Bitcoin miner - page 49


Is 14000 TH/s a 1000 Asics (one gives 14 TH/s)? With a consumption of Megawatts (4,000 TH/s)?

Renat Akhtyamov:

Studio proof, otherwise it's pure pi**** bullshit.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

Give me the evidence, otherwise it's pure pi****.

Well... Price starts at $3M. That includes the actual miners ($2.5M), a building with an industrial socket capable of handling 1.5MW, infrastructure (including very good quality internet) and other stuff.

Maybe he is a millionaire )).

And by the way, even in case of reality of combining that into his pool, that pool will mine about one block a week, i.e. with variability it may stay without income for a month or more at worst. That's one.

Given the news on the asics, the probability of turning a profit (!, i.e. not even a quick payback but just a profit) is very slim. That's two.

I would never risk 3 billion with probability of losing, say, 80%.


Setting up a pool without capacity is a pain in the ass. So it's not an option either.

So yeah, it's probably clean water.)


Although it's not true (that many), but if (purely hypothetically) you connect all these asics to Naisheh as a farm, it would be good - one S9 asic is digging $30/hr there now. But it also howls decently You can also connect them to native Antpool (about 1 bit per year from ashik).

They don't have a calculator, so they're rolling in 14k... into something that's worth 5 times less.

And plus

envy is zero

it's not 3 million, it's half that, it's four.

and i'm not a millionaire, i'm an apprentice

the guy just liked my calculations, that's all.



What's up, are the profits dripping?


it's not, it's not breathing... the pool is gone

and who was it above and what did they say about their own pool? .... I see what it's for now, don't you?

and I hope everyone here knows about SOLO mode?

That is why I say - Bitcoin will collapse anyway, sooner or later, because the unreliability is already evident.

Two cowboys are driving across the prairie. Suddenly, one cowboy sees a pile of shit.
He (K1) says to the second cowboy (K2):
K1: - Joe, you see, it's a pile of dung, if you eat it, I'll give you 100 dollars!
The second cowboy crumples and crumples, but eventually greed wins out and he
eats the manure and gets the quid. They drive on. K2 feels bad that he ate
of manure, and K1 feels bad for 100 quid. Suddenly they see another pile of dung.
And K2 says to K1 happily:
K2: - Bill, if YOU eat this pile of dung, I'll give you $100 too.
Greedy Bill happily grants his friend's wish, and, naturally, gets 100
quid. They drive on.
After a while, grumpy Bill says to Joe, "Hey, don't you think
"Don't you think you and I have had some free shit?

Nicehash кинул всех?! Сервис не работает. Кто вывел 2000 BTC?
Nicehash кинул всех?! Сервис не работает. Кто вывел 2000 BTC?
  • 2017.12.06
  • 2bitcoinsru
Nicehash — один из самых популярных сервисов для майнеров в мире. Он предлагает пользователям сдавать в аренду свои майнинг-мощности: фермы на видеокартах или ASIC-устройства, а также арендовать мощности у других. Мы рассказывали о минусах Nicehash ранее. Преимущество Nicehash в том, что он платит вознаграждение майнерам в биткоинах, не...

Moderators, you're just great.

Not only did you leave a blatant mockery of TC, but this individual is now shitting on me in private. And TC, by the way, lost money, as well as many others.

Also -- how do you ban someone in the chat room?

Renat Akhtyamov:

What's up, are the profits dripping?


No, it's not breathing... the pool's gone.

and who said anything about having a pool of your own? .... I see what it's for now, don't you?

And I hope everyone here knows about SOLO mode?

That is why I say - bitcoin will collapse anyway, sooner or later, because the unreliability is already evident.

It is silly to laugh and gloat!

You just need to withdraw funds more often and make tracking systems.

As soon as Nyce "fell off", my watcher immediately switched to ZCash.


Moderators, you're just great.

Not only did you leave a blatant mockery of TC, but this individual is now shitting on me in private. And by the way, he lost money, just like many others.

Also -- how do you ban someone in the chat room?

I don't think he lost it, he just spent it withNicehash and now he needs to find some other service to mine it. Probably lost a couple of days of time.
The situation is certainly unpleasant, but it can happen in any job.

P.S. While writing, a reply is received.
Vitaly Muzichenko:

Hardly lost, he withdrew them fromNicehash

Hardly a lot, but there was definitely some money hanging around.


Hardly a lot, but some amount was definitely hanging around

Hanging 0.0029027 BTC :)

You have to be a complete idiot to steal money from your users

Nayce was making over $100,000 a DAY on interest!

Only a crazy person would shut down such a business!!!

I think everything will be up and running in a day or two.

It's just that the main server is down. For the last week they've been having

problems with all the servers, I've written to the TA a few times.


You'd have to be a complete idiot to steal money from your users.

could have hacked