Making money on forex is impossible - page 8

Terrible. What will happen to the steam heating...

fireworks are going off again under my window in honour of Veronica (seven years !) ... all night long it's unclear in whose honour and from where ... :-)))

I am proud of my surroundings and those who can... my fingers get numb... losing my keyboard but not giving up... I've always been very politically correct...


again there are fireworks under my window in honor of Veronica (seven years old !)... all night long it's unclear in whose honor and from where... :-)))

I am proud of my surroundings and those who can... my fingers get numb... losing my keyboard but not giving up... I have always been very politically correct...

Did you move to Donetsk? :)

Congratulations on your daughter's birthday!

Greetings to Clava.


Did you move to Donetsk? :)

Congratulations on your daughter's birthday!

Clava says hello.

tar, I don't think you live there either... all I care about is recharging the battery... (three) full lights, laptops at night... fuck it all... I don't want to... I have a friend from Dnieperudnoi...

We correspond with him... he doesn't understand anything either... I can explain who is who... but it costs at least a month ban...


tar, I don't think you live there either... all I care about is charging the battery... (three) full lights, laptops at night... fuck it all... I don't want to... I have a friend from Dnieperudnoi...

we correspond with him... he doesn't understand anything either... I can explain who's who... but it costs at least a month's ban...

Skype: tushino1

there's a shitload of people who sit here and can appreciate.... :-))) the main thing is why do you need it if you're struggling with your own self...?

I'm a little confused. That you need to improve, with this I absolutely agree. But you have to fight yourself, what is it ? how ?


I'm a little confused. I absolutely agree that you need to improve yourself. But to fight with yourself, is it what? How?

i understand that you have the principle one way or another... and most people come and twist once and twice and three times... what for? to lure the suckers...

(And you don't seem to be a fool and aren't completely lost yet...)


A bit of a misunderstanding. That you need to improve, I absolutely agree with that. But to fight with yourself, what is it? How ?

Sergey, I saw your profile today and your videos in it - it's interesting... And educational for me...

Theproblem is with the timetable.

PYSSA Thank you.

After PSYA Ready to scalp the RTS index...

it's russian.

I understand you're on the one way or the other principle... and most people come in and twist once, twice, three times... what for? to lure the suckers...

(And you don't seem to be a fool and aren't completely lost yet...)

Can you write in Russian, please? I can not understand your point (what you want to say)

one way or another ..... google translates this phrasesomehow

Z.U. No one is not lured anywhere. On the contrary, I say stay away. Do not take anyone's word for it, and me neither. Do verify the information. Think. Learn.


Sergei, looked at your profile today and the clips in it - interesting... And educational for me...

Theproblem is with the timetable.

Thank you. Ready to cooperate.

I won't interfere in your idyll... Sergei, I know a lot, I am not a fool, but your behaviour of late is incomprehensible... I hate Ukrainians too, but in my own way.

A bit of a misunderstanding. That you need to improve, I absolutely agree with that. But fighting against yourself is what ? How ?

And thank you. For the videos. I myself trade through BCS - calendar arbitrage.

QUICK - they offer for consideration...