MT4 doesn't have long to live - page 17


This is how I work. Netting is unacceptable to me.

And as long as there are people like me, MT4 will not die.

Thank you for your attention.

There are no irreplaceable people, there are the irreplaceable (c) Stalin.

I don't mean that the physical elimination of lockers will lead to the death of MT4, because it is not necessary.

On the contrary, I wish you good health and long life!

The problem is totally different, namely the deposits of lockers do not live long. They will reverse trends, and with them come margin calls. Lockers will sell out, and they will look for the money for new deposits. And loosers are unlikely to be willing to lend. And the kitchens, too, will not maintain their own blood servers and support and wait for the return of lockers on cent accounts, not to mention the fact that they tolerate the strategy, which most of the time sitting in the locked state, ie out of the market, and spit and change the platform for a more supportive traders.

So your physical and moral desires will sooner or later not coincide with the financial appetites of kitchen brokers and that will be the end of the MT4 story all by itself.

So don't even dream or hope for a miracle, because the trading platform in kitchens can only be supported financially, and therefore only at the expense of those traders who drain through it. If you are ready to take up patronage and maintain uninterrupted work of MT4 servers at your own expense, then I have nothing against it.


Back in the early '90s there was an AT PC. I wrote an accounting program for it. I had an accountant working on it, she filed reports for taxation. In 2005(!!!) she came to me (she kept making reports using an AT and submitting them) and said: "Everything is on the Windows, and I use a Norton". Change it. Why switch?

Radically changed computers, but why? Have they changed our commercial life? Forum? A chat room? But online rail tickets have been sold since the late 1960s!!! What has changed in the sale of railway tickets in Moscow? I'm comparing it. And every time I'm convinced I'm right, I hit the sysadmins over the head every morning. The computer world has been overrun by packaging, sparkling, shiny, but packaging used to hide the squalor of thought.

Your thought offence is clear, surrender your modern computer and don't touch it again. Otherwise you are violating your ideals.

Instead of constructive, there is a wave of myths and resentments against the system and politics. I recommend you to read the current state of affairs of MT5 and the related articles at

I wonder how lockers get out of locs??? The lock is required to break! Why lose the extra spread and load the depo with extra margin? You cannot understand lockers with your mind - this is the part of telepathy.
I wonder how lockers get out of locs??? Locs are required to tear!
Ooh, that's a whole religion. The more ways you know, the better a locker you are. What am I... I'll have people come running out and tell you.
I wonder how lockers get out of locs??? The lock is required to break! Why lose the extra spread and load the depo with extra margin? You cannot understand lockers with your mind - this is the part of telepathy.
And they do not go out of the locks, because it's a violation of the basic principles of locking. After all, according to the ideology of locking, you need to enter the lots with a loss, and to exit with a profit. The first part is successful without problems. But no one has ever managed to wait for profit to be generated in a lot. But they have not given up hope, because hope is the last to die along with the lock.
I wonder how lockers get out of locs??? The lock is required to break! Why lose the extra spread and load the depo with extra margin? You cannot understand lockers with your mind - this is the part of telepathy.

They say search rules for a reason. Try googling, like: "How to correctly handle locs at". There's a lot of information there, including posts which are DEFINITELY good, both in content and volume of a whole article... :-) I don't remember the address now, but "he who seeks, he will find! :-)
And they do not exit locks, because it is a violation of the basic principles of locking. After all, according to the ideology of locking you have to enter lots with losses and exit with profits. The first part is successful without problems. But no one has ever managed to wait for profit to be generated in a lot. But they have not given up hope, because hope is the last to die along with the lock.

Don't exaggerate, Yuri, you know it's not so ... :-)

How happy everyone is that the developers have forbidden opening more than one position. You all rejoice like children. Tomorrow they will ban something else, it will make you even happier. Really? :)


Now about the locks. Have you ever thought that you can use oppositely directed positions not only for lots (for a lock, as you understand it), but also simply to trade two different strategies at the same time?

Would you say you can do it by opening just one position? Okay, here's an example: Price is at 1.500 and we take a take at both 1.550 and 1.450 using different strategies. We open two positions, each according to a different strategy. It is clear here. Now, if we open only one position - which one should we open first? Where the price will go first is unknown. We open a buy position at Take 1.550, and the price decides to go to 1.450 first. Or vice versa. In other words, we will trade now as before, but the profit will be twice less. It is nice, isn't it?


Don't exaggerate, Yuri, you know very well it's not so ... :-)

Of course, I'm exaggerating a bit. Some of the bravest lockers sometimes left the lots, but when they noticed that the price went against the grain by one or two pips, they immediately put in their trousers and went back to the lots.

To the Brave we sing a song (c) M. Gorky


So your physical and moral desires sooner or later do not coincide with the financial appetites of kitchen brokers, and at this point the history of MT4 will end by itself.

I might add, however, that the 4 has a valuable quality - stability, not the least of which. Looking at the 5, however, it seems that the whole contrived structure is constantly crumbling under the weight of its own gravity. In non-stop mode there are constant new bugs and builds for years. Claims of stable releases are just declarations. The developer at the time says that they are working on a heap of their own new ideas. It is unlikely there will be a mass move to five in the coming years in such circumstances. And it's actually harder than 5 in terms of creating a robot program, and unwillingness to learn has nothing to do with it. While in 4 you only have to give a command and handle a dozen of errors, a whole epic in code begins with 5. And where is the perfection and convenience for the average trader? For a professional or amateur bank programmer programming for fun - perhaps...

An indirect confirmation that faa 1947 is right about irrelevance of "colourful wrappers" - coloured panels and stuff, is the fact that the question: Who noticed that EX5 gradually become a full-fledged application in MetaTrader 5?

received 0 replies on this forum, although Renat usually prefers not to notice this and keeps arguing with reality, saying that they don't want to learn and so on.