Why valenok2003 is against MT5 - page 15


Who are the kitchens going to make money on then?

On the spread. Fair enough. Competition will force it. Anyone who is "rude" will leave clients.

And on their netting (overlapping with clients, with only the difference going to their liquidity provider).


Tough provocation :). I'm not going to prove anything, just to make one observation: in the beginning of my acquaintance with trading I was obsessed with the idea that I should make a robot and it would lay golden eggs for me. With time I was getting more and more inclined to the manual process. Now I believe that price movements are not random, all the keys are in the charts, so I don't even think about automated trading. I'm not thinking about automatic machines anymore. If I don't want to bother with charts much I should not look at minutes, there are bigger timeframes, and MM is not the least important part of the system.

Now on more or less large timeframes it is still possible to earn "foolishly". But the high-frequency ones are already competing so fiercely that the bulk of the automatic machines will inevitably push for longer distances. With gradual tightening there too.

Until the majority of traders voluntarily switch to MT5, MT4 will live - why should a brokerage company give up clients? As long as the majority of the DCs do not give up MT4, Metacquotes will accompany it - after all, money too. And since the "primitives" a la Valenok will never die out, so MT4 will live forever (force majeure is not taken into account). Rather MT4 may transform into MT4.5 or MT6 - some hybrid, but the line will remain IMHO.

Imagine that a brokerage company announces its refusal from MT4 - all the primitives will go to the competitors to the next brokerage company. And for the DC, in the end, it's the money, not the platform, that counts.

220Volt: I was leaning more and more towards manual process with time. I used to think, that price movements are not casual and all the keys are in the charts, so I don't even think about using automatism.

Strange logic. The non-randomness of price movements, "all the keys are in the charts" and so on - it doesn't contradict automatizability at all.

valenok2003: And as "primitives" a la Valenok will never become extinct, so MT4 will live forever.

Probably the fans of the previous terminal (MT3) thought so too. But the last mammoth (from DC) has fallen away recently. All of them died out.


I have a small imho, I have been thinking about this idea for a long time, but was too shy to voice it:

Soon all "hand traders" and other "primitives" a la Valenok will be extinct like mammoths. Just smart and speedy machines will give them nothing from the market, except temporary "fooled by chance".

A global flush is inevitable, a matter of years. Already the symptoms are there.

The more smart and fast-firing automatons there will be, the more chances those who trade with their hands will have. And the more liquid the instrument, the stronger this effect will be.


Strange logic. The non-randomness of price movements, "all the keys are in the charts" and so on - that doesn't contradict automatability at all.

Probably the fans of the previous terminal (MT3) thought so too. But the last mammoth (from DC) has fallen away recently. All of them died out.

This is not a valid comparison. MT-4 is a kind of improved MT-3. MT-5 is a different ideology altogether.

Strange logic. The non-randomness of price movements, "all the keys are in the charts" and so on are not at all at odds with automatability.

Not really. It's easy to find a copy of a pattern programmatically. And what about the similarity? What about a false ejection? And all the automation goes into perpetual waiting mode for confirmation...

The more smart and fast-firing automatons there are, the more chances there will be for those who trade with their hands. And the more liquid the instrument, the stronger this effect will be.

What do you mean by fast-firing automatons? As long as we work through DCs, the rapidity is out of the question. For high-frequency trading robots sit almost on the same server as the exchange. I.e. not just direct output, but as short as possible at that.
What do you mean by rapid-fire machine guns? As long as you are working through a brokerage house, speed is out of the question. For high-frequency trading, the robots sit almost on the same server as the exchange. I.e. not just direct output, but the shortest possible output at that.
This is better to ask MetaDriver. Probably meant something that counts fast, not something that trades fast.
FION: That's not a valid comparison. MT-4 is an improved version of MT-3. MT-5 is a different ideology.

How does this ideology cling to you, if no one forces you to write "in a new way"? Well, yes, for those who write in procedural style there is a slight change; is that what scares you?

"I don't want a free Mercedes because it has all sorts of rich people's trimmings and speed with power much higher than my Zapor. Although you can drive it just like a Zapor. I don't need it anyway - for purely ideological reasons".

Silent: And the similarity? And with false ejection? And all the automatics go into the mode of eternal waiting for confirmations...

You're talking to a deaf person. And how will MT5 be worse in manual mode?