FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Episode 18: August 2012) - page 691

I guess I'm not such a fool when it comes to your advice...

What's the question, what's the advice. But it works 100% (I checked it myself ;), and all these predictions are only 50...

I guess I'm not so stupid as to take your advice...

You've been selling gold again, haven't you?

Have a good correction to for news tomorrow...


I bet he was selling gold again, wasn't he?
Yeah, I forgot to... I forgot to close my bet yesterday.... I went there... Where there aren't even any benches...(not to mention the internet), I arrive and look what I've arrived at...

Have a good correction for news tomorrow...

What are you drawing such beautiful pictures on ????? INAUDIBLE....
Yeah forgot ... to close my bet yesterday.... I went there... Where there aren't even any benches...(not to mention the internet), I arrive and look what I've arrived at...
and against the benches is the principle or what?
is it a principle against the stops?
No, not a principle... Yesterday I bet on the rise to 1.2520... I bet $800, but after I found out I had to leave, I corrected up to 1.2475, so the bets closed, ...... Oh, man... I didn't think gold would go any higher...
Yes, the depo has risen sevenfold in 2 days, but the sells are also hovering at minus for a good third of the depo. It's bad that my brother was out in the evening, he didn't follow me or the robot. I have to control the robot myself and the robot itself. He only helps me, puts orders and moves stops, but following my orders.
Just in case, I removed the sellstops right from under the price, which the robot had set up. Otherwise the robot might hit a few more, and at night the price will go up! Of course, I do not think so. But who knows! In general, it may well go down at night, at least by 20-30 points. But what is the evening movement after the daytime flat?
Need urgent resuscitation of the DEPO, please advise, not enough of your own mind... -73%

There's nothing to write... Wait, what the hell!