 23


A progressive tax is taking money away from Bill Gates, Zuckerberg, Alan Mask, who would have spent it on creating products that are good for people and giving it to people who can't do anything.

Geniuses have not yet been bred, nor have they learned how to predict in which social strata they will appear. It may come from a family of beggars, who may be considered incapable of doing anything or even idle. Or it may come from a family of a rich man with "good genetics". It's up to nature to decide. By saying that you would give more to the Masked and not waste on the poor, you are trying to arrogate this right of nature to yourself. That is, you think that such a highly organized planetary mechanism is worse than your "genius brain". To think so is dumb at the very least. And depriving the poor part of the population of income, just because they are not able to earn and cheat as others, you, respectively, reduce the total number of Masks in the world, for the reason described above (the uncertainty of their environment). In the end thinking that the currently existing Mask should give away everything, as they will do more for development by taking away from those who can do nothing is utopia. In the short term, maybe it would have worked (as inhumane as it may sound). But globally in the future it would lead to a reduction in the number of geniuses. Which would equalize the benefits of handing all the cards to only the geniuses. Nature would level your mental thinking to give everything to one or the other. Swap the shill for the soap? When there are few geniuses with greater resources, or when there are many geniuses with fewer resources. The scale of the final progress should be equal.
They have not learned how to breed geniuses and how to predict in which social stratum they will emerge. So they may come from a family of beggars which some may consider as incapable of doing anything or as idlers. Or it may come from a family of a rich man with "good genetics". It's up to nature to decide. By saying that you would give more to the Masked and not waste on the poor, you are trying to arrogate this right of nature to yourself. That is, you think that such a highly organized planetary mechanism is worse than your "genius brain". To think so is dumb at the very least. And depriving the poor part of the population of income, just because they are not able to earn and cheat as others, you, respectively, reduce the total number of Masks in the world, for the reason described above (the uncertainty of their environment). In the end thinking that the currently existing Mask should give away everything, as they will do more for development by taking away from those who can do nothing is utopia. In the short term, maybe it would have worked (as inhumane as it may sound). But globally in the future it would lead to a reduction in the number of geniuses. Which would equalize the benefits of handing all the cards to only the geniuses. Nature would level your mental thinking to give everything to one or the other. Swap the shill for the soap? When there are few geniuses with greater resources, or when there are many geniuses with fewer resources. The scale of the final progress should be equal.

We should not encourage this freeloading--the able-bodied should be kept on the embassy. If he is a genius, he will show it - and not consciously sit on welfare all the time (all sorts of schemes to draw out more relatives, to add children not their own, to have dogs and so on). In practice I know these freeloaders from France.

Aliaksandr Maksimau:

We should not encourage this freeloading--the able-bodied should be kept on the embassy. If he is a genius, he will show it - and not consciously sit on welfare all the time (all sorts of schemes to draw out more relatives, to add children not their own, to have dogs and so on). In practice, I know these freeloaders from France.

*to keep them on the dole

Aliaksandr Maksimau:

*keep on welfare

Aliaksandr Maksimau:

Don't encourage this kind of freeloading--the able-bodied should be kept on welfare. If he is a genius, he will show it - and not consciously sit on welfare all the time (all sorts of schemes to draw out more relatives, children not their own, have dogs and so on). In practice I know these freeloaders from France.

They are not stupid, they take advantage of it and do not go there to work, but for free stuff.

Aliaksandr Maksimau:

They're not stupid - they take advantage - that's why they go there, not to work, but for freebies.

It's not the same sort as the migration to America from Europe in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

Aliaksandr Maksimau:

It's not the same sort of migration to America from Europe in the 19th and early 20th centuries.

*not just the migrants--but most of them

A billionaire is not exactly a standard phenomenon. It is possible to become a billionaire either through collusion with the top, or through unique abilities. Let's say the second option works. Let me tell you what I would do. I would have stopped trading altogether. I would scatter all my money in banks, relatively inexpensive flats and houses. The main thing is to be able to live without having to work for an uncle. I would get up in the morning, wander in the forest, swim in the sea, have lunch, take a nap, etc.. I don't need anything else.
Sergey Vradiy:
A billionaire is not exactly a standard phenomenon. It is possible to become a billionaire either through collusion with the top, or through unique abilities. Let's say the second option works. Let me tell you what I would do. I would have stopped trading altogether. I would scatter all my money in banks, relatively cheap flats and houses. The main thing is to be able to live without having to work for an uncle. I would get up in the morning, wander in the forest, swim in the sea, have lunch, take a nap, etc.. I don't need anything else.
)) One more version: "I need money so I won't have to work, so I can do what I like to do - write books". (c) F. M. Dostoevsky.
Aliaksandr Maksimau:

We should not encourage this freeloading--the able-bodied should be kept on the embassy. If he is a genius, he will show it - and not consciously sit on welfare all the time (all sorts of schemes to draw out more relatives, children not their own, to have dogs and so on). In practice I know these freeloaders from France

You did not understand what I meant or what I meant wrong. I meant that you can't know where a genius is born, in the family of this same freeloader or not. It's impossible for everyone to be diligent. That doesn't mean they should be weeded out. It would create inequality, and as a result take away the birthright of the unborn possible genius.
You completely misunderstood what I meant, or I misspoke. I meant that you can't know where a genius will be born, in the family of this same mooch or not. It's impossible for everyone to be diligent. That doesn't mean they should be weeded out. It would create inequality, and as a result take away the birthright of the unborn possible genius.

Ahh I see what you mean, offspring) Yes, the offspring may be brilliant, there is a possibility.But still you will not feed the hordes at the expense of others (who take advantage of it directionally) in the expectation that a genius will appear there and invent a symphoquazotron-which will move humanity forward. So the method itself is bad--encourages this way of life. There should be some other methods for screening--for example, a limited period of encouragement--and you can see he breaks away or just sits in one place). That is, you have a head--you can go to school where you want and work--if you passed the qualification. Or invent--the patent office checked it out--the idea is good--the patent is granted and they start promoting you. Meritocracy))