A man has become a billionaire. What is his purpose in life now? - page 11

Georgiy Merts:

I don't like chicks behind the wheel. They don't belong there. Like a man with lipstick at the dressing table.

When I cross the road on a zebra without a traffic light, I always try to see who is driving. I saw a woman with a mobile phone in one hand hit a man in a jeep to death. He went flying to the other side of the road, looks like instant death. And she got out with an apple in her hand, she was eating an apple at the wheel, too. Standing there, staring at him dumbly, eating that apple. I testified, called the cops myself, so she wouldn't drive off.

Sergey Vradiy:

Our secret services are staging coups all over the world, it's not like I'm scolding them for it )))) So there you go... It depends where, it depends when and it depends how...

It brings to mind a joke.

A bee asked a snake: 'Why is it that when I sting, I die, but when you sting, others die?

- You are an amateur, and I am a professional.

So it is with the calls for a coup and the pros who really get them.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

A joke comes to mind.

A bee asked a snake, "Why is it that when I sting, I die, but when you sting, others die?

- The reason is that you are an amateur, and I am a professional.

So it is with the calls for a coup and the pros who really get them going.

I'm aware of that, I'm on topic ))) By the way, no one has banned Marxism-Leninism as a subject of academic papers yet.

Alexey Volchanskiy:

When I cross the road on a zebra without a traffic light, I always try to see who is driving. I saw a woman with a mobile phone in one hand hit a man in a jeep to death. He went flying to the other side of the road, looks like instant death. And she got out with an apple in her hand, she was eating an apple at the wheel, too. Standing there, staring at him dumbly, eating that apple. I testified, I called the cops myself, so she wouldn't drive off.

Nah... In my opinion, women are often more careful drivers. And there are just as many reckless drivers chasing their deaths as there are men.

My aversion is purely "aesthetic"... no place for a woman behind the wheel. Just like it's no place for a man at the dressing table. A man can put on makeup just as well as a woman. But it looks ugly. It's the same with a car...

Sergey Vradiy:

Our intelligence agencies are staging coups all over the world, it's not like I'm scolding them for it )))) So there you go... It depends where, it depends when and it depends how...

Give me some examples, at least in this century.


Give examples, at least in this century.

Come in for tea, we'll have a chat. Here is forex.

Georgiy Merts:

Nah... In my opinion, women are more likely to be careful drivers. And there are just as many reckless drivers chasing their deaths as there are men.

I have a purely "aesthetic" aversion... no place for a woman behind the wheel. Just like it's no place for a man at the dressing table. A man can put make-up on just as well as a woman. But it looks ugly. It's the same with a car...

Now, that's called sexism and in the free world, it's a criminal offense. It's the norm in Iran, but we're not in Iran, are we? Or...

"Bloomberg has compiled a list of the richest people in the world. The head of US companies Amazon and Blue Origin, Jeff Bezos, topped the list.
According to the publication, Bezos' fortune is estimated at $150 billion. "

Well, that's what he's going to do with them.

Sergey Vradiy:

This is called sexism and in the free world it smells like a criminal case. It's the norm in Iran, but we're not in Iran, are we? Or...

We could learn a thing or two from Iran.

And their attitude towards family, and women, and their cohesion.

I think you know what happens when a chink gets hurt - half a hundred chinks come running.

And when a Slav gets hurt, how many will come running? His closest friends at best.

Ivan Butko:
"Bloomberg has compiled a list of the richest people in the world. The head of US companies Amazon and Blue Origin, Jeff Bezos, topped the list.
According to the publication, Bezos' fortune is estimated at $150 billion. "

So what's he going to do with them?

He doesn't have that kind of money and he can't spend that much. Amazon's stock is just an emotion. There are no machines, locomotives or hectares of black earth. There's just market hysteria. Today it's billions, tomorrow it's chowder.