Negro! - page 109


The context is the accumulation levels of volumes + price level. As in the postulates of analysis: price takes into account everything - this is the price level. Here volume accumulation is the cause and price is the condition. It is the context. Law analysis (cause and condition), value analysis (action and result).

What? Who will give you them if you even have a dealer setting the spreads himself, you said so yourself.

blah, blah, blah ..... I can talk about everything except the basic (I don't know why) for centuries in the same way, although no, I can't, and it won't work in principle. you can sit naked on a cactus an infinite number of times, and each time you sit down, the holes in your skin from the last sitting will not match the new..... But this fact will never help your soft spot get to the surface of the cactus, bypassing the needles. so should we then discuss how, elegantly or with extreme or twists, we will sit on the cactus? i think it smacks of masochism. or sadism, because you yourself do not sit on it, but you offer others this kind of discussion.

PS: And do not be proud to take offense, I do not feel personal animosity towards you. and I have much less knowledge, and I have not yet reached the formalization of the context, but I try, but the hypocrisy is not pleasant to me, and probably not only to me.

by the way you have chosen such a motto for yourself, and there is a suspicion that you know about karmic things. look inside yourself more deeply and ask yourself a question if i am not a hypocrite, because often another thing is hidden behind a desire to help, and such "help"

I'm also surprised by the fact that everyone who looks from their own bell towers cheats, pulling the blanket over themselves, someone through spectra, someone through correlation, someone through equity analysis and balance, but they all eventually produce the same effects.


Karma is simply information and nothing more. So the Law of Karma can be called the Law of Information - this is in a modern manner. Information is something that has no substance (unchanging essence), something that is constantly changing. It is not something external, incomprehensible and unknown, alien. Part of us is entirely made up of karma - it is that which is temporary, an illusion. And the other part of us is substance, that which is eternal, unchanging, permanent, timeless. So in that sense we are all karma (not just me, because I pointed out this fact to you) on one side and not karma on the other. Ignorance of the law (ignorance) does not exempt from responsibility. By the way - the soul is also karma, the essence of the soul is not karma. The fact that I often use this concept, it means my world, my value system and if it does not coincide with yours (where there is more room for beer), which the majority have gathered here (a fisherman sees fish from afar), it does not mean that you can spit in it and wipe your feet on it. And it has as much right to exist as beer.

Don't you feel sorry for people's eyesight? ruin your karma....

SZS: It's not the first time you've rubbed beer in my face, I've never started discussing it here, and the thread is not mine..... it's probably because you lack knowledge that someone wiped his feet with karma here, and I personally do not understand how to wipe his feet, rather it can be about us.... you probably have problems with it, look for them in yourself.


Of course - "buy cheap, sell expensive".

no - entry is nothing, exit is everything! xD

no - entry is nothing, exit is everything! xD
if that's the case, then "profit is nothing, stability is everything!" (c)