Why valenok2003 is against MT5


Because when I get to these lines in the textbook, my brain boils over. And it tells me - fuck it. I don't have the intelligence to master these terms. And I don't see the point in trading "other people's" robots.

Объектно-ориентированное программирование

Object-oriented programming is data-focused programming, with data and behaviour inextricably linked. Together, data and behaviour constitute a class and objects are instances of the class.

The components of the object-oriented approach are:

Encapsulation and extensibility of types


That's it?

No one is forcingyou to use OOP.

How many times have I been told: if you don't want to write in OOP style, write in the old procedural style. The changes are minimal.
Developers need to make this idea very clear to the public. And in an article they should clearly describe the comparative characteristics of MT5 and MT4 - for valenki.
Then the developers need to communicate this idea very clearly to the public. And describe the comparative characteristics of MT5 and MT4 in some article, for those of us who are new to the subject.

I once wrote an article on 5 about neural networks and did the code for 4 as well, and one of the goals was to make the code as similar as possible.
I once wrote an article on five about a neural network, and did code for four as well, and one of the goals was to make the code as similar as possible, and it turned out great.
Do you think the topic topic starters of such topics will manage your article? And I think there are a lot of them, including me. And all these people will be lost.
Go to the woods and pick some berries! Said the wicked mother. Don't put them in one basket so that you don't make a mousse!
I am amused by another Old Believers' topic against OOP, don't understand OOP, well, write without it, in support of the topicstarter I can only say that there are even more advanced Old Believers who claim that you can't do without goto operator at all )))))))))))))))))))))))
I am amused by another Old Believers' topic against OOP, don't understand OOP, fine, write without it, in support of the topicstarter I can only say that there are even more advanced Old Believers who claim that you can't do without goto operator at all )))))))))))))))))))))))
Well, I'm an advanced one then...
valenok2003: Well, I'm pretty advanced then...

That's what I mean, I didn't doubt you

It is much easier for a programmer with OOP not to keep in mind how many new variables you will need when permanently changing the code, you will just add new class properties and methods, which will result in a similar addition to all objects of this type

I was giving a simple tick collector code on mql5 as an example, maybe I'll find it, maybe it will help you to believe in the power of OOP

Another Old Believers' topic against OOP is funny, if you don't understand OOP, well, fine, write without it, in support of the topicstarter I can only say that there are even more advanced Old Believers who claim that you can not do without goto operator at all )))))))))))))))))))))))

О! It's goto again! I love it! You can do without it. You always can, but you don't have to.

In some cases goto can simplify and speed up code. I read an article somewhere that drivers are written with it to speed up transitions.

Zhunko: In some cases goto simplifies code and speeds it up. I read an article somewhere that drivers are written with it to speed up transitions.

To simplify code is unlikely, to make it unreadable for others is certain, about speed - it depends on what tasks, and who has what "handwriting when programming", in principle, I do not even want to discuss, it seems that we discussed seriously about benefits and harms of goto http://www.gamedev.ru/flame/forum/?id=69459.

If you get down to the level of program disassembling, loops in all JVS will most likely be organized as conditional jcxz transitions and so on..,

which will essentially be a construct if(cx==0) goto label