[Archive] FOREX - Trends, Forecasts and Consequences (Episode 11: January 2012) - page 231

Fucking kids, they drew a hammer on the clock..... well done.... and with volume in red.... so that the bottom has been temporarily identified. ))))))

How is it going on MT5? Have you lost a lot of deposits?
I don't go there, I sometimes post screenshots on Alpari.
I don't go there, I sometimes post screenshots on Alpari.

I asked Stranger)

How is it going on MT5? Have you lost many deposits?

There are a lot of screenshots with buys, many people like Tanoric are still buying)))

There are a lot of screenshots with bajas, many like Tanoric are still buying)))
are you teasing? i got it, i did not buy it :(((

There's a bunch of screenshots of bajas, many like Tanoric are still buying)))

I'll go and have a look)
Fucking kids, they drew a hammer on the clock..... well done.... and with volume in red.... so that the bottom has been temporarily identified. ))))))

This is like a continuation of the trend.
What are you teasing? I didn't buy it :(((

Nah, I just don't get it. Of course I didn't, I wasn't even going to)))

This is like a continuation of the trend.
from 2750 could continue - it's fixing now!

This is like a continuation of the trend.

At least not this week, maybe in the future we will test this level....