Negro! - page 80

Makes sense :)
tara: Here's to understanding :)

Here's the previous closure, by the way:

I'd really like to know where and when this closure (and the opening as well) took place...
To the Annals!
What for? )
sanyooooook: What for? )
A reminder: not only outstanding stupidity is posted in the Annals, but also very apt remarks.
What I really want to know is, where was the closure (and the opening as well)...

The closure is shown above and the opening is here:


tara, explain to a dumb person where they are - both opening and closing. You don't have sell, buy, etc. signatures there. Or do you think everyone understands your drawings?

I understand that there are some dotted lines in the drawing, which may hint. Isn't it difficult to show it without playing guessing games?

tara, explain to a dumb person where they are - both opening and closing. You don't have any sell, buy, etc. signatures there. Or do you think everyone understands your drawings?

On the vertical with the bunny. Anything to the right of this vertical, the Grail:) does not see.
A reminder: it is not just outstanding nonsense that is posted in the Annals, but also very apt remarks.
Right. How about a divorce?
Agree. "A mix of inquisitive wit and mercurial fantasies" and "I'll add to profit" are different things.
tara: On the vertical with the bunny. Anything to the right of this vertical is not seen by the Grail:).
Is the left vertical the opening, the right one the closing? If so, that's pretty cool.
Svinozavr: Right. How about a divorce?
Agree. "A mix of inquisitive minds and mercurial fantasies" and "I'll add to the profit" are different things.
There's no need to dilute anything. The inquisitive mind that reads the Annals will figure out where the stupidity is and where its opposite is.