Negro! - page 93


So there you go:

Theoretically, there are fish to fry. The size of the real has to be at least 5000 times the size of the virtual to pass the 50% chance point of doubling the real before draining. So, for a real 500,000 times larger than the virtual, the probability of doubling real money before draining is roughly 71%.

One thing I didn't take into account was the deposit, but that's about it for now.


One thing I didn't take into account was the deposit, but that's about it for now.

And then there's the swap fees and so on and so forth.

We have to keep in mind that the more we profit, the more likely we are not to lose it (it seems right).

it's just a matter of time.

jelizavettka: Well, would you do the same if you got a millionaire like that?)

It's all right, it's life, market relations... Whoever has what sells it. About 15 years ago I was surprised to find out that I don't know everything about myself and am capable of some very strange things. So the answer is: I do not know, it all depends on the situation. But if my IQ is below 120 - I probably would not go. What would I have to talk to her about for the rest of my life? Although it's highly unlikely: a scary millionaire with an IQ below 120... no, almost impossible.

A girl is a weak and malleable creature, she needs someone to lean on. Her inner core is much weaker than a boy's. The strongest reason to get married is your own infatuation. It's not even a reason, it's almost an imperative. But one can fall in love out of necessity, convincing oneself of anything...

alexeymosc: They have a standard of living roughly on a par with the Russian average, except in the big cities.

I doubt it very much. Why do they go to Russia illegally?

I read somewhere on a forum that even in big cities in China, the salary of about 400 quid is luxury, people feel rich. Maybe this information is out of date.

But it's impossible to quickly raise the standard of living of a billion and a half people.


Let's simplify the construction to a more understandable one for our ordinary consciousness.

We have, let's say, $4,096 . And that's a case you invest in a cent account (if that's even possible). We want to increase the real with at least 80% probability, but not necessarily double it, but simply exaggerate and withdraw what we have earned. The virtual will equal 100 cents ($1).

The calculation shows that with a probability of at least 80% we will increase the real by 31% or $1,228. To do this, we will have to drain the virtual 3071 times. (That's a hell of a long time...)

But, as I said before, if we want to double with a stat advantage, we need to have at least $100,000....


as understood, the lower the spread, the higher the lilac line will be

as shown in previous calculations


I read somewhere on a forum that even in big cities in China the salary of about 400 quid is luxurious and makes a man feel rich. Maybe this information is outdated now.

But it's impossible to quickly raise the standard of living of a nation of a billion and a half people.

Yes, it's true. There are 7.5 million people living in Shenzhen, the metropolis. The average wage there is 400 quid. And if we take rural China (almost half the population), it's tinny...

But China has over 100 million people. So I think the comparison with Russia on average is not so wrong.

PS: I will assume that they come mainly from rural areas and small towns. But who needs a rural Chinese woman? )) If they do, they should be educated and have a decent family. IMHO ...


Let's simplify the construction to a more understandable one for our ordinary consciousness.

We have, let's say, $4,096. And that's a case you invest in a cent account (if that's even possible). We want to increase the real with at least 80% probability, but not necessarily double it, but simply exaggerate and withdraw what we have earned. The virtual will equal 100 cents ($1).

The calculation shows that with a probability of at least 80% we will increase the real by 31% or $1,228. To do this, we will have to drain the virtual 3071 times. (That's a hell of a long time...)

But, as I said before, if we want to double with a stat advantage, we need to have at least $100,000....

at least in theory)

as understood, the lower the spread, the higher the lilac line will be

as shown in previous calculations

The lower the spread, the lower the coin is bevelled. All in all, it's a complex non-linear system there. The bigger the spread, the less likely the virtual is to increase to insane amounts (the probability of take is reduced below and below 50%), but the same spread eats away at the profit on the real. Basically, by searching for a solution, we can find the ideal spread, or more precisely, its percentage of the corridor, or, even more precisely, the size of the corridor with a more or less fixed spread.

And there are also swaps, commissions, etc. etc.

i.e. in theory it turns out the less profit we grab the more likely that we do not lose (it seems right) ZS: no not right

it's just a matter of time.

Rather, the greater the real/virtual ratio. And the spread is more complicated, you still need to simulate...
alexeymosc: But who needs a rural Chinese woman? ))

Too different cultures. Not an option. Better to look for someone from your own culture.