Negro! - page 96


it is considered the probability of losing the deposit from 100 to zero, it does not matter what the deposit becomes after several wins, what is important is that it was 100 at the beginning

There's a model on mql4, look it up and figure out what's what.

I got it))) But you take it from your tables that the real depo is poured on the amount of the virtual depo before the sinking, without taking into account the previous losses. And the real deposit increases only by the initial bet.

+100 on the virtual. If you win, then +200, then on the real -100. If you continue to win on the virtual, it +400, but the real -100-200 = 300. And when you lose a virtual, then the real will only be +100, and not as much as it was on the virtual before the last step of the sinking.


Yeah I get it)) But you take it from your tables that the real depo is filled to the amount of virtual depo before draining, without taking into account previous losses. And the real deposit increases only by the initial bet.

+100 on virtual. If you win, it's +200, but in real -100. If you win further on the virtual, it's +400, but on the real -100-200=-300. And when you lose the virtual, the real will only have +100, not how much was on the virtual before the last step of losing.

Imagine two cups, from one you pour into the other, one is empty the other is full, the second cup can not be filled more than the size of the liquid in the first.

losing a hundred is one challenge, never mind the fact that the virtual deposit was increased to no more than 10,000

there is a calculated probability of draining 100 before filling it to 10,000
there is a calculated probability of draining 100 before filling it to 10,000

A simple question - how much did the real depo increase if the virtual one only drained in the second trade?

Imagine two cups, you pour from one into the other, one gets empty and the other gets full

And the bowls are connected by a leaky tube.

A simple question - how much did the real depo increase if the virtual one only drained in the second trade?

Yes, and it does not matter on what step we lost. Now look at your table "real depo" column (wonder why 1,3,7...) or the formula:


This means that having a virtual depo equal to 1, profit before the first take equal to 1, with successive take and stop (2 steps), on the real depo we will have:

- 1 - 2 spreads = -1 - 0.2 = -1.2.

+ (1 - 2 spread)*2 = (1 - 0.2)*2 = 0.8*2 = 1.6

-1,2 + 1,6 = 0,4.

and instead of highlighted it should be + (1 - 2 spread)=0.8

Yes, and no matter what step you have drained. Now look at your table "real depo" column (wonder why 1,3,7...) or the formula:

and instead of the emptied should be + (1 - 2 spreads)=0.8

Well, calculate it the right way and we'll see.

With tables and models, and with all probabilities.


OK, calculate it the right way and we'll see.

With tables and models and all probabilities.

I did that on the last page. No need to montecarl, analytically derive mo=0.

I did that on the last page. You don't need to montecarry, analytically derive mo=0.
show the calculations