Exoteric, psychology for trading. - page 37


what is required - nothing difficult in principle :-) - the defocusing of the vision is small... yes, to pay attention to the right parts of the person's body... but about that later...


defocusing... - is essentially the eye position you need to look at stereo pictures... :-) there's nothing difficult in principle:

here's a picture of a mermaid... question - how many air bubbles does she have under her right hand?:-)

click on the image once - to render it in a separate page - enlarge it to full screen and "look" at the floating mermaid....

under the left 6 under the right no.

yyyyy, there are two balls under the right one (or a fish of some kind) and four over the left one. And in general there are about twenty bubbles or parts of them in the picture.



when a mermaid appears, don't strain your eyes - you can blink - just move your gaze along the picture, looking at the details

- just get used to and remember that eye position (slightly out of focus)

it (eye position) and we will use it to see the energy around people - for starters :-)

You say that you have been able to see the aura since childhood. Question.

Have you suffered from strabismus since childhood? )))))))) joke.

In fact, if it is this way (as in the picture) then the aura will be almost translucent with barely perceptible clots of translucent in one way or another.) Or not. If so, is it not an optical illusion ? You can see that when you defocus one eye will look at one layer (plane) of space and the other will look at the other, and you can set the distance between these planes by yourself during training.

ZS: To the underwater beastie. Right above her head is a fish, and around her bubbles, and she looks (turned her scoreboard directly to one of the bubbles). but how many are above her head, it's a matter of relativity, there are also above the hair, do they also count)))))

well, to hell with them..... what's more interesting about the case, how it helps to see the aura, and what does it look like to you, not like a semitransparent shell of an egg under a microscope, is it?)))


)))))) I watched the movie "At the Game", it was bullshit, but I remembered that their pupils kind of vibrated, then expanded, then narrowed, quickly..... So with stereo pictures and defocusing the same thing. The pupil adapts itself, makes defocusing, captures the right angle, adjusts, and focuses again.

There are techniques for going out of the body, for example being in one place, to reproduce in the head the full sensation that you are, say, 20 meters ahead, and to imagine it from all sides both figuratively and by sensation. Then imagine being and feeling at the same time in these 2 points, and then to transfer these sensations to that distant point.

So defocusing is like an auxiliary way to reproduce artificially such sensations through vision. i.e. reproducing the sensation of being in two points of space at once, with the distance between them equal to the step set during defocusing and backfocusing. + plus the sensation of being between these 2 layers.


Here are a bunch more of the same pictures, you can play around with

The principle is exactly the same as in 3v cinema, only here the background is specially chosen so that the original image is not visible. It's usually some kind of colourful periodic ornament

Alesander, taught on your own head, now the baby is squinting, urgently give further corrections to the aura's discretion, or fix it, I am still so young))))))))))))))
Nothing... get used to it... so you can see any stereo picture in 3-15 seconds... it'll come in handy.... and I'll write about the aura later... I'm making myself a salad for dinner... no time... :-)
Nothing... get used to it... so you can see any stereo picture in 3-15 seconds... it'll come in handy.... and I'll write about the aura later... I'm making myself a salad for dinner... no time... :-)
Alexander. How does WTO apply to trading? Have you tried something in this field?
You're all joking, what 3-15 seconds, my whole life is a stereo picture now. Keep enlightening me, or I'll have to watch football today in 3D without glasses).
You're all joking, what 3-15 seconds, my whole life is a stereo picture now. Keep enlightening, or I'll have to watch football today in 3D without glasses).
This is still bullshit, on the next level of initiation we will not only see a mermaid, but the smell of the sea, and then the algae from the teeth will be picking.