A man has become a billionaire. What is his purpose in life now? - page 27

Georgiy Merts:

One snag, the "exit threshold" from the "middle income demographic hole" there was said to be "from $75K per family per year". Which is unrealistically high for most people in our country.

In the states, a good programmer earns from $110K a year, but that is before taxes. And taxes there are high, up to 35%.

if it's registered somewhere, it's all just tentative.
Don't take it all so directly.
It's not conditional. It is a legally confirmed thing.
Alexey Volchanskiy:

In the states, a good programmer earns from $110K a year, but that's before taxes. And taxes are high there, up to 35%

It depends on how it is set up, if it is a company, the taxes are lower.

It's not conditional. It is a legally confirmed thing.
it is a legally confirmed thing that russia is a democracy. but is it?
Alexey Volchanskiy:

In the states, a good programmer earns from $110K a year, but that's before taxes. And taxes are high there, up to 35%

A Belarussian moved to America and earns $10,000 a month.
a belarus moved to america and earns $10,000 a month.
And pays $3000-5000 for 2 rooms. -)л)
Vladislav Andruschenko:
And pays $3,000 to $5,000 each for two rooms. -)л)
well, 5-7 stays. is that bad?)
Well, 5-7 stays. Is that bad?)
You can't do that.
Out of those 5-7 you have to pay 2-3 taxes and buy food.
But you're in New York City.)
I was offered jobs in Poland, Israel and Turkey. I weighed up the pros and cons. It's not worth the gamble. And I don't really consider myself a programmer either.

Another thing is to earn 10,000 a month in America and come to Ukraine and live like a king.
Did the businessman take the right to the land from you? Or the government, which makes money from this land by leasing it to the same businessman? For the right to work, this businessman lives a better life wasting energy and time. But the business is done on common land. So give some of it away, let alone the resources. And you propose not to give anything? If I buy everything under you tomorrow, because I can, and I will chop dough, and I do not need you, then by your logic, there is nothing left for you but to give up skates without objection. Are you ready?

Workers are no longer needed. robots will do everything. workers will have to die.

Well, 5-7 stays. Is that a bad thing?)

Taxes are forgotten.