[Archive!] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts & Consequences (Episode 12: February 2012) - page 80

Then.... there will be a bullfight. (you don't have them rotten...) (a broker called me from Moscow today! they buy news for 2 lime quid - I see what kind! well in a friendly way said where it would go....)

Don't I have eyes to ask anyone?

Don't I have eyes to ask anyone?
stay away from the scalper )))))))
Where's the lift man? )))
Come to me my victims )))))))))))
Come to me my victims )))))))))))

sorry nikolai i'll definitely pass )))))

I can't praise you enough. Learn from me, guys. Look at the time and how much I've done. REAL score.


I can't praise you enough. Learn from me, guys. Look at the time and how much I've done. REAL score.

nikolosha walrus will be knocking on your door )))
By the way, to boast of such a picture is to signify your own illiteracy)))

(it's Nikolasha the walrus coming to knock on your door)))

Too late ) already closed )))) +140$ on the depo 80$ in 5 minutes