Exoteric, psychology for trading. - page 34

Controlled stupidity
- Could you elaborate on your controlled stupidity?
- What exactly are you interested in?
- Please tell me what controlled stupidity is.
Don Juan laughed out loud and slapped his hand on his thigh with a cupped hand.
- That is controlled stupidity," he exclaimed with a laugh, and clapped again.
- I don't get it:
- I'm glad that after all these years you've finally matured enough to ask that question. At the same time, if you had never done so, I wouldn't have cared. Nevertheless, I chose joy, as if I really cared whether you asked or not. As if that's more important to me than anything else in the world. You know what I mean? That's controlled stupidity.
We both laughed. I put my arm around his shoulders. I thought the explanation was great, though I still didn't understand it.
As usual, we sat on the playground outside the house. The sun was already quite high up. On the mat in front of Don Juan there was a pile of some seeds, from which he was picking out litter. I wanted to help, but he wouldn't let me, saying that the seeds were a gift for his friend living in Central Mexico and that I didn't have enough power to touch them.
- Towards whom are you practising controlled stupidity, Don Juan? - I asked after a long pause.
He grinned.
- Towards everyone.
- Ok, then let's put it another way. How do you choose when to practice controlled stupidity and when not to?
- I practice it all the time.
Then I asked him if that meant that he never acts sincerely, and that all his actions are just an act.
- My actions are always sincere," Don Juan replied. - And yet they are nothing more than acting. - But then everything you do must be controlled stupidity," I wondered.
- It is," he affirmed.
- But it can't be! - I protested. - Not everything you do can be controlled stupidity.
- Why not? - He asked with a puzzled look.
- It would mean that you don't really care about anything or anyone. Me, for example. You mean to tell me that you don't care whether I become a man of knowledge or not, whether I live or die and what ever happens to me?
- Exactly. I don't care about that at all. You and Lucio and everyone else in my life are nothing more than objects for the practice of controlled stupidity.
There was a peculiar feeling of emptiness that came over me. It was clear that Don Juan really had no reason to care about me. On the other hand, I had little doubt that he was interested in me personally. Otherwise he would not have paid so much attention to me. Or maybe he was just saying that because I was getting on his nerves. After all, he had his reasons: I had refused to study with him.
- I suspect we're talking about different things," I said. - You shouldn't have taken me as an example. I mean, there must be something in the world you cared about that wasn't the object of controlled stupidity. I can't imagine how you can live when nothing else matters.
- That would be true if it were about you," he said. - What happens in the human world matters to you. But you were asking about me, about my controlled stupidity. And I answered that all my actions towards myself and other people are nothing more than controlled stupidity, because there is nothing that matters to me.
- Okay, but if nothing else matters to you, then how do you live, Don Juan? After all, this is not life.
He laughed and was silent for a while, as if he was trying to decide whether to answer. Then he got up and went behind the house. I followed him. - Wait, I really want to understand! Tell me what you mean.
- Explanation is probably not the best way to go about it. It's impossible to explain, he said. - There are important things in your life that are very important to you. That applies to most of what you do. For me it is different. Nothing is important to me anymore - no things, no events, no people, no phenomena, no actions, nothing. And yet I continue to live, because I have a will. This will has been tempered by my whole life and as a result has become whole and perfect. And now it doesn't matter to me whether something matters or not. The stupidity of my life is controlled by the will.
He squatted down and touched the plants that were drying in the sun on a piece of burlap. I was completely confused. After a long pause, I said that some of the actions of our fellow human beings are crucial after all. Nuclear war, for example. It is hard to imagine a more striking example. Wiping a life off the face of the earth - what could be scarier?
- For you it is. Because you think," Don Juan said with a twinkle in his eyes. - You think about life. But you do not see.
- And if you did, would you see it differently? - I asked.
- When one learns to see, one finds that one is alone in the world. There is no one and nothing else, except this foolishness we are talking about," Don Juan said enigmatically.
He was quiet, looking at me, as if he were assessing the effect of his words.
- Your actions, as well as those of your fellow man, only matter because you have learned to think they matter.
He emphasized the word "learned" with a strange intonation. I couldn't help asking what he meant.
Don Juan stopped looking at the plants and looked at me. - First we learn to think about everything," he said, "and then we train our eyes to look at what we think about. A man looks at himself and thinks he is very important. And he starts to feel important. But then, as he learns to see, he realises that he can no longer think about what he is looking at. And when he stops thinking about what he is looking at, everything becomes unimportant.
Don Juan noticed the look of utter bewilderment on my face and repeated the last statement three times, as if trying to make me understand. In spite of that, what he said made no sense to me at first. But after thinking it over, I decided that it was a very complex formula, having to do with some aspect of perception.
- Our conversation today about controlled stupidity has confused me," I said, "I really cannot understand what you mean. - And you can't. Because you're trying to think about it, and my words don't make sense to you.
