MT4 doesn't have long to live - page 7


Here you are and you've even switched to a fiver and managed to do a multi-currency test. Is it really that bad?

I can already see the flaws. And I'm thinking of making my own version of a multi-symbol stacker on MT4, remember the villagers showed?

Only not on the balance, but everything is serious. Although, it is simple. We insert the function of recording maxima and minima of equity of each minute bar into the owl code.

Then we feed the obtained arrays into the central brain which outputs the result of diversification on several pairs, in terms of equity.

After that MT5 can go to rest.

No, just to give you lockers a laugh. You'll be trading on 4 in the most kitchen kitchens, for everyone will more or less switch to 5.

Those who need locks will probably trade in other terminals. Today MT is the only quality product in which trading systems can be automated. But it is quite possible, and I would like to believe, that MT's competitors will also step up in this direction.

OnGoing: Скармливаем затем полученные массивы в центральный супермозг, который рисует на выходе картинку результата диверсификации на нескольких парах, причем по эквити.

That's it, then MT5 can go to rest.

No, it can't. Quotes of another symbol, which is not a test symbol, are fundamentally unavailable in the terminal quaternary. And they can be useful in a true multi-currency trading ("analysis of several pairs -> open on several pairs"). I have it exactly like that.

I can already see the shortcomings. And I'm thinking of making my own version of a multi-symbol stacker on MT4, remember the villagers showed?

Only not on the balance, but everything is serious. Although, it is simple. We insert the function of recording maxima and minima of equity of each minute bar into the owl code.

Then we feed the obtained arrays into the central brain which outputs the result of diversification on several pairs, in terms of equity.

After that MT5 can go to rest.

Maybe some code? Your own :)
No, it doesn't. The quotes of other symbols are not available in the terminal. And they can be useful in a true multi-currency trading ("analysis of several pairs -> open on several pairs").

Why. The minute bars in the run for each symbol are strictly synchronised. Try it, experiment at your leisure.


Maybe some code? Your own :)
What code?
Anything on the subject stated
With interactivity and from one ip
Anything on the subject stated
On what topic and why?
OnGoing: Why. The minute bars in the run for each symbol are strictly synchronized. Try it, experiment on your own.

Once again. When analysing the EUR market, I need quotes from a dozen symbols that are EUR crosses. EURUSD alone is not enough for me.

And MT4 tester won't let me do that, regardless of synchronisation. It only sees quotes of the symbol set as being tested, and that symbol is one.

P.S. You can, of course, save the entire history of other symbols in the files and then retrieve them from there. But, as you understand it, it is already extracting tonsils through the rectum.