Interesting and humorous - page 121

They will fight for the motherland. And it's time for the lawmakers to get their hands on the sensitive spot. You illiterate rabble-rousers.
Don't grab the end. Find the beginning.

It is time to introduce a bill on liability for the authors of the bills.

What's stopping you from doing that?

Register on public services, vote for published initiatives or add your own.

Of course, the project is still raw (the engine on the roi is slow, and there's a lot of emptiness on the widgets). Of course, collecting votes for initiatives is slow and it's not a fact that votes will be collected. Of course, it is not certain that the initiative which has collected votes will be implemented in the form of a legislative act (look at how the Duma is trying to take over the Navalny initiative). But it is nonetheless a way of articulating their needs and being "heard".

I've spent time researching initiatives at the federal level and found to my surprise the ones I decided to vote for. What's more, I discovered what I wanted to publish myself.

Here's a list of what I've decided to support, check it out, maybe you'll be interested in it too:



On a well-known literary forum ( ) yesterday I posted my review of the last book I read. I think it will be of interest to everyone here and here! Copy in full.


Greetings everyone!
Just finished reading the book! Creepy! I wish I'd never started! Wasn't immediately sure which thread to "unsubscribe" to. I decided this particular thread, Mysticism. would be the most appropriate!
Although there's virtually no mysticism, but there's plenty of creepiness! Here's the book: Parasites: The Secret World |- by Carl Zimmer
A documentary, popular science book:
"PREVENT a world where parasites control the minds of their hosts, sending them to their deaths.
ENCOURAGE a world where parasites use chemical weapons and camouflage themselves behind the molecules of their host.
Envision a world where parasites are setting evolutionary direction and most species live a parasitic lifestyle.
IDENTIFY? Welcome to Earth!

It was after such an announcement that I set about reading in my reader. I learned a lot of interesting and instructive things.
But it is better not to know such things, honestly!
Normal and sane people had better not know about those scary personages who live in our bodies. They reside right now, in me and in all those who are reading these lines. "Living on brazenly! Unscrupulously!
However, apart from all the unflattering horror in the book there is a lot of interesting information!
For example.
Since school we all know that in Africa there is poisonous fly "Tse-Tse", even its only bite is fatal to humans! Well, - this fly is not poisonous at all! The death of man comes not from the bite itself but from the fact that with its spine a fly launches nematode parasites into blood. Which in a few weeks (or even days) incites hard so called sleeping sickness (with all that it implies)!
Many of us have seen funny pictures on the internet of men from an African tribe (excuse me) with scrotums the size of pumpkins,! The reasons for such an anomaly are not at all what is stated in the link. The real cause is nematode worms (trimatodes) living in local cattle. When consuming blood and meat of these animals they (parasites) easily penetrate the walls of the human stomach and settle freely in the organs of the fleeing host, deforming and adapting them (organs) for their comfortable existence!
Such curious plots in the book are interspersed (for example) with harsh and unflattering scenes of excreting half-meter-long parasitic worms from the muscles and lymph of human elephantiasis (ugh, ugh, ugh - God forbid!)! Not everyone, of course, will be too interested in the process. Also the extraction of the "insidious" parasite worm from the apple of the human eye looks unappetising!
And here is another species of nematode. It penetrates a large ant, climbs through the internal organs into the ant's head, then cuts it (the head) from the torso! Further, it lives comfortably in the head, gradually eating it from the inside and "raising" its offspring there. Meanwhile, the poor ant is still walking around for a long time with its head cut off.... (the scene is as if from a horror movie).
And the collective (without irony) mind of parasites often comes as a shock!
Of course, after reading the book, someone may find it amusing while "hanging out" with friends to show their knowledge of the "subject"! For example, if it comes to mice and rats, one might casually state that the "parasitic worms" in rats have long since divided up the "seats" in the rat's intestine. The spiny-headed glistideworms had long ago, at an early stage of evolution, pushed the tapeworms from the "bread" part of the intestine adjacent to the stomach - to the very end of the intestine, - closer to the anus.
Speaking of 'parasite worms'! Few people have ever considered that they have to live under rather harsh conditions! The peristalsis of the intestine implies "perpetual movement" of the waste masses. And the poor buggers have to constantly overcome this movement! All their lives. In other words - to live "against the current"!
That's the way it is...
I hope my book review was useful, interesting and "readable"!




What the country has been reduced to
What the country has been reduced to

You shouldn't have gone after Faa!

It is now clear that these parasites are running it.


You shouldn't have gone after Faa!

It is now clear that these parasites are controlling him.

What do we do now? We gotta do something to save the guy. If you give him a break, maybe they'll leave him.
What are we gonna do? We gotta do something to save the guy. If we give him a break, maybe they'll leave him.

I don't think so. Look at Egypt.
