[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 73


2012.02.03 14:00:00 '3712081': order was opened : #154470862 sell 0.19 EURUSD at 1.31443 sl: 1.32455 tp: 1.30455

Good with targets this time...



They already have nothing to talk about and you drag them over here )))) (chuckles)))

Today promises to be just as interesting as yesterday.

You must be taking some kind of course. Like: "How to become a successful Kalyan???" )))

You'd better imagine shovelling snickers, the question is only today or early next week))))

bought some SUPER DABLE SNICKERS ;)))))


I'm having a monologue? Guys, wake up!!! :)))
bought some SUPER DABLE SNICKERS ;)))))
i fixed everything... good bidding to all.
MOBILICH tell me just for interest, do you keep January selves?
MOBILICH tell me just for interest, do you keep January selves?

Any thoughts?

Any thoughts?

By the way about robots, it is possible to make a profitable one, but it is such a difficult, costly task that it is much more profitable to just trade with your hands )))

By the way about robots, it is possible to make a profitable one, but it is such a difficult, costly task that it is much more profitable to just trade with your hands )))

Then you'll be the first))) Temporarily profitable yes, permanently not.

Then you'll be the first))) Temporarily profitable yes, permanently not.

huh... Well, not to get ahead of the curve, first you need good data centres, quality quotes flow, customer service staff, at least some kind of no one and finally the program itself which of course will require some tweaks ... I'm not going to be the first ... I said it's easier and cheaper with my hands ))))