- I'm trying to think," I said, "because it's the only way for me to understand. And yet, are you saying that as soon as a man starts to see, everything in the world loses its value?
- Did I say "loses value"? It becomes unimportant, that's what I was saying. All things and phenomena in the world are equal in the sense that they are equally unimportant. Here are, say, my actions. I cannot claim that they are more important than yours. Just as no one thing is more important than another. All phenomena, things, actions have the same meaning and therefore are not important.
Then I asked him if he thought that seeing was 'better' than simply 'looking at things'. He replied that human eyes can perform both functions and neither is better than the other. To accustom oneself to only one of these modes of perception is to unreasonably limit one's capacity2.
Vision dispels the illusions of victory, defeat, suffering
He explained that 'being defeated' is a state, a way of life from which the defeated cannot escape. People are divided into two categories, the victorious and the defeated: depending on this they become persecuted or persecuted. One is alternately in one or the other of these states until one learns to see. Seeing dispels the illusions of victory, defeat and suffering2.
Nothing is particularly important
- I've told you before that our destiny as human beings is to learn, for good or for evil. I have learned to see, and I say there is nothing that matters. Now it's your turn. It is likely that one day you will learn to see, and then you yourself will know what matters and what doesn't. Nothing matters to me, but perhaps everything matters to you. What you have to understand is that a man of knowledge lives by action and not by the thought of action. He chooses the path of the heart and follows that path. When he looks, he rejoices and laughs; when he sees, he knows. He knows that his life will end very soon: he knows that he, like anyone else, is going nowhere: and he knows that everything is equal. He has no honour, no dignity, no family, no name, no homeland. There is only life to be lived. Under such circumstances, controlled stupidity is the only thing that can bind him to his fellow man. So he acts, sweats and puffs away. And looking at him, anyone will see an ordinary man living the same life as everyone else. The only difference is that the stupidity of his life is under control. Nothing really matters, so a man of knowledge simply chooses an action and commits it. But does it as if it matters. Controlled stupidity makes him say that his actions are very important and act accordingly. At the same time, he is well aware that none of it matters. So, when he stops acting, the man of knowledge returns to a state of peace and balance. Whether his action was good or bad, whether he succeeded in completing it, is of no concern to him.
On the other hand, a man of knowledge may not perform any action at all. Then he behaves as if this detachment matters to him. This is also possible, because it would also be controlled stupidity2.
Mutually exclusive prerequisites
Awareness begins with constant pressure of big emanations from outside on the emanations inside the cocoon. Due to this pressure the movement of emanations inside the cocoon is stopped, which is a movement towards death, because it is aimed at the destruction of the cocoon. This stopping is the first action of awareness.
- All living beings aspire to death. This is a truth of which the beholder cannot be unaware," Don Juan continued. - Awareness stops death.
The new visionaries are deeply confused by the fact that awareness prevents death and at the same time is the cause of it, being the food of the Eagle. This cannot be explained as there can be no rational way of understanding being. The visionaries were left with no other option but to accept that their knowledge is based on mutually exclusive premises.
I asked:
- But why have they developed a system that contains internal contradictions?
- They developed nothing," he replied. - The Seers discovered immutable truths, they saw them for what they were. That is all.
For example, a visionary must be a methodical, rational being, a paragon of sober poise; and at the same time he must avoid these qualities in every way so as to be completely free and open to the wondrous mysteries of being.
His example confused me at first, but then I understood what was meant. After all, he himself had maintained my rationality only to one day destroy it and demand its total absence. I told him I understood his point.
- Only the ultimate, the highest equilibrium can become a bridge between mutually exclusive contradictions, Don Juan [7] said.
and this is the next stage... one without the other :-) how can you - for example - not being able to induce a state of Silent Mind for say 1.5-2 hours - be able to visualize the future direction of the couple you need? :-)

Alexander, do you feel so weak on the grass or has the mushroom season already started?
What's your interest? Can I give you an address?
What's your interest? Can I give you an address?

For the purpose of an accurate diagnosis.

and without grass... and mushrooms...

the human brain is itself a good factory for producing the right substances...

concentrating on the pineal gland will eventually increase the synthesis of N,N-dimethyltryptamine

and where there is DMT there is a touch of Spirit...


and without grass... and mushrooms...

the human brain is itself a good factory for producing the right substances...

concentrating on the pineal gland will eventually increase the synthesis of N,N-dimethyltryptamine

and where there is DMT there is a touch of Spirit...

What a word we know...

I'll continue - Mao's Citatnik


The vast majority of human beings tend towards self-absorption.
Of course, the awareness of all living beings is to some extent self-absorbed. Otherwise, interactions between them would be impossible. But no other being achieves the deepest degree of self-absorption of first attention that is present in man. In contrast to reasoned man, who completely ignores the impulses of greater emanations, the self-absorbed man grasps each impulse and transforms it into an effort that churns up the emanations within the cocoon [7].