Humour - page 323


Ivan the Fool:

Воплощает особую сказочную стратегию, исходящую не из стандартных постулатов практического разума, а опирающуюся на поиск собственных решений, часто противоречащих здравому смыслу, но, в конечном счёте, приносящих успех. 


According to another version "the Fool" is the property status of Ivan the Fool. As he is the third son, he is not entitled to a share in the inheritance (remains a fool).


is it kiev ? ... :-)))


A shout from behind the wall:
-What kind of idiots you are! How long can you play the contrabass, I'm going crazy, it's three o'clock in the morning!

Shouting back:
-You're already gone, I don't have a contrabass!

solar, hi, do you know what the biggest mammal in the world is ?




do you know

what is the largest mammal in the world?

it depends on the starting point ..... a lot depends on it - the starting point ...

(don't look on any website .... dolphin ?)

wiki says blue whale .... (not seen ) dolphins seen ... large

The question was: Do you know what it is like.