Negro! - page 97

show the calculations

post 24.04.2012 04:33 on page 95

I do not understand where on the real deposit will be doubling? You can not on the basis that the average game to ruin = 2, just double without taking into account the probabilities.

have a hundred on the virtual, play for everything. If we lose from the first transaction, then the real +100 (without taking into account the spread). If we win, the virtual +200, and the real X-100. Now we play for 200. Withdraw the virtual, the real X-100+200=X+100. If we win on the virtual, then the real X-300, and the virtual +400. Play for 400. Losing a virtual, the real X-300+400 = X+100, ie, as in the simple martin on the real no doubling, but there is an increase in the initial deposit size in each series, until the deposit is not lost

I have to take into account the possibility of losing the real deposit, but otherwise, of course any martin in the chocolates))

For example, virtual 100 and real 300 (for ease of account :)). The table becomes:

0.5 +100

0.5^2 +100

0.5^2 -300

Calculate MO: 0.5*100+0.25*100-0.25*300=50+25-75=0

And so for any size of the real depot and any number of games. Where is the profit? :)

so you did the calculations for 300 real, ran three trials and it all came out to zero
0.5 +100

what does it mean?

you count without spread, without spread the calculations are higher and the trials are bigger

so you did the calculations for 300 real, ran three trials and it all came out to zero

not 3 trials, but all possible outcomes for calculating mo. Similarly for any real depot is constructed

not 3 trials, but all possible outcomes for counting mo. Similarly for any real depo is built
so you do the calculations for virtual deposit 100 and real deposit 10000, not for 300
what does it mean?

0.5 is the probability, +100 is the value of the winnings on the real deposit

0.5 is the probability, +100 is the value of the winnings on the real deposit
i.e. the coin is fair and the calculations are for a coin that is not fair.
so you do the math for a virtual deposit of 100 and a real deposit of 10000, not for 300

the scheme is the same no matter how big or small the depo is. Zero will not turn into anything else))


So the pattern is the same, no matter which depot you take. Zero won't turn into anything else.)

All right, you got it.

Yes, I got it))) But you're taking from your tables with something that the real depo is poured to the amount of virtual depo before sinking, not taking into account the previous losses. And the real deposit increases only by the initial bet.

+100 on virtual. If you win, it's +200, but in real -100. If you win further on the virtual, it's +400, but on the real -100-200=-300. And when you lose a virtual, then the real will only be +100, and not as much as it was on the virtual before the last step of the plum.

That's understandable. You seem to be an oddball writer. I told you, go back a few pages and look at the charts. The probabilities of doubling the real by repeatedly draining a relatively small virtual depot are roughly calculated. What is the problem? We drain the small virtual depo a shitload of times and each time we pour a little bit into the real one.