Why valenok2003 is against MT5 - page 20


In my opinion, what is in the link does not solve the problem at all. IMHO there is a huge difference between commands posted on the broker's server(OCO or lock system) and commands coming from the client's terminal. Whatever, I'm sick of it already. I'm sure if quadruple is gone, this niche will be occupied by another terminal whose manufacturers have a different attitude to this issue. Metaquotes tie a trader's hands, and some have joy. What tomorrow? Orders to be sent over the phone :)

Had a look at MT5. Actually surprised: IMHO, the absence of CCA and ifDone is not right. More precisely, these links are there, but very rigidly fixed: the role is reduced only to stops and profits. This limitation of the trader's ability is a disadvantage to the platform.
You can also rip your tonsils out through your ass...
That's exactly my point.
Looked into MT5. Actually surprised: IMHO, the absence of CCA and ifDone is not right. More precisely, these links are there, but very rigidly fixed: the role is reduced only to stops and profits. This limitation of trader's capabilities is a disadvantage for the platform.
Could you create our indicator on MT5?

Because when I get to these lines in the textbook, my brain boils over. And it tells me - fuck it. I don't have the intelligence to master these terms. And I don't see the point in trading "other people's" robots.

Almost a year has passed since I wrote the first post, something has changed in my mind... It's time, I thought, to start the fifth one. I racked my brain, gathered my will, studied several articles, installed the fifth one and tried to log into my trading account - friggum. I call my dealer (signals to the fourth are received only from his server), and it turns out that he does not provide the ability to work on real MT5 accounts - only demo accounts.

ps: To kill time I might as well play World of Warcraft or tanchiki.

pps: Why are there no pictures on the fourth forum? Or maybe it's a sacred meaning of the game. Or does it have a sacred meaning?


Almost a year has passed since I wrote the first post, something has changed in my mind... It's time, I thought, to take up the fifth one. I racked my brain, gathered my will into a fist, studied a few articles, installed a fiver and tried to log into my trading account - fogwam. I call my dealer (signals to the fourth are received only from his server), and it turns out that he does not provide the ability to work on real MT5 accounts - only demo accounts.

ps: To kill time I might as well play World of Warcraft or tanchiki.

pps: Why are there no pictures on the fourth forum? Or maybe it's a sacred meaning of the game. Or does it have a sacred meaning?

Always do that!!! Pump out 25 platforms, learn their languages, do something with them, and then find out if your broker works with them.

Always do that!!! Pump out 25 platforms, learn their languages, do something with them, and then find out if your broker works with them.
To whom my post is addressed, he will understand.
To whom my post is addressed, he will understand.

PS: And the meaning is indeed sacred )). Almost as much as the advertising panel at the top.
Should I reincarnate too )))) or a mere mortal will get banned for this (((

О! It's goto again! I love it! You can do without it. You always can, but you don't have to.

In some cases goto can simplify code and speed it up. I read an article somewhere that drivers are written with it to speed up transitions.


That's right, I've done a lot of assembly language writing in my time, including drivers.

every processor has a JMP command

but the GOTO detractors find it hard to understand - because their minds don't perceive the charms of simplicity


Yura, hi! What's up? Showed up here out of the blue! :-))

The subject is from April of last year.

Reread my posts with interest. Just someone, but not me who wrote them. Didn't recognize myself. But I still use goto.