Humour - page 22


This one's five )

You start, or else you'll get banned, removed...
What's the point? There was a thread where it was discussed in plain English, and then it was taken down and again in plain English it was said that no one would discuss it here, full stop. Or in the light of recent May and moderator events, is it worth a try? I'll do it now.


Coming soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OK, I'll wait in private.

Apparently the discussion continues here ...
Hello. My name is Vyacheslav, I am 22 years old and I am a pcp programmer. I've been sitting in nhp since I was 18 years old.

The first time I tried pcp was with a friend. We were sitting around discussing web technologies and then he said he had recently tried php. He suggested I try it. At first I didn't agree, it's nhp, I heard a lot of bad rumours about it, I heard it was addictive. But a friend insisted, saying that one should try everything in life and I gave in. He suggested a free script that outputs "Hello world!" It seemed quite harmless, but as it turned out later, I couldn't stop. Very soon, thanks to php, I tried my first cms. I do realize now how dangerous that step was but I didn't understand it at the time and I was enjoying it. Before I knew it, I was starting to feel like writing my own. It only got worse from there. I already risked trying something a bit heavier. I decided to try my first framework. It was fine. But it was a road to nowhere. My relatives had already given up on me, and my girlfriend had left me when she found out that I was using Pxp. I became more and more estranged from my friends and relatives, my environment was made up of the same nhp programmers as me. We would get together at one's flat, connect to a server and program together, using pcp and frameworks. I fell into this trap of pxp and now I can't get rid of it on my own, my life is broken. If I could go back to that time, I would fix it, and never buy into this ploy.
Reminds me of the confession of a crack addict.


-some people are like clouds. They have such a great day!

-Some people make a list of good deeds, I make a "shoot 'em to hell" list.

-A boy raised by sheep has successfully adapted to modern society.

-If a person hates you for no reason, don't be stingy, give a reason.

-Everyone has that person in their life that you think "When are you gonna die, bitch!"

-The best proof of the existence of intelligent life in the universe is the fact that no one has tried to contact us yet.

-At least a closed mouth saves from a broken jaw.

-So that no one wants to dance on my grave, I'll ask you to scatter my ashes over the minefield.

-I don't drink, don't smoke, work out and run in the mornings in order to attend my classmates' funerals and still get the last laugh.

-Trying to stand out from the crowd, you fall in with the crowd trying to stand out from the crowd.

-Optimists think the glass is half full, and I think you can hit people with a glass.

-People are like candles: either they burn or fuck them.

-I made a good man out of me. And the bad man stays.

-Wouldn't it be cool if the new president at the inauguration ate the previous one?

-You're all so different, but you're all the same.

-Tell me I'm wrong and I'll tell you who you are.

-Don't talk to me like you're getting a discount at the trauma clinic.

-Honey, our son was taken to the police after a fight at a gay pride parade... No, no, don't worry, he's a Nazi.

-He was such a rare asshole that his killer was convicted of poaching.

-Nothing convinces you that a soul exists like the feeling of being shit in it.

-If you think you have to try everything in life, start with your own shit.

-When assholes agree with me, I start to think I'm doing something wrong.

-For those who crave a balance with nature, I wish for a thermodynamic one.

-Intelligence is nothing more than the ability to restrain oneself a little longer so as not to give someone in the f.alo.

-I won't be able to change your mind, so I'll go straight to the insults.

-There's nothing wrong with a smart person being stupid sometimes, it's much worse when a dumb person is always being smart.




treasure trove!