[THEME CLOSED. Please don't post here] Elliot - page 10


I can't type ... Tears of emotion flood my eyes and flow directly onto the keyboard . The image from the abundance of tears, not clear, so apologies if there are typos ...

It's easy to play.... It's not easy to win if you play.

It's not a game but a job! If you play, you'll get nervous!


It's not playing, it's work! If you play, you'll get on your nerves!

It's hard to call it work anyway. (When others lie to you it is unpleasant, but when you lie to yourself it is horrible).

Otherwise I would ask you to specify what goods the trader produces and how their value is determined. So let go of all this pathos.

And books that often have an exclamation mark at the end of their titles don't bode well.


Well, it's hard to call it work anyway. (it's not nice when others lie to you, but it's horrible when you lie to yourself).

Otherwise I would ask you to specify what goods a trader produces and how their value is determined. So let go of all this pathos.

And books that often have an exclamation mark at the end of their titles don't bode well.

1) You get the impression that the posts were written by the head of the kitchen and or...

2) Razacherovanyy!!!!


For those... Who's on an armoured train!



1) There is a feeling that the Director of the kitchen wrote the messages and or...

2) Razacherovanny!!!!

Put less twitching images of skulls in the screenshots, maybe some more impressions will start to set in .

p.s. Director, not director, and if you produce something, you get some kind of product that has a pricing process. (1st year economics course) . I can assume that such information, you consider unnecessary and meaningless. But unfortunately the market itself is set up in such a way that you need to understand the pricing process first. That's how ... vile, I would even say despicable news....


Less skulls jerking around in the screenshots, maybe some other impressions will come back to haunt you .

p.s. Director, not director, and if you produce something, you get some kind of product that has a pricing process. (1st year economics course) . I can assume that such information, you consider unnecessary and meaningless. But unfortunately the market itself is set up in such a way that you need to understand the pricing process first. That's how ... vile, I would even say disgusting news....

This market is a speculation so-called MMM pyramid!

It will burst, and who will get it!!! And the pseudo-expert will go to the pseudo-expert!

But not me, I have 100% control of the market!

You open up beautifully in spades. If only in the right direction...

This market is a speculation MMM pyramid so to speak!

It will burst and who will get it!!! And someone will go to the pseudo-expert!

But I do not have 100% control of the market!

Then I would like to know from you - what is the difference between the price and the cost price. If you bother to read what it is, I think it would be interesting to know why price speculation is not MMM ?

P.S. In general, look at screenshots of waves and do not worry.