Humour - page 330



"No time to rock the boat" (c)

Three stages of poverty in Odessa:
1. No money.
2. No money at all.
3. You have to change dollars.

Survival in the Siberian taiga 1 part



Why do some bite and others miss?


from the web:

"The story took place in the ninth grade. At the next Russian lesson, two typical dipshits were sitting in the back, talking and making a lot of noise. The teacher, a woman in her forties, was not one of those who on such occasions started shouting and demanding diaries. And when she had had enough of these two, she said to them:

- If you don't want to sit, you can leave.
- Would you put down the enki? -
- No," said one of them, after a short pause, "if you open the door with your head.
The door was without a latch, but quite tight. With a smile on his face, the first person approaches the door, taps his forehead softly. It doesn't open. One more, one more, the class was laughing, so was the teacher, the next bang finally got the door open and the first one triumphantly walked out. It's the second one's turn. After assessing the tightness of the door, he immediately speeds up and bangs his forehead against the door. Nothing. The second, third blow is stronger, it does not open. Gathering all his courage and bravery, he bangs his forehead against the door, but it does not open. The people are already laughing. The second one, freaking out, pushes the door with his hands, and the whole class sees that the door is being held from the back by the first one, who has already gone out.

It was a blast, the whole school could hear us laughing ))".

the pindos are stupid


The fiddos are dumb.

These pindo girls speak pretty good russian. ;)

There's a bigger sample here. ;)


The pindos are dumb.

It's obvious it's a production, they'll be going to drama school.

Anyway, a wife shouldn't be too clever. If she can talk, that's good, she's got a mouth.


Well, clearly it's staged. They're going to theatrical school.

In fact, a wife should not be too smart, she can talk - that's good, so she has a mouth.

I think this crude staging is paid for by the state department.

And the mouth... by the way, we don't really need the head either.

Tits and ass, that's all a patriot needs.