MT4 doesn't have long to live - page 36


There will be no brokers. There will be trading platforms in the form of servers and their performance will be monitored by sysadmins.

In futures it is possible, but unlikely in stock markets. Where, for example, will sysadmins short securities to clients? Where does it come from? Unlike CFDs, this is not a virtual transaction, but the delivery of real paper on loan, which must be in the possession of the lender. There are other nuances

And even the issue with futures and options is ambiguous. Because every broker has a different risk model and conditions provided to clients therefore. If it miscalculates, it might go bankrupt and there have been such cases even recently (MF Global for example). If there will be a single broker-sysadmin there will be no competition on these terms, and his miscalculation will be the downfall of the whole site. And within one account and one margin a broker can represent access to dozens of markets, and how it will be carried out if the access to each market will be independent?


In futures maybe, but hardly in stocks. Where, for example, is a sysadmin going to short clients? Where does it come from? Unlike CFDs, this is not a virtual transaction, but the delivery of real paper on loan, which must be in the possession of the lender. There are other nuances


Obviously, one needs another to short one - the one who enters the long.

Not a virtual client and the same real price...


As for margin trading (lending), the only question is who will lend and monitor the situation. If it will be a broker - they will stay.

If it's a kitchen, too...

And there's the sysadmins again.


on futures maybe, but hardly on stocks. Where, for example, would a sysadmin give shorting papers to clients from? From what stocks? Unlike contracts for difference, this is not a virtual transaction, but a delivery of real paper on loan, which must be in the possession of whoever is lending it. There are other nuances

There are no nuances. On electronic exchanges, sysadmins have nothing to do with trading. On non-electronic exchanges, neither do they.

There are depositories for this purpose.

Thank God there will still be a depository! But if on the side of the rooms with servers and sysadmins, legal access to it will probably be possible, then on the client side, without a special intermediary - a legal entity with the right to work on the "trading floor", I think there is no way.


Do you think the stock exchange is a club of brokers or a place where trades are recorded?


It's not my way, it's more your way.


Obviously one needs another to short one - the one who enters the long.

Not a virtual client and the same real price...


You are obviously confusing the kitchen scheme with the exchange scheme. After clearing, your paper can no longer be sold without your knowledge, and if you only borrow from those who enter intraday, the short list will be very modest and very limited in the amount of securities available for shorts. The broker will short mostly securities that he has on hand or funds that he represents.

Well, thank goodness the custodian stays! But if on the side of the rooms with servers and sysadmins, legal access to it will probably be possible, but on the side of the clients, without a special intermediary - a legal entity with the right to work on the "trading floor", I think that there is no way.

Are you the depositary?

Why the fuss? Re-qualify as a sysadmin - you can't do without one.



There are no nuances. On electronic exchanges, sysadmins have nothing to do with trading. On non-electronic exchanges they have nothing to do with it either.

Have you ever traded on an exchange or just exchanged webmoney? I've been trading for 12 years and I know better than you about the nuances. Learn the basics :)
Exchanges will be ... But clearing houses and brokers will disappear

- ..This song is good, start again!

And what will the intermediaries between the individual client and the legal entity exchange be called?


There are no nuances. On electronic exchanges, sysadmins have nothing to do with trading. On non-electronic exchanges, neither do they.
The main thing is to make money)). By the way, is your new system churning already?