FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 19: September 2012) - page 92

Wow, you're all full of shit)))) I had a hard time reading, I poured two pints in the glass))) Happy Profit and Happy Holidays to everyone)))
That's it, boys and girls, I'm out... the interwebs, don't come with me.

library is clickable, not walkable ))))

I was advised to get off the computer and go outside once in a while and they sent me a clip saying that this song was written for me (maybe this song is for all of us):


MODEL WORKED...waiting for a price reversal next week...and come to think of it, you shouldn't have traded every day...


I was advised to get away from the computer and go outside once in a while and they sent me a clip saying that this song was written for me (maybe this song is for all of us):

Thanks a lot )))) maybe for everybody but me ))) I get up at 6 am, always jog in any weather, take a cold shower, have only raw vegetables and fruits for breakfast, three times a week I do a full-body calisthenics, on Saturday and Sunday we're almost always outdoors or at least in the country with Granny in the seedbeds )))

)))) probably for everyone but me ))) I get up at 6 am, always jogging in all weathers, obligatory cold shower, breakfast only raw vegetables and fruit, three times a week a full-body kallnet, Saturday and Sunday almost always in nature or at least in the country with Granny in the seedbeds ))))
are there any kids in the scheme ? ... :-)))

)))) probably for everyone but me ))) I wake up at 6 am, always jog in any weather, always take a cold shower, have only raw vegetables and fruit for breakfast, three times a week I do a full day of calisthenics, Saturday and Sunday is almost always outside or at least in the countryside with Granny in the seedbeds )))

i thought i was the only one like that ))))
Are there any children in the scheme? ... :-)))

One girl )))
Am I the only normal one, sportsmen? )))

MODEL WORKED...waiting for a price reversal next week...and come to think of it, you shouldn't have traded every day...

As they say victory has many parents, only defeat is an orphan. I'm hurrying to give out the medals, because I also predicted 1.2820 -2850 as a target back in August.